New members of the Cambodia forum, introduce yourself here

my name is Gary Mcevilla . You can visit my facebook  by using my name. I am waiting to get my first social security check from U.S. in late February to move there. I can't wait. and am so anxious to go there and start a new life. I cannot afford to live here in the U.S. and I prefer a Cambodian girlfriend to an American for sure. I like to exercise. I am trying to find the cheapest place to live that has a gym as I like to exercise. but prefer not to be surrounded by tourists and expats. I am a little torn between taking a 2,0000 mile hike in the U.S with a dog that would take about 5-6 months or just forget that notion and immediately head to Cambodia..


Perhaps I can give you some insight on Social Security living outside of USA. I am retired and living in Cambodia for 5 years now. I started collecting SS when I was 62 now 66 . I went through the Manila office to submit my claim and declared residency here in Cambodia. The Manila office is far more efficient and prompt in settling any problems than in USA and I have my monthly payout deposited in a bank in USA. I have to submit a residency verification by mail or online once a year is all. Remember if you declare residency outside of USA your Medicare benefits are void and not applicable, so you will want to fill out a plan B form so they don't take out your premium payment from your monthly payout. Put the money you save toward a expat medical insurance plan. Hope this is of some help to you.

Although I have done volunteer work in Siem Reap Province over the last four years (clean water project and English teacher training), I've only  lived in Siem Reap for six months. Through the organization I set up occasional dinners out. Our next is on Wednesday Aug 13 at Haven. I hope you can join us at 7:30 and/or at any future get-together. RSVP needed for booking space. Cheers! Bob

I will only make about $950.00 a month on Social security . I just want a cheap studio, nothing fancy, a girlfriend and a gym to work out in. I will be 62 when I move there in February. sign up for social security next month but do not get first check until end of FEB. Thinking of Battambang because of not as many tourists and expats so that I can more immerse myself into local culture and find real girl friend and not bar girl.Would like to help her family and do some volunteer work from time to time.  What do you think??

Hi all, I just arrived in Phnom Penh 2days ago and was looking for a job.
Singaporean here. 24. Any help will be much appreciated! Thanks!

Hi all,

My name is Mark Chen. I'm a 27 year old from Holland.
Upcoming Wednesday I'll fly in to PP to start a new adventure! I'm a physical therapist, dry needling "western -style-accupuncture" therapist and a personal trainer. I also specialise in medical taping, and found a great place to put my qualities into work!

Aside from work, I love sport (any Crossfitters/calisthenics guys around here?) And food! So any recommendations on both of those are very welcome!

I'm currently looking into a place to stay through the housing section and looking forward to start exploring the city.

If you have any questions related to physical injury, feel free to ask away!

Welcome phnom penh I'm italian living here from some weeks here do u not find wealth products so if u need carry with u

My name is Gary Mcevilla. I am not very good with computer. I don't know how to post a photo of myself but if you type in my name you will see it on facebook.  I turn 62 dec 29 but won't receive my 1st check until the end of feb 2015. It is then I will come to Cambodia. My check will not be that much but I only want a simple life away from the hordes of expats and tourists, backpackers.  I just want a studio apt, girlfriend and a gym or martial art club to go to. I am thinking of Battambang  for this reason.  Any suggestions from anyone would be welcome. My income will be about $960.00 a month. I live in U.S. now and have grown weary of it and it is too cold anywhere in the nation.

Thanks for the advice Paolo! I'm taking some stuff with me and I believe my employer brings a lot of stuff in from overseas

Hello to all you nice people on here!
My name is Tim and I am from Los Angeles, California, USA but I have been traveling and living all over the world for the last 10 years. I had been living off my savings but soon I must start to make an income again. I have experience in Real Estate Finance and I just recently got my TESOL certificate in order to be able to teach English as a second language. I just moved to Phnom Penh 3 weeks ago and I am looking to meet cool people.


Hello to all you nice people on here!
My name is Tim and I am from Los Angeles, California, USA but I have been traveling and living all over the world for the last 10 years. I had been living off my savings but soon I must start to make an income again. I have experience in Real Estate Finance and I just recently got my TESOL certificate in order to be able to teach English as a second language. I just moved to Phnom Penh 3 weeks ago and I am looking to meet cool people.


Hi Mark,

Im moving to PP in November and have been trying to work out what the Gym situation is. I haven't done Crossfit, Ive been doing a bit of Grit Strength and other Les Mills classes, mainly Body Combat and Body Attack. There doesn't seem to be much on offer so I think Ill have to devise a new fitness regime :-)



I just arrived two days ago and I am planning to stay longer years here in Cambodia. I will take Khmer Language Lesson in RUPP. I am a missionary from Philippines.

my name is Gary Mcevilla. I wish I knew how to post my photo on my facebook to this site . I give many thanks to you as you are in 10,000 who seek out to really help people. I have been to Cebu for vacation and loved it. I have lived in Thailand in the military and on vacation. I am moving to Cambodia to retire there early next year. I hope to help somehow the less fortunate,. I am far from rich but even if I can buy some children sandals it will make me very happy.  Good luck to you. Sincerely

Hi Mark,  If your interested I know an ancient form that Damo the crazy wisdom monk taught the Shaolin Monks .  It takes about an hour give or take to do the form.  I've been doing it for some years ,now it does me. There are many different levels of this form. You can take it to the grave and still learn.  It does'nt take long to learn the form but perfecting it, what ever that means is endless. Welcome to Cambodia,  Sante` Pia , Lawrence

I have to admit that sounds interesting even though I am not really sure what you're talking about Lawrence!

