
Life and living cost in Mali, Republic

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I would like to know more about the normal life in Republic of Mali especially Bamako (normal life, cost of living and availabilities of commodities, transport, doctor etc..). If anyone experienced or to know these, pls share...



Mali is one of the cheapest country in west africa ! But it's depend on the style of life you wanna have there.

Transport : you have buses for about 175 cfa ( local currency ), taxi: to bargain ( but anyway the maximun price into the city is about 2500 cfa

Doctor: there are many private hospital if you dont wan't to public one ( there 3 bigs now Ppoint G, Gabriel Toure, and Hoptital du Mali trough the city

Housing? it's depend also, 3 ropoms is about 150.000 that's can be highest, normal one


Food ? it's cheap also, you have for 250 cfa to 2500 in the normal restaurant

Drink? beer is about 500 to 1000 cfa in the normal pubs. So, you have the choice



Any Idea about paye tax on monthly salary in mali
