



My name is Carole.   Whilst I've always wanted to live/work abroad I had my sights on Spain or France - so it's bewildering to me how I came to fall in love with the chaos and charm that is Tunisia.

I'm coming back to Tunisia (Sousse area) between 15-25 Feb 2014 and would like to meet with English speaking ex-pats (male or female age 45+) to find out what it's really like to live/work in Tunisia.

As well as the key concerns about health, what happens if it goes wrong etc, I need to know how life is conducted and primarily if women can go about their daily lives without restrictions.

I'm a professional British national and will probably be coming on a self-employed basis so it'll be an added bonus if you're running a small business yourself or of professional status as my business idea would be dependent on my ingratiating myself with the local communities.

I would welcome a coffee with anyone who can spare me an hour to chat whilst I'm over there.

warm regards Carole

See also

Living in Sousse: the expat guideAny Americans Living in Sousse?Buying a house in TunisiaMarring a TunisianOPENING A BUSINESS IN SUSSES

Hi Carole Reynolds,

Welcome to :)

Priscilla team


Thank you.  Still can't find anyone as yet that wants to tell me about life in Tunisia.

Any ideas?



Hi there
sorry I don't live near sousse but way down in Kerkennah.There is no problem going out as a woman,my husband and I have found people really helpful.Re health,we usually pay as you go at one of the private clinics or the local hospital.Doctors are pretty cheap and many speak English as well as french and Arabic. Medcation is also very cheap so not a problem


Many thanks for getting back to me. As you can imagine being female and having to operate "solo" with a few words of French is not a minor undertaking if i choose to make Tunisian home.

My main concern is how receptive men would be with me doing business with them.  My settling is dependent on getting my ideas off the ground.

I think with regards to health I'd get blanket cover insurance rather than risk being exposed if i needed an operation!

Well you both seem happy enough. i've had some bad reviews so it's nice to get a balance. May i ask what brought you to Tunisia?


used to come as a second holiday and decided to retire here after working as social worker and nurse.People are so kind,they look after us,invite us to weddings meals etc.One man and his family look after our house and dog when we go on holiday,no payment.We come back to an immaculate house and invite to meal so I dont have to cook the 1st night.If you have a problem,someone always knows someone who will fix it,plumbing,electricity and usually that day.The men here don't think twice about my wearing shorts etc,they put it down to being european lol.
Women here can and do hold high level jobs,it is a case of ensuring they realise you are a professional and not going to flirt with them.Once they have sized you up,you will be fine.There is respect for those who work hard regardless of sex.
Of course like any country you get the ones who are out to con you but no different from anywhere else.


Thanks ever so much for the reply.. you have given me hope at long last.  It sounds as if you enjoy your ex-pat life and pleased that you are happy.

I'm not the sort of person whose not prepared to learn a language or integrate quite the opposite and it seems that you are reaping the benefits of mutually rewarding friendship. Alas i'm years off retirement hence the need to work and i'm releaved that you feel men would deal with a business woman in her own right and as an equal because this is imperative for what i wish to achieve.

Thanks again. I wish you many many happy years ahead.


Hi Carole
I'm originally from Cheshire but spent 20 odd years living and working in France before coming to live in Tunisia (Hammamet) 2 years ago. For the moment no regrets whatsoever but, like anywhere, you have to be prudent. Why exactly do you want to install here ? if it's to set up your own business, exactly what type ?
Naturally and without putting a dampener on the idea it may not be so easy although people can be very receptive and keen to help. Let me know if you think I can help further. Best of luck !

jan flikweert

Hi Carole,
I am moving in august and will be there in march and April.
I set up my own business in fashion there. It's easy as we don't need to pay taxes for 10 years. It is a very safe area but will be hard working.
I have some local and expats friends. Health care is good and cheap.
Hope one day we can meet and talk with some coffee.



how lovely to receive (a sensible) message from you! 

