
request for feedback

timboektoe for printed advertisements in Bali newspapers. I tried to set up some small and free for everybody online marketplace for people living on Bali. I am very much interested to hear what you think about this. You can find the site at bazarbali

Thanks in advance!


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The mod missed the second link so I took a look.
The layout is simple and easy to read but you may need to add a menu to types of items for sale if it gets popular (housing, cars and so on).


Hey Tim, nice job in my opinion, and I don’t think you need a menu per se since you already include a “category” tab right at the top of your home page plus a search engine.

I like the simplicity and directness of your site and I like seeing decent size photographs being hosted. 

As you likely already know, your main competition will be The Bali Advertiser which is also available on-line.  But, since advertising there is not free, and photos are often the size of postage stamps, I think you have a great shot for success.

Selamat and good luck!


Hi Ubudian,

Thanks for your reply, It is possible to search for categories by clicking on 'select category'. I agree though that this is not obvious from the first sight. I will do something to improve this. 

I mainly do this for hobby, but like to hear suggestions about how to improve the site, so thank you very much!
