
New members of the Yemen forum, introduce yourself here

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Hi all,

Newbie on the Yemen forum? Don’t know how to start?

This thread is for you ;)

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on your expat projects in Yemen if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!


Hai iam Shaijo, from India. Iam completed Diploma in Mechanical Engineering,  now I working in erection & Commissioning section of power plant as a site Engineer in Siemens Ltd.
      I wish to come Yemen & I need a good job.

Shaib Saleh

i am shaib saleh i have born in Tanzania i completed my diploma in hospitality industry  i would to move to Yemen for the better job.


My name is Sedika. I have lived  in the USA my whole life but wish to move to Aden, Yemen where my family is from to  be a teacher.

walid Albar

Thank you Christine. I am a Yemeni living now in Laos. I have lived in this region for decades.

I am an agricultural engineer by profession and has retired.

I speak German,Lao,Thai,Vietnamese and Khmer, in addition to Arabic and Amharic.
If there are NGOs that require my
services in Lao, i will be available.


Hello! I've recently been offered position in Yemen and consider moving there. I've already been to Yemen twice, in 2011 and 2013, so I know a bit about Sanaa, but would appreciate any tips on relocation.


asalaamu alaikum waragmatul laahie wabaraktu,
my name is abdusataar allie im from cape town south africa, im looking for my family in yemen, my great grand father come to cape town south africa via ship from yemen in the year -+1901 he was born in yemen aden in the year 1887 and died of the age of 65 years old here in cape town.on the 27 september 1952. his name was Abdullah Allie.
my great grand father had only 2 sons born here in cape town, and i am one of the grand sons of 1 of his sons.
my wish is to find my family in yemen.all that i know is that he had a cousin by the name of nasser bin nasser who had a shop in sanaa, the adress of that shop was , shop no.2 street no2 in sanaa.nasser bin nasser used to visit my great grand father regularly in cape town.
anyone of assistance that live in yemen,that can find some of my family i will be very great full.
kind regards
abdusataar allie

walid Albar

Assalam alekum Akhi Abdulsatar. In order for you to find your family lineage, you should check his tribal name. This is how we identify our origin, example, Mohammed  Ahmed Al Harazi , we.associate him to Haraz tribe. Just like my name, Walid Hussein Ahmed Albar, my tribe is from Albar tribe in Hadramout.
Work on this one first and dig in any document that your father msy have left.
Barak Allaho Feek and wish you the best of luck.


wa-alaykum salaam yaa gabebi
shukran for the info of my uncles mention that my great grand father is from the mujaahid ali tribe can you perhaps look into that tribe for me minfadlik.

shukran yaa aghie.


Salam Alikom pleasure to talk to you about father cusion is looking for his family there is information telling us they left to Africa long time ago but we never heard about them again.there is something take my intentions which is Nasser Bin Nasser bin Nasser is my father grandfather please give me more information you might belong to us

walid Albar

Salam alekum Akhi Abdulsataar. Sorry for the delay in responding to you.
I actually live in Laos, and we do not have a Yemeni embasdy here.
If you have a Yemeni embassy in south Africa, just approach the cultural attache
and they can shed more light. I have only heard of the Mujahid tribe in the north, but never had contacts with the tribes in the north.
Best of luck, Wasalam

walid Albar

Salam Alekum brother Samsalimi, Finding one's ancestors in Africa after close to a century,would be very complicated. Yemenis migrated to Somalia,Ethiopia,Kenya and Tanzania.
I was able to trace my Hadrami roots, eventhough i was born and raised in Ethiopia. My great great grand father came to Ethiopia and settled there. We stuck to our tradition and language, making frequent trips to our ancestrol town in Wadi Doan.
My advice Akhi is, embark on a trip to Yemen to trace your root, but only when the political climate is conducive.
Wasalam Alekum Akhi

James Acquoi Howard

I am James, born in Liberia, worked for INGO's,. I have a Bsc in public Administration, certificate in human resources and transport and other certificates. I want to join the expat team and don't know how to start. I am stay in my home country, Liberia, West Africa.


Hi all

I an mr Alzubair i am yeameni, i live in Yemen too.
I am interest to know Yemeni people who live outside of Yemen  and also forign people too.
For any question about Yemen i am ready here
