New members of the Cambodia forum, introduce yourself here

Hi Domi

I am new to Cambodia , been here 4 times in the past but this time I want to live and work here .

I would like the opertunity to work for an NGO but really don't know where to start. It seems pointless sending out my CV randomly to organisations .

Could we have a chat some time maybe you could take all at my CV and offer some advice ?

Best Regatds

Andy C

Hi everyone,
I have just moved to PP with my boyfriend. We will be staying for a few months and are looking to meet other fun people to hang out with and explore the city together. We are 25 and 33, from England and India, and are easy-going, chilled out people.
Regards, Katie

First when you come in Cambodia be sure you r cover for health in case of accident or disease. I support my consulate with an organization so i can tell you a lot about it.
Secondly now i encourage people to send cv to recruitment agencies so they will help you. Companies don t trust expats who just arrived. Joined some voluntary job and you will see if you cope with people, culture, living.
Third party with network events, meet people and open oportunities to make people to know you better.
Then explore because you have a lot to discover, temples and jungles, white sand  islands, mountains and tribes...

I am sure you will find the way of happiness.


Hi Guys,

I just got here in Cambodia doing some work, paid and unpaid. I plan to work and live here because I like the way  how it's structured. The theme is relaxing and the currency for mode of payment can easily be calculated.

I teach English and looking for a part time job only, ideally, because I really work for the business industry doing different sorts of things under the umbrella of Marketing and advertising. My plan is to advance myself in Public Relations and Online work such as Online Newspaper offering services such as press release writing, social media and more once I feel ready to launch it. The theme would vary from the usual business setup but I definitely won't get out of the box.

Akin, I have been traveling around Asia for now before I head on smoothly to low temperature countries among white. For the meantime, I will proceed English teaching since it's been what I've been doing for the past 10 years in  cram schools and other institutes but I would release myself from it, too.

I would be glad to meet new friends and interconnect.

Sally Trumpeta


NGO is not really fun and lucrative. As you keep on trying for cosideration, if I may suggest, try opening up another option that may be lucrative and fun. Cheers!

Hello Everyone!
       My name's Anthony S.or simply,Tony.I am very much interested in expatriating to Cambodia asap.I'd appreciate any information regarding where to go,what I'll need,or whatever else.Please welcome me.Thankyou very much.

Welcome to Cambodia Sally!

Hi Guys,

Jeevan here moving over early Jan. Will be based in Phenom Penh. Been over a couple of times this month so far. Gotta say the language barrier doesn't make it easy (english is basically the only language i know). Im from Malaysia but lived in Sydney previously . Would be great to meet some like minded company for a couple of drinks , traveling and better yet some football.

Hi Jeevan, my boyfriend would certainly be up for playing some football when you are here - and we can also share a beer or two. Drop us a message when you're here and we can work something out. Safe trip, Katie (and Yash)

Greeting from Phnom Penh Cambodia.

I am a public high school teacher  I was teaching Khmer literature ,but Now only English for grade 11 in a public school.
I love my teaching very much is not about economical matter ,but to share my Knowledge with them and  introduce them how to shape their goal for their further  study.t

During my time as a teacher  I was teaching at one of International organization volunteers for many years too  ,

I  was teaching Khmer language and cultural to many expats for the past years.

and  I also working as a freelance Japanese and English tour guide .

I like to learn new things and languages ...and  I am open person.  I like to share and first think of people around me.

.People around me happy I am happy too.

I hope to share and learn more from you all .

Happy the coming New year


Hi, all.
I'm from korea and work in PP as a salesperson.
I feel that I need to improve my English skills after I came here.
I will try to make a expat friend here.
Thank you!


Eric here from Portland, Oregon.  I am a US military veteran with a love of traveling and I am relocating to Phnom Penh at the beginning of March.  I will be looking for an English teaching position (or any job!)



je suis de passage à phnom pen en janvier février et j'aimerai papoter avec des expats en vue d'une prochaine installation en Asie. Pour le moment j'hésite entre le Vietnam, la Thailande ou le Cambodge et je compte profiter de mon séjour pour glaner des infos pratiques pour affiner mon choix.
Donc si vous avez le temps de bavarder autour d'un verre ça sera avec plaisir...
Je serai à phnom penh le 10 janvier...
A bientôt,

hello and welcome to CAMBODIA.

WELCOME ,AND YOU CAN CONTACT ME ON MY GMAIL , if you like to hang out with.

jef31 wrote:

je suis de passage à phnom pen en janvier février et j'aimerai papoter avec des expats en vue d'une prochaine installation en Asie. Pour le moment j'hésite entre le Vietnam, la Thailande ou le Cambodge et je compte profiter de mon séjour pour glaner des infos pratiques pour affiner mon choix.
Donc si vous avez le temps de bavarder autour d'un verre ça sera avec plaisir...
Je serai à phnom penh le 10 janvier...
A bientôt,

As this is an Anglophone forum could you please post in English only.
Thank you.

