Worse than looking for a job ...

... is to find one.  :lol:

Did it ever happen to you to land in a new job worse than the old one, or to end up worse than you started?  :(

You allways say the best things actually yea the limbo between awaiting a job is that the fate not find you in right momment so just pass the times what you do best is better than being slient :D

Yes. I disliked working in the peanut industry but my move to condoms was a bad idea.
Yes, true story.

Earthians always like to do the easiest thing first: take a job.

Be self-employed? Oh, nah. Look desperately for sales like a fish jumping on dry land wants back into water?

Be an employer? Oh, my, who the heck wants to take responsibility over supplies and suppliers, creditors, storage, research, production, sales, salaries, taxes? And fight competition??? Who me?

Be a huge artist? Hell no, who wants to go hungry for years and years until his ideas become crystal clear and his results become commendable?

Be an investor?  Oh, no, investing is a gamble, profits are a dirty word and money is evil.

Apparently, it seems the best solution is to vegetate in a job, hopefully uninterruptedly for as long as possible.  But hey, does it not look like parasitism at its worst?

Things got complicated: 2013 was the year when for the first time worldwide unemployment reached 200M (search for the story on the Net in 2013 news).  Not to mention underemployment for which there is no figure yet.

Getting a job definitely is not what it used to be and the ‘go take a job' motto no longer works.

Hello Sir,

You are right , job means always depend on others,listen to others,follow to others,finally one can not live freely.


aryavrat wrote:

Hello Sir,

You are right , job means always depend on others,listen to others,follow to others,finally one can not live freely.


Hi Anil,  :)
Human mind is very strange.
All employees hardly wait to retire. Why retire from something they "loved" to work for 45 years?  Why stop doing something good? If one employee retires and the other one stops, it automatically means they never were true to their heart.  And then they wonder why no money, and then they want to retire to cheap country.
I always laugh at those ads 'retire to xxxxxxxxx on $700 / month'.  What was the journey through life all about, retiring cheaply?  :lol:

Retirement is one of the greatest perversity of human mind.
No animal retires. It fights until it can fight no more ...
Look at how many problems retirees face all over the world (with more to come), all because of their gross misguidedness.  :mad:

Hello Sir,

I agreed and definetly i will be fighting till i will get the last breathe....to be a employer so that i will not retired with any amount.


aryavrat wrote:

Hello Sir,

I agreed and definetly i will be fighting till i will get the last breathe....to be a employer so that i will not retired with any amount.


Looking for a job is demeaning. You are opening up to abuse.

A job can be only temporary: you quit or they fire you.

On occasion, you retire from it and you delude yourself into believing you did all your best.
I wish I could use harsh words for job hunters here, but I KNOW the moderators will delete them and the effect will be lost.

Employers keep you until they find somebody else better who works for a smaller salary. As an employee, you are always manipulated.

If you are self-employed or employer and fail, it's bitter of course, but it's actually sweeter than getting kicked away like trash, an empty beer can by pedestrians in the street.

Many persons who would otherwise be great men get lost in life by pursuing jobs instead of finding ways to fulfill a mission.

All my life I hated dependency and I managed to stay self-employed in brutal communist country behind the Iron Curtain for 38 years of my life, in my travels and also in a 3rd world country where I live now. I am ashamed of myself that occasionally I had to take jobs, even if at great intervals of time, but I am proud of what I managed to become and so are thousands of people around the world who trusted me, my work and my teachings.

The balance tilts more in favor of what I achieved than on what I didn't, and when I was high, I was much higher than the low when I was in a low position.

Looking AND FINDING a job distracts the man who could win from doing great things for others and himself. Amen.  :cool:

mas fred wrote:

Yes. I disliked working in the peanut industry but my move to condoms was a bad idea.
Yes, true story.

Well, condoms aren't much fun, most of the time.

Gordon Barlow wrote:
mas fred wrote:

Yes. I disliked working in the peanut industry but my move to condoms was a bad idea.
Yes, true story.

Well, condoms aren't much fun, most of the time.

Hi Gord, :)
Thanks for your input even if it does not answer my question:

Did it ever happen to you to land in a new job worse than the old one, or to end up worse than you started?   :/

Please give us your answer.

John C. wrote:

Please give us your answer.

John. I'm sorry, old fellow: you are probably a decent chap. But you are far, far, too single-minded to respect any idea but the one you hold. You seem to have no time for the faintest possibility that there might be a flaw in your reasoning or conclusion. John, aggressive salesmanship is no basis for a friendly discussion, and I for one don't react positively to what comes across as hectoring. Please, please - ease back a bit, take your finger off the fast-forward button, relax, be cool.

