
Move to reduce speed limit to 100 kph on 5th and 6th ring roads.


Good decision.implement speed limit upto 80 kph all roads.almost all road accident will happening on over speed.

See also

How to drive in KuwaitDriving licenseWoman & Driver LicenceIssueing driving licence in kuwaitDriving license for housewife 2024

It wouldn't matter, people are speeding and driving recklessly regardless of the speed limit.


Yup lol

Ribosom wrote:

It wouldn't matter, people are speeding and driving recklessly regardless of the speed limit.


Must be the end of year joke right? :)

Speed limit is 120kph right now... do they drive to that speed limit? LOL.. Someone also told me not driving while phoning or
reading your I pad, but look around you anytime of the day. :lol:
Is it enforced:lol:?

You try going down to 100kph and then you will have them on your tail ready about to smash in your rear... which will cause more accidents and people going nowhere fast.


no skills ONLY speed

SportsMan wrote:

Must be the end of year joke right? :)

Speed limit is 120kph right now... do they drive to that speed limit? LOL.. Someone also told me not driving while phoning or
reading your I pad, but look around you anytime of the day. :lol:
Is it enforced:lol:?

You try going down to 100kph and then you will have them on your tail ready about to smash in your rear... which will cause more accidents and people going nowhere fast.


Treating the symptom not the cause. reducing speed may assist but the larger problem is that in Kuwait they need a more robust road safety programme to educate road uses on basic road safety.
Not until the basics of road safety such as lane discipline, adherence to speed limits and applying safe distances between vehicles will there be a dramatic decrease in traffic accidents.

The driving culture in Kuwait seems to be ones ability to violate rules. You should not wait in the queue; you should not respect the rules; you should be a law unto yourself once you are behind the wheel of your car.

Sadly the people responsible for enforcing the rules and setting the correct example, the police, are often the worst offenders.