
Nanny Friends Wanted!



    Single While female seeks...just kidding. But I am looking for other AuPairs looking to widen their circle of acquaintances, explore the city, shop, grab a beer, and b**** about culture and calismak.
    I live in Beykoz (upper Asian side) and recently lost my Asian-side buddy, so I would love a nearby nanny for easy meet ups. But I am across the bridge in Bebek/Besiktas/Beyoglu every week too.
    If you are NOT an expat, please do not contact me. I am not interested in more Turkish friends/tour guides/MEN. Thank You!

See also

Living in Istanbul: the expat guideLooking for Photographer/ Videographer PartnerForeigner couple looking for friendsIndian in IstanbulIndian family living in Türkiye?

i'm lebanese if u r interested


VadaMoiselle wrote:


    Single While female seeks...just kidding. But I am looking for other AuPairs looking to widen their circle of acquaintances, explore the city, shop, grab a beer, and b**** about culture and calismak.
    I live in Beykoz (upper Asian side) and recently lost my Asian-side buddy, so I would love a nearby nanny for easy meet ups. But I am across the bridge in Bebek/Besiktas/Beyoglu every week too.
    If you are NOT an expat, please do not contact me. I am not interested in more Turkish friends/tour guides/MEN. Thank You!

Are there any particular reason that you don't wanna contact with Turkish friends and especially MEN? I know Turkey is a 3rd world country and majority of the men( and women as well ) try to be a friend with the foreigners just to fled from the country. But it doesn't mean that all Turks' aims are same!

So, please don't be prejudiced about all Turkish men :wink:



I have many many Turkish friends and they are all wonderful, and every helpful. However, what I DONT have much of is other EXPAT NANNY friends. Thus the one and only reason for THIS post on an EXPAT website. I am becoming very frustrated with all the messages I am receiving from men who are NOT expats and can thus NOT address the my EXPATRIATE needs.

   I'm not really sure what interest or possible input a Turkish man could put into a conversation about the problems Nannies have with the children they teach, and sharing sympathetic experiences and advice on how to do their these Turkish men have never been nannies working with foreign children.
   I'm sorry, I thought that was rather obvious from the way I worded my post.
   If these men want a date (which is clearly what they are seeking) they should do it the traditional way. Buy a girl a drink in a bar, or ask a coworker to go to dinner with them some day after work. Don't stalk girls on the street or email them on an Expat website for Allah's sake!


VadaMoiselle wrote:

Don't stalk girls on the street or email them on an Expat website for Allah's sake!

:lol: As you know single(!) men's aims are same all over the world. On the other hand, your definition's above answer can be given like that: "Welcome to Turkey" :)

Actually, I lived in Australia Perth for just over 1 year and I realized that girls never being stalked by men on the street and disturbed as well. I think this situation is related about education and rules of manners.



Turkey is not a 3 rd world country. Its a developing country. Also a member of G20 and E7. I had the opportunity of visiting some 3 rd world countries and Turkey is definetly not 3 rd world country. For some part of the country (not all regions) its even more developed than some europien cities.


Turkey, contrary to the politicians, is definetely a 3rd world country and to be a member of G20 and E7 doesn't mean that it is developing.

In my magnificent country if you don't have good conditions you can't get sufficient health, education and similar services. Also, because of the low pension you can't cover your monthly expenses. Bribe is able to buy everything in law, police department, municipality etc. As you know these are just valid in 3rd world countries.

Secondly, why all developed countries ask Turks to prove a lot of annoying things like are they healthy, event though they apply for 2 weeks tourist visa have they got enough money to live minimum 1 year abroad, their education, career etc. :|

Minority of Ankara and Izmir, some touristic south cities, also in Istanbul some pretentious suburbs like Etiler, Ortaköy, Bebek, 1.Levent, Nişantaşı and Bostancı can be described as "For some part of the country". The rest of the Turkey is absolutely resembles Iran or Iraq.

Thank you for reading my opinions about my country :D


OoooooKAY. I'm not sure WHY this discussion is happening on my nanny ad...but since we're on the subject. I agree with Istman, Turkey is DEFINATLY a developing country and in NO way meets the criteria for what we would call a 3rd World nation.

Tunahaus, if you need something to comapare Turkey to so you realize how good you guys have it here, try visiting some place like the Congo, Darfur, or Vanuatu.


I don't need something to compare here Vada. I just wrote down my opinions, that's it :|


Could you please concentrate on the initial topic ? Thanks


Hi there!

I am a nanny that just arrived last week in Etiler - Besiktas. Feeling the difference already! I am South African but have been in the Uk for the past 6 months. Now I am in Istanbul for a season (how long I do not know) All I do know is I need some like minded friends. I only get one day off a week unfortunately (which has not been decided yet lol) but am free if not EXHAUSTED from 9pm most evenings.

I need to start getting a little social life together or I will feel like I have moved back with my parents! I would also  like yourself, like to chat about the experiences you have being a nanny here in Istanbul. Love to hear from you.

Also would like to meet friends that enjoy shopping and doing girls stuff (you know what I mean. So if you would like, please email me and if you are not to busy, I would love to meet up for a coffee.

Have a great week!



Carmen you are a godsend! I am ALL about shopping and girl stuff. I also only have one day off a week (usually Friday but once in a while Thursday (that way I get all day Thursday, Thur night, and don't need to return till Friday afternoon) And I ALSO feel like I have moved back home with my parents except--oh wait--my parents were NEVER this strict! hahaha


Hello!!!! im here!!!! I need a life also!!! Going NUTS!!! Hope to hear from you guys soon!


Hello All!!!
feeling the same way. .  please let me know what area you are in and if we could meet up sometime. Look forward to hearing from you!
- Larena


Hi, I emailed you and then realized that there is a post thingy...!

I arrived two weeks ago and I'm from NZ.

I would LOVE to meet up with any of you gals!!

I'm in Istanbul (Zekeriyakoy) but I can get into town/Besisktas/Taksim/etc quite easily.

Let me know if anyone wants to hang out!!?



i m like u looking for freinds, I feel a little bit alone at the moment I know Istanbul very good, I worked previously as nanny.


i live in besiktas. a très bientot


I'm a month and a half old to Turkey- working in a school in Beykoz and living in Atashir. I definitely looking for some already much needed girl time outside of work!


You wouldnt happen to be working at the Guller Keceli kindergarden? Actually, I am not longer in Turkey. Good luck finding buddies! My friend Linden is still in Beykoz (Konaklari) message me for more info


Oh that's too bad (for me as least hahah) No, Im at TED college. I would love to get in contact with Linden if that's cool with her. Thanks for the reply!


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tunahus wrote:

I don't need something to compare here Vada. I just wrote down my opinions, that's it :|

You got totally wrong ideas.
And a person of turk is completely wrong.