Totally depends on your personality.To make some broad generalizations, but for the sake of the argument: People that are more independent, solo-ists will be more cut out to be entrepreneurs. People who are more social, team-oriented will often be happier as employees. While Western, capitalist society may idealize the 30 under 30 who have founded their own businesses and made millions, that's not necessarily the way everyone will be happiest, and even that "value" will be societally dependent. We as expats would know that some societies have values that are way different than that - valuing contributions to the community and the group as more important than individual achievement.

So, while yes, some people may be unhappy with a job and would be better off starting their own business, for others that would be a nightmare, and they'll actually be more fulfilled to be an employee. And both are equally valid.

Just my two cents.

I worked as (self-employed) freelancer for years and am glad to be back in a steady job now.
I still work in the same field (similar job scope), have far less stress and there's a (fixed and high enough) salary in my account every month - in fact I earn roughly the same now, but previously (as freelance industrial project manager) it was irregular - high when I had a project, none when not (e.g. for 14 months during the economic crisis 2008 - that was painful!). You also get bullied a lot more as subcontractor than as employee. Now my lifestyle is more compatible with having a family and I have more free time, so I am generally happier.
I am still the same adventurous chap, though, and thus might get back to freelancing at some point - probably by doing some meaningful stuff (e.g. poverty reduction) in third world countries after "retiring" from the need to make money for a living.

(But of course, as we know him by now, John C. only meant being investor as alternative to being employed. Since no new value is ever generated by investing and all profits on the stock and similar markets are necessarily the losses of others, I see successful investors as living off other's misfortune. I personally prefer an honest profession instead!)

Gordon Barlow wrote:
John C. wrote:

Please give us your answer.

John. I'm sorry, old fellow: you are probably a decent chap. But you are far, far, too single-minded to respect any idea but the one you hold. You seem to have no time for the faintest possibility that there might be a flaw in your reasoning or conclusion. John, aggressive salesmanship is no basis for a friendly discussion, and I for one don't react positively to what comes across as hectoring. Please, please - ease back a bit, take your finger off the fast-forward button, relax, be cool.

Hello Gord, :)

1). I am NOT selling anything here.
You can see what I mean at this thread

Nobody, including you, must be afraid that I shall accept them (or you) as a student.
Cyber-trading is something people (you too) should have done until now, not from now on when too many bad habits clouding the mind (edit added: are making) it difficult for a person to turn himself/herself into a gracious giver.

2). I participate in discussions, and I have received "Thanks" in most of my threads and to most of my posts.
Two weeks ago you thanked me for explaining to you how to italicize words and phrases.

Is there really anything for which I could thank you?  :/

3). I conduct my business the way I SEE FIT, and I reply to posts in a way that I believe could help.

4). The life of many people (expats included) starts with beautiful dreams and ends with too few results for themselves and with no benefit to others.
Do you know why?
Because not many people are born to be great:D:top:;):cool:
Hopping from job to job is not the way to progress, which sums up the title of this thread.

Hi guys,

Please note that we had to move some posts.
John, your thread is about jobs so i suggest sticking to it.

Expat.com Team

Armand wrote:

Hi guys,

Please note that we had to move some posts.
John, your thread is about jobs so i suggest sticking to it.
Expat.com Team

Well Armand, :)

I thanked you several times for your good work already.
If your job is to move posts, OK, do it well.  I hope you are impartial and you just don't favor some posts or some forummers over other posts and other forummers.  ;)

Some people (forummers) are best left to rot in the sun than to move (or delete) their posts just to make them look pretty.  People in that low category will shoot themselves in the leg again and again in the future and then I wonder how many of their posts you will enjoy moving (or deleting).

My message behind the title of this thread is clear and straight: many people (even those who do not admit it) go one step lower (to put it politely) with the new job they get.

Forummers reading this will appreciate being reminded truths at which no every job seeker or employee cares to think.

Keep the good work going.  :top:

Thanks John but yet again some of your comments are going off topic, missing the point of your thread (which is an interesting subject by the way) and that's when we intervene. I know you like us but i'm sure you won't necessarily want to see us around all the time :)
So don't shoot yourself in the leg as well ;)

Expat.com Team

I personally think somebody who calls others "low" and wants them to "rot in the sun" just because they have a different opinion or lifestyle should not be allowed to post such incendiary messages on this forum.

Armand wrote:

Thanks John but yet again some of your comments are going off topic, missing the point of your thread (which is an interesting subject by the way) and that's when we intervene. I know you like us but i'm sure you won't necessarily want to see us around all the time :)
So don't shoot yourself in the leg as well ;)

Expat.com Team

Hi Armand, :)

I think it's OK for moderators to refrain to participate in threads posting their own views because, if they don't, a conflict of interest may ensue but when they see a beautiful title like the one at https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=343570 why do you reckon they do not contribute to it?  :o

Hi Armand,
There are other 'off-topic' posts here.
Did you notice them?

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