I'm currently residing in Cheshire (you will not be missing the damp and cold I'm sure) but am very seriously of thinking of making a move out of the UK but still need to work for some years so my discussions next week will determine if it's a "goer" or if I have to re-think and do something else.

The role I've got in mind is a complimentary business to tourism.  I've already got a very good contact in Tunisia on the business side with over 25 years of experience.  That said any help is welcome and it's good to see personal/social life through "Brit eyes" as it were.

Tunisia is a baffling and chaotic place but has it's charms.  I feel the EU, whilst there are some health and pension benefits to moving into these countries I can't say what's going to happen in the next 5-20 years and deem it as much of a risk as North Africa!

Please take this in good faith - but if you are available for coffee/refreshment/lunch/ dinner I'd certainly welcome a meet up.  It would give me some reassurance that I'm not making a mistake. 

If you feel more comfortable I can give you a call when I'm there and we can arrange something.  I'll be in an hotel in Sousse but happy to meet half way or come over to you if not far. 

Thank you again for your courtesy and comments.   warm regards Carole


Jan - fabulous!  Lovely to hear from a European counterpart as it were. 

At some point I will try and get a photo put up on this site but again I appreciate the fact that you've got back to me "blind" as it were!

Congratulations on setting up your business.  Mine will be a small affair but a ready made business model and something in the early days until I source / bring in my client base that I can work alongside something else.

IF YOU ARE CONNECTED TO THE ENGLISH SPEAKING COMMUNITY AND KNOW BUSINESS PEOPLE LOOKING TO HIRE THEN I'D BE INTERESTED.  I have a very good commercial background and can turn my hand to most things - business development, operations, below-line marketing, event management, customer care, high level administration, sales etc.

I know the work will be hard and so is moving - you are talking here to Ms Nomad - 26 moves so far in my adult life - no things never seem to last very long....

I was pleasantly suprised to discover Tunisia had a thriving manufacturing and textile base but I'm aware that the government is more gracious in terms of incentives and work permits with business people and those who employ.

What a shame we'll miss each other but by all means do keep in touch via blog or we can swop email address or something... and YES it would be nice to think that we could meet up one day.  Introductions to English speaking people would be so much appreciated.  Already started back learning French - have the basics of both this and Spanish so hopefully this will improve. 

Take care.  Au revoir!  Carole  :)


Hi Carol,
I was in Tunisia and have only just got back in the uk. I'm planning to go back to Tunisia asap (1-2 weeks time). I new it was a mistake as soon as I got to the airport. I have my own ltd company and I am looking for a business Partner. I have many ideas and contacts and I am trying to get something going. Where will you be based?
I know the Sousse area (lived there for 1 year) and have travelled around a lot



Hi Carole,

A few things about life in Sousse.
Can you speak French? That would be important for business. a few words of Arabic. I find the way the Tunisians get very hurt about being mistrusted when contracts and receipts are mentioned. I say that I need the papers for my accountant and tax office and this seems to be more acceptable. There is an office in the shopping centre that stamps official agreements for a small fee. My landlord took me there with my rental agreement.
I have travel insurance for 90 days and if you go  back to uk just for 1 day it starts again. I have had dental treatment done - approx 1/3 of uk price. If you have any specific questions feel free to contact me.



how fantastic to hear from you.  Since coming back, despite being with friends etc etc, my normal sunny personality is glum ... it's simply that I don't want to be here for longer than I need to.

I'll be in Sousse 15-25 February.  Any chance we can meet for lunch/dinner and a good conversation?

No, I don't speak French but am going to learn.  Just basic school girl French but I picked up Spanish fairly quickly, so I'd be prepared of course to fast track this and my contact over in Tunisia is multi-lingual.  He's also said he's happy to make calls or assist me settle as needed and avoid pitfalls of renting/buying property, business life etc.

