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Here's one which is kinda topical though me.

My wife is Japanese, and this weekend is our wedding ceremony!!
That's probably confused a lot of people already :P 
In Japan, when it comes to weddings, state is very seperated from religion. We got married in the legal sense last year, but whole ceremonial stuff is this year (saved up enough cash!!!).

My question to fellow expats.
If you have a partner, what form of wedding ceremony would you have (or had)? Would it be that of your home country? Would it be that of your partners? Or, in the case where both of you are expats, would it be that of the country where you are living?

In my case, we are having a Japanese Shinto ceremony, followed by your average style Japanese reception party (which is kinda like a more organised and formalised version of a UK reception party... all squeezed into 2 hours!!!).
What about you??

See also

Living abroad: the expat guideQuiet place but not isolatedanyone tried deepseek?How Is This Possible?How did you decide to be expat?

Enjoy your ceremony Gavin, congratulations to you and your wife!! :)

If I get married it would probably be in Spain ... where the ceremony is different than in France. I haven't got that much time at the moment (I am in London for work) but I'll explain you everything this week end ;)


i'm getting married in less than 3 weeks. i'm a german, my wife-to-be is south african. marrying in south africa we'll have a rather south african style wedding but a lot less formal than usual weddings would be.
our ceremony is on the beach barefeet in the sand, looking over table mountain and robben island. the reception is in a cozy restaurant on the top of a hill from where you can see table mountain and robben island (doh, again, how boring), the beaches, the winelands and the mountains behind them. pretty awesome outlook from up there. after the sun has set we'll see all the lights of cape town and surrounding suburbs.


Gavin, I actually forgot that post. Is there a few pictures of your wedding on your blog? Do women wear white clothes in Japan like in Europe?

Kazana, it sounds like you're getting married in a real paradise! (I absolutely want to see pictures too)


Congratulation to Galvin and Kazana!

I'm myself getting married next year.
He is Italian and I'm French. We met in Ireland 4years ago. He is already back to Italy and I'm going to join him in couple of months.

Since I have Senegalese origins, we decided to do a mix of everything during the wedding: Franco- Senegalo- Italian wedding.
I have to say that we are still working on the exact date... but we are determinated to do it.

I believe that a multi-cultural wedding could be quite beautiful only if the two cultures are present. I understood that you are British, so it would be good to put your British touch with the food, the music or even your clothes.
Multiculturality is, unfortunately, still seen as original. So why not putting the finger on it.

Civil or religious ceremony are quite formal, but the afterwards' parties are always the couple's wishes.

Both of you enjoy, it's a one life time party!!!



i'll probably share some of the finest pics once we get them from the photographers.
in fact, i'm not british, i was born in south africa, but spent most of my years in germany. so, if i had to nail it down, i'd say i'm german. but actually i rather feel like a "global nomad", and quite comfortable abroad.

thanks for the wishes, awa, and i hope everything goes smooth with your franco-sengalo-italo wedding (wow, what a combination, that MUST be good)...


"global nomad" -> I like that expression, I also like "citizen of the world" :)

Take care of yourself mates!


Hi there,

just wanted you people to know, we had a great wedding, although the weather pretty much sucked. But anyway, we both had a blast because our best man and maid of honour did such a great job at taking the work off our hands during our wedding day.

And as promised, here's a picture:

cheers for now,



Hello Kazana,

you are a beautiful couple ! Congratulations for your wedding !!

What is the destination of you honey moon ?? :cool:

I think that your wife has some resemblances with Tea Leoni on her face... hopefully, it is a compliment for you too ;)


Congratulations! :):):)

I wish you the best!



You are sharing with us a such beautiful picture !
All my wishes of happiness for both of you!


Olivier de Montréal

My best wishes of hapiness!!


Beautiful photo!

We just had a traditional American wedding 24 years ago.  On our 25th anniversary we are thinking about doing a reaffirmation in our church here in Russia, doing photos all over the city and then having a big party afterward... Russian style!

There are photos of a Russian wedding on my photoblog in the September archive!


thanks for all the wishes!
unfortunately, we'll have to wait a bit before we have the time to go on honeymoon. we're just too busy at the moment selling everything and preparing our relocation to dublin. but after we've settled in in dublin, we'll go for honeymoon to paris. my wife (hehe, so cool to say that) hasn't been there, yet, so she can't wait to visit it.

@loloieg: erm, i don't know who tea leoni is, so i just take that as a compliment. :)

@blackpurl: i like that reaffirmation idea. we also thought of that - but first we'll have to focus on the present to make sure we get that far! :)




Cool Pic Kazana. Both of you look so happy :)

My pics are at

The site is a bit slow at the moment for some reason, but hopefully you should be able to get there.


I'll have a look to your pictures gavin, I like traditional weddings :)

What is this object you've got in your right hand?


Julien wrote:

I'll have a look to your pictures gavin, I like traditional weddings :)

What is this object you've got in your right hand?

Its a traditional fan. Didn't actually open it though to have a look at the pattern though. Dohh!


Your pictures are absolutely fantastic !!! :)


I am German met a Brit in the Bahamas and seeing that we both live here we got married in a church  in the Bahamas .......:D

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