New members of the Ecuador forum, introduce yourself here

It's very easy to live on $500/month here, even in Cuenca which is considered more expensive than most areas.  The key that I have found is to deal with locals, not other gringos, in finding your way.  For example not far from where I live in Cuenca is an area called "gringolandia" where it is common for a gringo to pay $300, $400, even $500 for an unfurnished 2 or 3 bedroom apartment.  I pay $200 for a brand new (I am the first tenant) 2 bedroom place, which I was able to totally furnish from local vendors for $2500.  Now I rent my extra bedroom for $250, so the place will pay for itself in two years.  I get to live for free!  My utilities (propane gas for hot water and cooking, electricity, water, garbage service, run about $10/month).  There's no need for heat or air conditioning in Cuenca.  Food costs maybe run $50/week and I eat very well.  I take the bus everywhere, so even an excursion to the beach for two days and one night will costs me under $100.  I have learned to live like a local.  Soon I will be renting a 4 bedroom house for $300/month and will rent rooms for added income.  It's an easy and beautiful life can do it!  The secret is that you want to learn spanish and deal with the Ecuadorian people.  One of the main reasons why I left the USA was because most Americans are materialistic, egotistic fools.  Feel your way on these sites but try to avoid the fear-mongering which keeps most gringos who live in Ecuador locked in the same prison they thought they were leaving when they escaped the USA.  good luck! and happy to help in any way I can contact me directly at my email (

Buenos Dias, I'm Chris.  My Russian, artist, wife Olga ( and I live in Asheville, NC and are planning to relocate to Ecuador in the near future.
I spent an incredible 10 days in Monanita in January with my adult son and daughter and fell in love with the beauty and the lovely people not to mention, what appeared to me ,to be a decent cost of living.  I am not a rich man but I have managed to squirrel away a decent savings and a small annuity but hope not to take my SS until I'm 70 I am 65.  I have been told if you go to Ecuador with $200k you should be able to live fairly comfortable if you manage your funds carefully.  Is this accurate?  Thank you.  Chris

Joel, have you found a traveling companion yet? I also live in FL and would like to visit Cuenca for about a month. You can reach me at pat1363@bell

I live an hour away in outside Johnson city TN off I-26
I spent a few days in Montanita also last summer,,,really want to go back and stay longer,,,lovely area

I'm interested in moving to Cuenca, please give me your Landlords # or e- mail address
What was he charging you for rent? Does the building have balconies ?

Here are some pics of apts for rent in Cuenca

Thanks will check this out ASAP

I like your concept of life here, I'm living now in Guayaquil, but want to live in Cuenca, I've been there on 4 occasions but was never able to check rentals, I'm retired and survive on a modest pension the rent you pay is in the capacity I'm looking for I want an unfurnished one bedroom apt. Facing the street, not too high up on flrs. I had Bilateral Knee Surgery 2 years ago. My status in Ecuador is 100% legal. I'm originally from NYC. You can understand my need for independent and private living space I read that you are considering moving my question is if there is the possibility of renting your apt. Naturally after seeing it and if the Landlord agrees

I can't tell from your note who you are addressing????  thanks,  Louis

Sorry Louis, that was for you.

Sorry Louis for mix up I was directing the mje to another person, I clicked on the wrong place lol


My significant other and I are planning on moving to Ecuador (Cuenca) in 5 years, yes getting an early start. We plan on visiting this September. We are looking forward to this transition and starting the next chapter of our lives.

Hi Bob, I'm finally coming down to Cuenca 5/1 for a month. I have an apt but I can't figure out the best way to get there without spending 24 hours in transit. We are leaving from Miami on 5/1. Any suggestions?

danygirl, I got off the newcomer site but how do I start my new blogsite?


Hello Maria Pia, I'm interested in moving to Cuenca, it would be great knowing up front of a person or place that one could possibly rent an apt. I read your post and would appreciate if you send me your ex landlords e-mail. I've visited Cuenca a few times but didn't have time to check for rentals, however I left with a good feeling about living in Cuenca

Hello Global, Thanks for your friendship request, and your interest to live in my adopted country. Your choice of Cuenca is good however you need to visit Cuenca and another city maybe Quito in order to decide where your heart leads you. Ive been to both cities and like them, but Cuenca draws me. Check as much info in the internet that you can find read articles look at pictures. Language you know is a factor, so some knowledge of Spanish is important. Feel free to contact me and any others here for advice Im hoping to move to Cuenca soon as well

Hello Evelyn!

Here is a link where you can look at some pics of the apts that I know:] Cuenca Apts For Rent Golf Club Area url]

The landlord is a super nice guy. You can tell him that you heard about the apts from Maria Pia.
He said anybody can look at the pics, (they are in Facebook) even if someone does not have an account. Or you can send him an email marcocardenas11@hotmail dot com

God bless!