Its very nice to have person like you who is willing to help those people in need. God bless you always.

did you find a job ?

Hey all I'm fairly new to expat but sure hope this will be a useful tool to help me make new friends. I am down here from the US visiting and want to meet a woman to show me around. If interested please wb


I'm new on expat and also new in Phnom Penh,
I just moved from Belgium with my husband, not really knowing the city i was hoping to meet people who live in the same city as we do. My husband and i are staying for one year. If we can adapt to the culture whe would like the stay.

It would be cool if we could organise a meeting with the expats and get to know each other?

What do you guys think?


if you find one let me know I am looking the same :)

Got one know dont i?  :D
Ou votre message n'etait pas pour moi?  :/

oui oui c'etait pour toi :)

:lol:  vous etes deja sur Phnom Penh? Are you already in Phnom penh?

non je rentre de Thailand mais le prochaine voyage c'est au Cambodge et je recherche des infos sur ce pays ....

non pas encore !

Dale,  I know an ancient martial art form taught by Damo ( the crazy wisdom monk ) who taught it to the Shaolin monks.  I can teach it to you if your interested.  I made a mistake and sent my first letter to Mark who thinks its interesting. If you want to see original letter scroll down till you find a letter to Mark from Lawrence.   Welcome to Cambodia.  Hope to hear back from you. Lawrence

Hi Mark,  Sorry I got confused and sent this to you and meant to send to Dale who is interested in martial arts.  Welcome to Cambodia and let me know if you need assistance with anything.  Regards Lawrence

Sue Ellen, my name is Annette and I am from South Africa.
I am currently in Phnom Penh, managing the English department of a local school her in the Russey Keo district.  My husband will be joining me around October. If things work out for  us we will stay longer / or not. ... Will have to wait and see.  If you want to meet up for coffee once you are settled please let me know. At the moment my work hours is a bit crazy but I am normally free on Saturday afternoons.

Hey Annette,

Nice to meet you!!!!
If your free this saturday whe could totally get a cup of coffee together!!!

Hope to see you soon!!!

Sue Ellen  :)

A big hullo to everyone in phnom phen :)

A short introduction: I am an Indian passport holder. I have spent the majority of my life in Canada (Vancouver, B.C) and the good ol USA (Los angeles, CA). Have obtained university degrees in both countries. I am a permanent resident of Canada. I have lived in a few countries apart from North America, including Cyprus (2 years), Australia (when i was 18 lol for a year) and Hong Kong (1.5 years). Currently just completed about 2 years in Bangkok, Thailand.

I am slated to arrive in phnom phen around the 10th of September for a short trip to see my options there. I would appreciate it very much if any of the current expats would be willing to meet and share with me their experiences as a full time expat in phnom phen. I am not a new comer to the city in that sense, having visited about 4 times before but completely restricted my self to the riverside and nagaworld area. Would be quite interesting to meet you all, if possibly some can take the time to give me your perspective on living full time in phnom phen.

Thank you very much in advance, much appreciated.

Hi Lawrence,

thanks for your message. I plan to arrive in PP Mid November so Ill stay in touch and contact you when I get settled in. Im looking at doing a variety of exercise options including some sort of MA / Combat.

Cheers for now


Hi Annette,
Oh very good to see you here the first time I got message from this new network and I also use to work there at Reussey Keo nearly two years at ACLEDA Bank Plc. But now m stay in Myanmar, So I may can't joint your coffee time.

Best wishes and have a nice day in PP.
SO Kosal

New to PP and even though it's a struggle, I'm enjoying it! Anyone else teaching in PP? I would love to get some advise on a position I'm hoping to take. I don't know what a "good" job entails here.

Hi everyone, I'm a new blogger and have lived in S.Ville since 2006. I'm a business owner and am starting a new solar power venture.
I did post on 'ex pat' blog and have been advised to post thread on Cambodian Blog?
Would someone please advise me how to do this? Thanks.

jencambodia wrote:

Hi All
I have spent the past 4 years visiting Cambodia and fell in love with Phnom Penh.
We have been fortunate enough to Meet Ross Wright from Choice and get involved where we can.

We have also met a real motley crew of expats which I am fortunate enough to now call friends and Khmer people who have become like family.
I am just a few months off graduating diploma in project management & have 18 years of business banking experience.

I am currently working for American express as a foreign exchange specialist but would love to stay in Phnom Penh for at least 12 months If can find a position.

A big hullo to everyone in phnom phen :)

A short introduction: I have spent the majority of my life in Canada (Vancouver, B.C) and the good ol USA (Los angeles, CA). Have obtained university degrees in both countries. I am a permanent resident of Canada. I have lived in a few countries apart from North America, including Cyprus (2 years), Australia (when i was 18 lol for a year) and Hong Kong (1.5 years). Currently just completed about 2 years in Bangkok, Thailand.