I'd be very intersted in pursuing any opportunity depends what you had in mind or even some type of employment.  I'm an ex-banker and and have over 25-years private sector experience skill set is : business development, large scale portfolio/relationship management, below line marketing, event management, creative writing, sales etc. 

How would you like to take this forward?  if nothing else we may have a potential friendship as I'd naturally want to mingle with other professionals or ex-professionals.



Yes I am already getting glum. I will be in Sousse at first. I have ideas of expanding tourism. imports and exports. I am 56 and have been in Project Management. but can't seem to get a job now (its so depressing) so I need to move on to other things. I can speak French quite fluently as I have lived in France and worked in Brussels and Geneva. I would like the idea of having a working partner. It seems we would have some excellent skills and ideas between us. I have a friend in Sousse who has been operating a business in Tunisia and he could probably give us some information on setting up a business to take advantage of  the Tunisian tax system.

Are you only planning to stay until the 25th? as you said there it would be great to meet as friends anyway. Are you staying in a hotel? Where are you based in the uk? My phone no here is 07723 065061 if you want to call me. Meeting for lunch or dinner would be nice too. How well do you know Sousse?


Yes my idea is a franchise to expand tourism but would work alongside other things.

The guy I was was mentioning to you has contacts and 25 years in travel.

You are my angel.  I shall call you this week.


ps same sort of age and yes to everything you say!


Hi it will be nice to meet up l am in Tunisia take care
Bst rgds


Hello Elaine

did you receive my text? Looking to speak with you this week to make arrangements to meet in Tunisia.



Hello Kemal

Appreciate your message. Are you in business over there?

There appear to be quite a number of people of Turkish origin in Tunisia.

I'll be in Sousse- is that too far? What had you in mind for a meeting?



Hi we are in the process of opening a co,my import of textile frm turkey .we hope to set up soon
I will be in Tunisia tomorow afternoon
Bst rgds


Hi ..thanks for that but I'm in the UK!

In Sousse 15-25 Feb. Any good?

Congratulations on your business - I'm aware that Tunisia has a thriving textile industry.

Let me know what works for you.


Stoufa B A

hi there , it would be a pleasure to know you and provide you with any advice you might need about the living style in tunisia ... if interested making new friends skype me ( stoufa ben amira )


[Moderated: pls avoid posting your phone number on a public Forum]


Carol and others

My name is Mark or my nickname is Marco.  I am a retired Commercial Attache/Senior International Trade Specialist having worked and lived and run around the world working with US, French, Canadian and many companies to help them Export/Import in a variety of industries.  I am particularly keen on Travel, Tourism, Hotel/Restaurant, Food, and Fast Moving Consumer Products.

I have lived in France, Switzerland, Spain, most of Latin America, Turkey, Morocco, and Russia, and I speak French, Spanish, decent Italian, and Russian and some German.  I am presently teaching and I have been offered a position teaching English in Sousse at AMIDEAST and I will be looking for an inexpensive place to live or share, new friends, borth Tunisian, French and from everywhere.

I look forward to helping out however I can with my network of contacts.

Warmest regards from Texas!

Mark Marco Arthur Weaver
Fort Worth, Texas



Jolly nice of you to reply. You appear to have a string of credentials and I'm wondering why you have chosen to teach rather than set up in business yourself.

I'll be moving to Tunisia in July or August of this year. I have no job to go to but am hoping to set up a small business in tourism. I've some ideas scoped out bit am ideally looking for an equal investment partner. Eventually, if all works out I will put down roots and buy somewhere to live - although I know the authorities are clamping down on foreigners owing land etc.

If you are happy to do so I'd like to keep your details and maybe we could meet when I get over there?

Like you, I wish to have a range of friends and have already made some via this website - British, American, Dutch and I already have a good Tunisian contact.


PS I'm learning French.. In a short time I've progressed to possessing the vocabulary of a three year old!  I have a private French tutor in the UK but will need a professional teacher over there. I can't expect friends to keep translatung things or speaking on my behalf.

