
Bilingual French-English Daycare in Toulouse


Hello everyone,

Nice to meet you all.
My husband and I, together with our 2.5 yo little boy, are currently living in Zurich.
Because of a job offer, we are considering moving to Toulouse.

I'm getting few info here and there but what I'm missing is if there are bilingual daycares in the city.
I don't want my son to attend the International school not because I have something against them at all but because they offer a british curriculum and I'm not british. I just would like him to keep the English as a language while we move through Europe.

And also, is Toulouse a nice place to live in as an expat? Safe, organised? Is it green? We're very spoiled here in Zurich, on so many levels, but of course France is always appealing :)
Thanks for all the news and tips you would like to share!

Best wishes

See also

Study in ToulouseStudy in FranceUniversities in ParisSchool recommendation ToulouseLearning french in France for a deaf expat

Hi Chiara,
I'm an American who's married to a Frenchman and we have an almost 4 year old little girl who attends a bi-lingual school in Toulouse.  To be more correct, it's actually located in Balma but it's only 6 metro stops from the center of Toulouse, where we live.  It's called Mon Ecole, My School and they follow more the Montessori approach but follow the french school curiculum. If you are interested, they start taking children in the petite section at 2.5, the exact age of your son.  My daughter started going there when she was aroung the same age and it was perfect.  The kids can stay all day (9-16:30) which they take a long nap after lunch OR you can program them to go to school for only half day. There is no school on Wednesday, as is the case in most of France.
The tuition is about $400 a month not including the cantine.  YOu should just google the schools name and note Toulouse as well, as you'll find it easier.
I personally love the school as the classes are tiny, I think there are only 9 kids in the petite section right now. My daughter is now in the middle section and the school goes to 10 years old, borken up in 3 sections.
All the teachers are bilingual and even most of the assistants are bi-lingual as well.  If you plan on staying for some time in Toulouse, I think  you'll like it.  It's human scale, quite clean and not as nearly as cold as Zurich but if you have the need to get the snow, the local mountains are only an hour away.  The mediterranean only 1.5 hours to Narbonne.  Barcelona 4 hours and Biarritz 2.5 hours.
Toulouse is a great place if you have a family as there is a lot to visit and to do culturally.  It is the 4th largest city in France and Airbus brings a lot of ex-pats to table so it's quite inernational for it being not such a big city like Paris (where we used to live by the way before movint to Toulouse).
Well, I think I've given you enough to chew on and I wish you good luck with your decision either way.


Hi Monique,

Thanks so much for your reply.
At the end, we decided to stay in Zurich but France is always an attractive destination. How knows about the future.
I wasn't certain about Toulouse mostly because I couldn't find that much info about kids on the web and I didn't (still don't) know how transportations work.
Anyway, thanks again and I hope all the best for your lovely adventure!
Warm regards