I am slated to arrive in phnom phen around the 10th of September for a short trip to see my options there. I would appreciate it very much if any of the current expats would be willing to meet and share with me their experiences as a full time expat in phnom phen. I am not a new comer to the city in that sense, having visited about 4 times before but completely restricted my self to the riverside and nagaworld area. Would be quite interesting to meet you all, if possibly some can take the time to give me your perspective on living full time in phnom phen.

Thank you very much in advance, much appreciated.

timgilroy wrote:

Hello to all you nice people on here!
My name is Tim and I am from Los Angeles, California, USA but I have been traveling and living all over the world for the last 10 years. I had been living off my savings but soon I must start to make an income again. I have experience in Real Estate Finance and I just recently got my TESOL certificate in order to be able to teach English as a second language. I just moved to Phnom Penh 3 weeks ago and I am looking to meet cool people.


A short introduction: I have spent the majority of my life in Canada (Vancouver, B.C) and the good ol USA (Los angeles, CA). Have obtained university degrees in both countries. I am a permanent resident of Canada. I have lived in a few countries apart from North America, including Cyprus (2 years), Australia (when i was 18 lol for a year) and Hong Kong (1.5 years). Currently just completed about 2 years in Bangkok, Thailand.

I am slated to arrive in phnom phen around the 10th of September for a short trip to see my options there. I would appreciate it very much if any of the current expats would be willing to meet and share with me their experiences as a full time expat in phnom phen. I am not a new comer to the city in that sense, having visited about 4 times before but completely restricted my self to the riverside and nagaworld area. Would be quite interesting to meet you all, if possibly some can take the time to give me your perspective on living full time in phnom phen.

Thank you very much in advance, much appreciated.

Samanthashan wrote:

Hi ,
Moving to Phnom Penh in march .
Nice to know you all :)

A short introduction: I have spent the majority of my life in Canada (Vancouver, B.C) and the good ol USA (Los angeles, CA). Have obtained university degrees in both countries. I am a permanent resident of Canada. I have lived in a few countries apart from North America, including Cyprus (2 years), Australia (when i was 18 lol for a year) and Hong Kong (1.5 years). Currently just completed about 2 years in Bangkok, Thailand.

I am slated to arrive in phnom phen around the 10th of September for a short trip to see my options there. I would appreciate it very much if any of the current expats would be willing to meet and share with me their experiences as a full time expat in phnom phen. I am not a new comer to the city in that sense, having visited about 4 times before but completely restricted my self to the riverside and nagaworld area. Would be quite interesting to meet you all, if possibly some can take the time to give me your perspective on living full time in phnom phen.

Thank you very much in advance, much appreciated.

mbscorpio18 wrote:

I've been working in Vietnam and Cambodia, as a tour manager, for 2 years. Recently promoted to operations manager for our itineraries on the Mekong, Ganges, and Irrawaddy, and now living in Phnom Penh for the last few weeks. Spent the last 10 days in Siem Reap and Yangon, though, and really looking forward to settling in, getting to know Phnom Penh, and meeting some other expats!

A short introduction: I have spent the majority of my life in Canada (Vancouver, B.C) and the good ol USA (Los angeles, CA). Have obtained university degrees in both countries. I am a permanent resident of Canada. I have lived in a few countries apart from North America, including Cyprus (2 years), Australia (when i was 18 lol for a year) and Hong Kong (1.5 years). Currently just completed about 2 years in Bangkok, Thailand.

I am slated to arrive in phnom phen around the 10th of September for a short trip to see my options there. I would appreciate it very much if any of the current expats would be willing to meet and share with me their experiences as a full time expat in phnom phen. I am not a new comer to the city in that sense, having visited about 4 times before but completely restricted my self to the riverside and nagaworld area. Would be quite interesting to meet you all, if possibly some can take the time to give me your perspective on living full time in phnom phen.

Thank you very much in advance, much appreciated.

shubhrojyotid wrote:

Hi Everyone,
thanks for the nice welcome.

I am Sena and from India , planned to reach  Phnom Phen on 2nd week of May with my friend,i need help to set up network / contacts with local importer / business house to export medicine & tea from India.

Hope to meet some of you soon  :)


A short introduction: I have spent the majority of my life in Canada (Vancouver, B.C) and the good ol USA (Los angeles, CA). Have obtained university degrees in both countries. I am a permanent resident of Canada. I have lived in a few countries apart from North America, including Cyprus (2 years), Australia (when i was 18 lol for a year) and Hong Kong (1.5 years). Currently just completed about 2 years in Bangkok, Thailand.

I am slated to arrive in phnom phen around the 10th of September for a short trip to see my options there. I would appreciate it very much if any of the current expats would be willing to meet and share with me their experiences as a full time expat in phnom phen. I am not a new comer to the city in that sense, having visited about 4 times before but completely restricted my self to the riverside and nagaworld area. Would be quite interesting to meet you all, if possibly some can take the time to give me your perspective on living full time in phnom phen.

Thank you very much in advance, much appreciated.
