
Places to buy household items?


Just moved to SP and wanted to buy some household items such as hangers, a fan, pillows, towels etc. Where can I find these items for cheap? Thanks!

See also

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Fans in Brazil cost about 30x what they cost in the US. I would suggest looking in the classifieds. There are also Facebook groups dedicated to this as well. I had a water cooler that I bought through the classifieds and saved R$400 just by buying it used. Everying is inflated in Brazil especially if it is not made in Brazil.

If you want it new here is a great, well great in Brazilian standards store.


Most of the small household utilities you want can be purchased very cheaply at a "Loja de R$1,99" in any bairro you'll find several. Just ask any of your neighbors or friends "Onde fica a loja de um e noventa e nove?" They'll tell you instantly.

When I lived in São Paulo (bairro Pirituba) the only things I bought at any other kind of store were my appliances and furniture. Absolutely everything else I ever purchased for my kitchen, laundry, pillows, pictures & frames, gadgets and tools, etc,, etc., etc,. I only every bought at the R$1,99. They're fantastic places to shop in and just plain fun to look around.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


Why didn't they have the R$1,99 store in Manaus? I could have lived like a king. That is the equivalent of the dollar store in the US.


They had several in the bairro Japiim when I lived in Manaus. I also saw a few in Centro as well. Most people there call them "armarinhos" (little closets...LOL)