Hi, I am new to this site and I am thinking about moving to Ecuador. A few years ago I started looking into it, but got distracted, and now I am looking into it again with more determination. I am interested in living by the coast,( thinking maybe of renting a one or 2 bedroom place) but I do enjoy the amenities of a fair size city such as restaurants, movies, markets, availability of courses such as language courses, maybe a fitness centre. Is there a place that has both, beaches and city amenities? I was trying to get info on Guayaqui,( I couldn't find much on housing info) but then looking further along the coast I see Manta, Machala Canton, Mancora, Talara, Esmeraldas, La Libertad and others I have missed. How does someone choose? I understand the coast is drier and warmer, which sounds great to me.
    I am a Canadian, I would like to live where there are some other Canadians but it is not a necessity. And I did 20 years in the military so I have a pension coming in, that there is no way I can live on it here, but maybe I can live on it there.
   I guess the thing to do is get as much information as possible, then go for a 2 or 3 week visit, then take it from there.
   I would very much appreciate any information you could send to me,
thank you very much, Allison

drier and warmer?  you must be kidding...the coast is very hot and very humid....very difficult for a northerner to enjoy the coast, in my it to living in Florida with a year-round summer....good luck!

Yes, the coast is warmer, but drier depend of the area. I thought Puerto Lopez (at Manabi state) was dry, but now in "winter" (we call it winter because of the rain, but actually is hot) there is some humidity (not like in Guayaquil) and sometimes is hot (but remember that people has diferent perceptions on that). I was told that this hot weather remains until May, when we can expect the "summer" (we call it summer just because there is no rain) when the temperature gets around the 70s

Something that you could try is living in Guayaquil and then travel to the beach (is pretty close)
I have been in Tonsupa (Esmeraldas state) and the towns around and I did not find a lot to do.

I think Salinas could be a place where someone can find more things to do.

When I moved from Guayaquil to Cuenca, was difficult to me because I find myself unable to find the same stuff or the variety of stuff that Guayaquil has to offer. Then, I thought: well is not too bad I can live withouth that stuff or I can make my stock every time that I go Guayaquil.

Now, living in such a small town. Im in the same process of adapting. When I travel I get my "women" stuff and create my stock.

I will suggest that you take a close look into cities here. I mean renting apts and moving to other place when you feel ready. Find apts are not really dificult. We have a good bus, taxi service, so you dont really need your own car. If you want a car, is not very difficult find one and you can use your canadian driverŽs license or get a international driverŽs lic now.

Some Canadians that I have met, are happy in this hot weather. Are happy with the "nothing to do" life style.

I have a blog if you want to look at
is in

There are flights that arrive in Cuenca,then a taxi to your Hotel or apt. building

Looking for a place that has all the amenities, try Sarambordon check the list here there are a few Canadians that can offer advice. This time of the year it's very hot in Guayaquil, Iv'e been vacationing here for 32 years,and I'm living here permanently for 2, I can't tolerate the heat without a/c

thanks for your reply : )

Hello May Welcome, and you will feel more welcome when and if you come to live in Ecuador.

Cindy here 27 of age Cameroonian by nationality  and planing a trip to Ecuador may ending

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This is great to hear. thanks for sharing Louis,

Hello, my name is Fred.  I came to Ecuador from Edmonton, Alberta.  I had just retired on 11 Jan 2014 after working in an automotive warehouse as the manager for 17 years.  Prior to this I was in the military for 20 years and also with Corrections Canada for 20 years.  I have worked on computers all my career life but have venture to bartending during those years for 40 years and am a avid plant lover.  Now that I am retired here in Salinas I want to take some of that experience and start a soccer and baseball league here in Salinas not only for kids but for all ages, men and women. 
My overall plan is to become a permanent resident of Ecuador in the very near future and with the help and encouragement of all this will happen for me.


I just saw your comments and I MUST AGREE  with you. I am from Canada and I speak about an intermediate level in Spanish. I am staying with Ecuadorian friends whom I met online and they are wonderful. It was my choice to do this rather than hook up with gringos for the reasons you cite. I know there are many good people out there but I have to say that it was my wish to be part of the culture --not to stay in a limiting personal space --inside and out--up there in Canada. For me --I love the culture, the language, the environment-all things bright and beautiful that come with re-locating here. I think life is an adventure so I choose to do things such as this to keep me happy. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comments in posting here on this blog. I hope others do read it as well and maybe it will strike a chord.

Hi, it is such a pleasure for me to hear from other Canadians.  Since I arrived here is Salinas, even the first day in Salinas I was welcomed to the community and actually felt very welcome.  I have met so many people since February.  I only new about five words in Spanish, but as I started walking on the malecon, people, locals and everyone were so pleasant and encouraging to me.  I have made many friends and some of them have had to depart due to their stay was ending.  Everyday new people arrive but some same for a while well others are only here for a couple of weeks.  It has made things a little easier but it also can be stressful when you are trying to stay for good. 
I am very happy to have received your message, and hope that we can continue to chat, to feel free and at home in our new destinations.