Texas lucky you... Why leave there and all that is American. The most beautiful place I ever went was Santa Fe. I like the dessert and cactus.

Best of luck with your plans.

Warm regards Carole


thank you.  I have been offered a package to come there and teach first, we can talk about business later.

I look forward to getting to know you.





lucky you and well done! All my efforts to find work out there were futile - but I lack your language skills.

I've found a couple of nice people through this site (sifted out from all the weirdos and chancers!) one being an american artist; and it will be nice to get to know you. As well as working out there I do want to build a social life and meet people from the professional classes who enjoy/share some of my interests.

Warm regards Carole

Are your family coming with you?

Glad you wrote back..and ss you say "across the pond" have a nice day!



Watch out for those losers, weirdos, charlatans, cheaters, etc,!  Cheers from Across the pond!

No I am divorced, I have three kids college age, spent my life dedicated to them and will always be dedicated but now is time for me again!

Although it took me a few years to get settled in my youth, I joined the professional class, originally supposed to be a Doctor or Barrister as you say in the UK, my Dad was a Doctor and my Mom, who God Bless her has passed was a Teacher/Entrepreneur, she is my role model.  My brother Matt is married to a lovely woman from the UK, Kent area and they live in Saudi Arabia, he is a business person who with another brother has a Car Dealership in California but after a dozen years went out of business.  Matt had good contacts in Houston with a company called Aramco and came back over, originally spent 5 years out of university.

In any case, I am interested in housing/apartments to share or low cost as I want to be very careful about expenses.

If you would like to SKYPE, my SKYPE account is mark.weaver35. 

I am teaching today and until May 30th.  Perhaps some summer teaching then time off,get my last son moved to college in Austin, Texas, about three hours from the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

I have asked the school for assistance with finding a place but they have not been too forthcoming.




Bonsoir Marco

Firstly.. my name is Carole... I'm attached to that "e" you see!!!   :)

I'm a sensible gal and am not swayed by the false charm (or rather smarm of the Tunisian male).  I laugh it off but inside I feel it's quite insulting that they think intelligent women are either flattered or interested.  I saw many a middle aged woman with a 25 year old Tunisian clearly looking for the last stop in the luurvvveeeee motel but as most sensible people know the majority of the young Tunisian men are on a 5-year passport plan or have a granny in need of an operation (not). A lot of the younger women too are looking for European/American husbands for the same reason - an expense account or an exit to Europe.

As my profile said I've always wanted to live/work in a foreign country and speak another language.  I NEVER expected it to be Tunisia.. it was always Spain, but if we have a longer conversation some time I shall reveal how a bizarre twist of events got me out there and through the people I met who I came to the conclusion it's the place I need to be.  I left my job in banking over 2 years ago and struggled to find any meaningful employment and certainly nothing worth my talent nor anything I'm interested in.  So, it's vital that I can earn money over there or I'll be scuppered.

I have had on/off talks with a British lady who said she wanted a business partner but my gut instinct told me that she was in a state of perpetual fear and didn't have the get up and go to contribute to anything so I walked away.  The Dutch guy who I've been blogging has been very helpful and I'm waiting to SKYPE him as I need to move things forward if I'm to get there by the end of August.  He said he'd make the journey across the various countries to Tunisia with me and act as an escort.  That said, I've not met the guy but we should do that in Amsterdam next month.  He's got a love interest over there and has some terrific ideas around building an eco village and good contacts.

I don't mind what I do within reason, I just need to get some income coming in fairly quickly.  I've made a very good contact over there - a Tunisian chap.  So far he's been good to his word and has said he'll help me get set up and settled when I'm out there.  He's over 20 years experience in tourism and I thought about putting together a tour programme for English speakers - I have the sites in mind - as there is a gap in the market.  Also he's shed loads of contacts and people willing to sell the tours operating on a commission basis.  In an ideal world I'd like to build a little place but that depends on ability to buy land /building costs etc.  That would be my longer term aim.  Much depends on if I can get the Carte de S'jour etc. all the more reason for setting up a business!