Hey all,

My name's Logan, I'm a 22 y/o male from Washington D.C. I'm moving to Phnom Penh at the end of the month to intern for a magazine. I'll be living in the city for a minimum of six months, but could be staying longer if opportunities arise. Any advice would be appreciated-- what I should expect, what to bring, things to know etc. I'm also looking for a place to live, so I would love to hear recommendations for housing placements. Cheers guys

Hello to everybody, I'll arrive to Siem Reap very soon and  stay for two months. I hope to organize a good business for a cambodian rural family. If all will be ok, I will comeback and stay for a long time.
In this time I'll study and improve my English with a teacher I met by Expat.

Hi all,

I'm Kristi. I'm 29 and from the United States. I just arrived in Phnom Penh to volunteer/work for four months at a women's rights NGO. I'm also hoping to do some freelance writing because my background is in journalism. I already have a place to live but I'm hoping to make some friends who enjoy going to dinner, exploring and might be up for some weekend trips.

Hope to hear from all of you!


jef31 wrote:

je suis de passage à phnom pen en janvier février et j'aimerai papoter avec des expats en vue d'une prochaine installation en Asie. Pour le moment j'hésite entre le Vietnam, la Thailande ou le Cambodge et je compte profiter de mon séjour pour glaner des infos pratiques pour affiner mon choix.
Donc si vous avez le temps de bavarder autour d'un verre ça sera avec plaisir...
Je serai à phnom penh le 10 janvier...
A bientôt,

English please as this is an Anglophone forum
Thank you

Hi, Kristy
I am Sam , I am khmer i would love to have more friend too ,  you can sms me if you like , but i will not be around from 9 to 19 this month can sms me while i am back 20 till 26 ,
my Email,

Happy New Year.

Hello Tim ,

Nice I am an English  and khmer and cultural teacher too, but i am khmer i am now teaching at public School.

would be nice to be friends so that we can exchange ideas , you can sms me through my phone.
[moderated] to meet up for coffee in town and chat.


hi there,

I am a new comer of the forum, i am Cambodian and living in Cambodia, nice to meet all of you here

Happy New year

Good luck Krist, welcome to Cambodia

[moderated: is not a dating website]

Hi :)  I come from Malaysia working in Cambodia now.
Hope to get some friends here...
Nice to meet you!

welcome to Cambodia, please have a nice stay and enjoy food

Hello. I am from Argentine, but living in japan. I want to move to Cambodia as soon as possible.
Checking apartaments. I have 3 kids. My kids can talk in 3 languages, spanish/english/japanese, so I was checking also the international schools in the capital city. I found a lot of options.
I am music teacher, and also was teaching english and spanish in Tokyo. I work by internet too.
Best regards!!!


Looking at Cambodia as my next adventure.  Been living and working in Mexico for the last 10 years but ready for a change.  Originally from Canada. I have been traveling to Cambodia since 1999 and it's my favourite place in all of SE Asia.  Excited!

Hello Claudia,
Welcome to the forum!   Just curious what you find about Cambodia that makes it your favorite place in SE Asia, what differentiates it from the other countries here?  I have heard that from a number of other people too.   Interested in what you think.


Julien wrote:

Hi all,

Newbie on the Cambodia forum? Don't know how to start?

This thread is for you ;)

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on your expat projects in Cambodia if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!

It's many things.  The people, the culture, the history, it's not as congested as other parts of Asia.  There is a good energy there that I feel when I'm there. There also seems to be opportunity.  I would like to start a small women's co-op/micro finance project for my garment designs, which will be for export.

[moderated: is NOT a dating site]

Anthony S. wrote:

[moderated: is NOT a dating site]

Yes.  Not sure why that matters.  lol

[moderated: is NOT a dating site]

Claudia J wrote:

It's many things.  The people, the culture, the history, it's not as congested as other parts of Asia.  There is a good energy there that I feel when I'm there. There also seems to be opportunity.  I would like to start a small women's co-op/micro finance project for my garment designs, which will be for export.

Sounds like you have some good ideas Claudia.    Wish you  luck with your endeavors.    Just be careful.

Thank you so much ^^


Hey all,
25 year old Sydn woman hoping to move to Cambodia with my husband sometime in the near future, still in early planning stages. Hoping to escape the rte race and enjoy a simpler life, and start a family. Looking to start a small business or invest in real estate. Any tips or opinions are greatly appreciated and welcomed.

Hello. I've just moved to Siem Reap but I've been in Asia for 9 months. It's always being the plan to live hear so I would like to meet people who can help me. I'm also looking for work or business opportunities. I enjoy cycling and would like to organise a charity  ride at some point.
