depends on the exchange rate you get / where you change your money. You should know that there is an official exchange rate and a non-official, but it is not recommandable to change your money in the street (because it is prohibitid). In the official exchange, you might get about 43.000 Bolivares Fuertes for 10.000 US-Dollar.
Sounds much, but you have to know that life in Venzuela isn't that cheap as you might expect... To rent an apartment in one of the safer parts of the city, you should calculate about 3.000 to 4.000 Bolivares monthley, even might be more. Food also can be expensive, all depends on where you buy it (popular markets ar always cheaper than supermarkets where the products often have prices much higher then in Europe!!).
As I do not know very much about the labour market, I am not able to give you any advice on the possible situation of your wife here in Venezuela. The only thing I know is that the salaries are often quite low in comparison the European ones ("sueldo minomo" is about 1.300,- BSF monthly), and as a consequence life here can be hard if you are used to a quite high standard of living (they pay you less and at the same time you have to spent more on the things you need each day).
Hope I could help you a little bit; if you have further questions, do not hesitate to ask me!