
Top hiring sectors in Cairo



let’s talk about job opportunities in Cairo.

What are the top hiring sectors?

And according to you, what are the most promising job sectors, which will keep creating jobs in Cairo?

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience,


See also

Job offers in CairoWork in CairoSetting up a business in EgyptWork in EgyptInternship in Egypt

Hi Julien,

Regarding Job opportunities :D there are not really alot of opportunities in the market atm and specially for fresh graduates that's why many people are heading to start there own business and being Entrepreneurs.

But when the situation is stable in Egypt I think the Energy,Constructions and Telecommunication sectors are always creating job opportunities here in Egypt.


when I left in June the market was quickly dying. I spent 4 months looking for a job and found none. Hence why I left. The job market is almost nil, even for foreigners. Thousands of companies have left Egypt since January 2013, leaving behind thousands of unemployed workers. Also the instability of 2 revolutions in 2 years doesn't help any economy nor does it lure in investors. it frankly has done the exact opposite. Egypt's job sector is going to be devastated for decades to come. very sad because it's not a bad country, just loads of bad luck.


Hi IbrahimAbdellatif and meems74,

Thank you for sharing :)

Hasnaa Team