Hiya Barbara, have just read your reply to fredster.  I live in Toronto, and I am going to visit Ecuador in the New Year, for possible retirement.  If/when you are available, could I contact you via magic Jack, or Facebook video chat?  So much easier than lengthy emails. Thanks, Judy

Hi Judy.  It is so nice to see you on here, and the fact that you are thinking of retiring in Ecuador.  From what little that I have seen so far, at bit of Guayaquil, Montanita, Acon it is a very beautiful country.  It is a peaceful country and you can actually be comfortable here and finally feel free.  Hope to hear from you again soon.

Was born and raised in Phoenix.  Moved to Arkansas for 27 years, then we were asked to start a counseling center on the campus of a university in Phoenix, so we've moved back.  We are both Licensed Professional Counselors in both states and we have been in practice for 20 years.  Have been dreaming about Ecuqador for 10 years and for some reason got up the courage to visit this summer with an to possibly move. 

If anyone could get to this question, it would really be appreciated as we have to find something soon (for our month's stay in Cuenco in July). 

I am leary about selecting an apartment/condo online not know who's reputable and who's not.  I have read some negative stories in various blogs about who to stay away from (in less kind words than that).  But would still like the opinion of you bloggers here at  Thanks

betsy57 wrote:

Was born and raised in Phoenix.

Welcome to the Phoenix caucus.

I am leary about selecting an apartment/condo online not know who's reputable and who's not.  I have read some negative stories in various blogs about who to stay away from (in less kind words than that).  But would still like the opinion of you bloggers here at  Thanks

I rented an apartment online for the first two months I was in Quito. I don't see a huge risk in taking a place for for a short-term rental. It's not the ideal way to deal with the move, but it's not bad. Of course, two-three weeks in a mid-range hotel might be no more expensive.

Thanks BobH. Probably good advice.  I'm just hoping I can find someone to help us find a place (since a month is such a long time to be in a hotel) that is reasonably homey, located city center, and won't rip us off - Ha!

Hi, JUDY! :)
I am not familiar with MAGIC JACK AND I really don't use Facebook a lot. Too much info exchanged. Could we please send each other private messages in this forum? :)

hi barbara

i FINALLY got my e mail address straightened out, even though my computer is still halfway not ok.

i think im going to fly to Israel for a month .....I got a super half  price cheap ticket.....tentatively....before going to equador orderv to compare the two different qualities of the 2 areas......which is going to be hard.

because the qualities are so different, but the advantages of a lower cost of living opposed to first world but very expensive cost of living are...well...difficult to evaluate.

will keep in touch ......but as of yet I have STILL not been emailed by your friend who speaks english and spanish...altho i do speak a  little spanish i do need all the helpi can get in case i decide to permanently live in lower and less hot and humid .......but very 65 to 75 degree mid size city there.

please tell me if you see t his.

carolyn hunter, in oroville, CA.

ive been trying forever to get a  hold of you

please tell me if you read this and send me your e mail address so i can write directly to you as my e mails keep coming back because i do not know what im doing wrong.

perhaps its a senior moment i guess?


carolyn hunter

gheres a blurb i sent barbara but i forgot to ask her to forward it to you...another senior moment?

carolyn hunter currently in oroville,CA but soon to be in equador?

heres a copy of what i  recently sent barbara

carolynhunter Today 14:58:59

hi barbara

i FINALLY got my e mail address straightened out, even though my computer is still halfway not ok.

i think im going to fly to Israel for a month .....I got a super half  price cheap ticket.....tentatively....before going to equador orderv to compare the two different qualities of the 2 areas......which is going to be hard.

because the qualities are so different, but the advantages of a lower cost of living opposed to first world but very expensive cost of living are...well...difficult to evaluate.

will keep in touch ......but as of yet I have STILL not been emailed by your friend who speaks english and spanish...altho i do speak a  little spanish i do need all the helpi can get in case i decide to permanently live in lower and less hot and humid .......but very 65 to 75 degree mid size city there.

please tell me if you see t his.

carolyn hunter, in oroville, CA.

Hi, my name is Kim. I sailed in to Bahia Del Caraquez about a month ago. I live on my 39' sailboat. I plan to stay here for possibly years exploring the whole of South America. I will be doing some seasonal back and forth to Panama as well. I am a single 60 year old man. I am looking to learn much more spanish via lessons. I am always glad to meet like minded women preferably near my age.

HI, KIm,
I am re-locating to Cumbaya just outside of Quito at the end of JUNE. I look forward to making new friends and sharing adventures. I am in my 60's but oh so young at heart --full of adventure and life in general. I look forward to hearing back from you!