As for me... divorced a long time ago now.  Nothing significant after that.  I'm stuck in the wrong country as I don't and never have been much enamoured by British men.  All the real gentlemen died out in the Battle of Britain ... no seriously, I find many of them uncultured, lacking in basic etiquette and cold fish.  (Where did all the passion go?)They treat women as lesser men... the French do it better; they know and understand the "man/woman thing" it was they after all who said "vivre la difference!"  But that's just me.. a bit of an old fashioned girl at heart.

I have no family .. well some are still alive but I don't know where they are as there is no contact.  Since the age of 16 I've fended for myself.  (Not saying this to evoke sympathy or anything, just to give you a picture) I have no children although if my marriage had worked I would have very much liked a son.  I've a handful of really good friends in the UK - REAL friends and they will all visit me over there at some point.

Interests.. my passion is the Great War (1914-18 conflict) and history in general.   I like the theatre (Rattigan, Miller, Stoppard, O'Neill are some of my favourite playwrights,) reading, art, music etc.  I've enjoyed the travel that I've done in my life and still want to do some more... never yet been to New York .. but hopefully one day, and I still fancy a return to Morocco and a trip to Cuba.  Think though I'll have to leave Bryce Canyon ...Have to say that some of my best holidays have been in the USA! You seem to have had a fabulous life... so many places .. so many cultures and languages .. I salute you sir.   :thanks:

My varied career peaked years ago and this is why I want to try and do something for me where I don't have to answer to the mindless corporate machine.  I suffered years of institutional bullying and stress at the bank.. hence the reason for leaving, but the impact was severe in terms of getting me off the employment ladder and out of the pension pot that I could have accumulated.

Hope that's not too boring for you... much more intriguing in person... I've sent you a connection to SKYPE which you can pick up. (Not before I'd pinged off to the WRONG Mark Weaver of course whose now asking who are you?)  If not I've an account on TANGO which is better than SKYPE

Lastly.. my aol email is scuppered .. not sure why but it makes it difficult to pick up messages.  So if you wish to avail yourself my personal email address is - I like my lipstick... infact it was the only thing that Sir Winston Churchill never rationed during WWII as he said it was good for morale.  Indeed it is and they will all be coming with me to Tunisia.

Got to go need to be up for work in a few hours  :sleep .. let me know when /if you wish to SKYPE... hope all goes well with settling in your youngest at college etc.  and I agree.. you've done your bit.. time for YOU now...

warm regards Carole (see it's that "e" again...)


PS if you want me to contact my friend Omar re value accommodation on your behalf I can.  Let me know if I can assist.  The Dutch guy asked me if I wanted to flat share with him ... I'm considering it to minimise costs etc but as I said, I'd like to SKYPE or meet him first...


Hi Carole,

I rather enjoyed reading your messages,you should set up a blog describing your adventures.At least then,we would get an update.Hope everything works out for you.

Warm regards Penny



long time since you replied to me but I'm currently renting an apartment in the Sousse area.

It would be nice to speak with others from the UK (I have already one French/Suisse, one British and one Tunisian friend over here but always looking to widen the circle.

If you would like to meet for a drink in about a week's time (when my Dutch contact has gone home) then that would be welcome.  Cheshire seems a long way away now ... I drove from there to Tunisia .. it was so horrendous I can't bear to think that I may have to go back....

regards Carole



thanks for the suggestion .. I've certainly got some howlers even after a few weeks living here.  I think I shall write them up but not for consumption on this site.

I dislike the way that so many Tunisians come on this site ... ex-pats ... not!

Hope you're enjoying yourself.




it was some time ago now since you replied to my blog.  I shall be in Tunisia for the next few weeks; just note though that I live in the Sousse area.

If you're over this way it would be interesting to meet.

Let me know what you think.  regards Carole