
New Members of the Ecuador Forum, Introduce Yourself, 3rd Quarter 2015

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Are you new to the Ecuador Forum?  Not sure how to start?

This thread is for you. :)

We invite you to introduce yourself here, share your Expat story or tell us about your projects and plans for Ecuador.

This is a place for introductions.  If you have questions, we invite you to visit our thread titled Fielding Your Questions:  New Members Want to Know.  You may start a completely new thread if you prefer.  Or join in on another existing thread.

Follow on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Most of all, a warm welcome as you get started on on the Ecuador Forum!

P.S.  Here is the link to the Fielding Your Questions thread....


Hi... I'm just in the initial stages of exploring Ecuador as a retirement option, and looking forward to leveraging the wisdom of the masses.  :)


I am looking to learn more about Cuenca Ecuador, may move there in a few months. I am so excited to meet new friends and make new memories.

mark clark

Hello,I will be moving to Cuenca in November,I'm 48 and on a pension and looking to get a horse and ride all over this beautiful place


That sounds  amazing.. i hope it works out for you..


I'm 65, female, lived in Panama for last 6 months. Really enjoy visiting Latin America.
I'll be arriving in Quito on August 3 or 4, 2015. New to Ecuador. Will appreciate all conversations and meet ups. Plan on staying the first week at Guest House, El Bosque. During that week, I'll look for something to rent monthly. Any suggestions???


Welcome to the Ecuador forum, StarsNmoon.

I have some ideas for your Quito stay, and have posted them at the thread known as Fielding Your Questions:  New Members Want to Know....

That thread was specifically created to answer questions while not violating the edict from the Home Office in the Mascarene Islands prohibiting the use of this New Members thread for anything other than introductions per se.

To be magically whisked over to that thread, click on the following link...and then scroll all the way down....

cccmedia in Quito


Hi, my name is Jack Watson, 56, presently living in San Antonio, TX, single father of three boys who are 12 years old going into the 7th grade (yes I started late!!!! Should be a Grand Father right).  I am a retiring from the military after 33 years of service, and am considering relocating to Cuenca.  I will live off my military retirement, VA benefits, and SSI.  I have posted on General Questions already about an International School for my three boys.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!?




4 more days to hear the radio show at your leisure- I was on a I-net Radio Show Radio Ranch (AR. S.A.) this past WED 05 AUG 2015 giving my once a month "Ecuador Report"--

--"Journeyman Jack Abercrombie, patriot friend from Atlanta now helping people move, vacation or otherwise enjoy the country of Ecuador is today’s guest. 1st segment today mainly on some interesting info on the pineal gland, sun gazing and it’s positive effects on one’s entire life. Jack & I engage in a general discussion of our respective countries and living in them, along with adjusting/adjustment to the new country/culture."--

--Click here to listen to the 2 hr show: … 55…/
You can fast fwd past the first 30 mins, mostly about the hosts (In AR. S.A.) experience with Sun Gazing, and his interest in Ayauasca Ceremony. I come on at that point for 90 mins. The show is only archived for free listening & download for 1 week, the above link will expire on WED 12 JUL 2015.


hi    I'm phil

I'm 58 years old currently living in Bicester U.K.

I'll be retiring next year   round about this time, july/august and am seriously considering making Ecuador my new home,

I joined the forum to learn from other's experiences.

Looking forward to passing on my tips in a few years time


I (Alina) and my fiance (Mike) are moving to Ecuador by the end of the month. We will be moving to Puyo, a town about 1.5 hours east from Baños (Tungurahua).

I am from Ecuador and after being in the States for almost 20 years, I think it is time to return to my home country. Mike is from the USA. He has retired and will be working part time, and I will be working full time. We are biologists, so are very excited to go to such a biodiversity- rich area in Ecuador!

Best and looking forward to meet some or many members from this group!



I will not be moving for a couple of years, but would like to meet some people from Cuenca, Ecuador as that is the planned destination and we don't know anyone in Ecuador.

If interested let me know.


Angel2018 wrote:

I will not be moving for a couple of years, but would like to meet some people from Cuenca, Ecuador as that is the planned destination and we don't know anyone in Ecuador.

If interested let me know.

Welcome to the Ecuador forum, Angel.

Please visit the Cuenca forum and the Unofficial web site of the greater Cuenca expat community.

Both are reachable using the Search box atop this page.

cccmedia in Quito





My wife and spent several months in Ecuador a years back and are thinking about making the move there.

I'm in IT and need to find work there or decide to go the investor route, I have some plans for telecommunication ventures.

We love the people and the land of South America.  We have stayed for extended periods in the mountains, the cloud forest and the Amazon and have liked them all.  I think starting in Quito would be easiest from an income generation perspective then venturing out to other areas.


The investor route is probably your best option. Ecuador will not hire a foreign national if there is an Ecuadorian qualified for the job.. Currently there are thousands of Venezuelans competing for those jobs. There is an influx of VZ immigrants because of the economic situation in VZ . if you had a signed contract with the promise of a job you would be able to work. I'm assuming you are proficient in Spanish


akmisit wrote:

I have some plans for telecommunication ventures.

Welcome to the Ecuador forum, Akmisit.

Even with a potential entrepreneurial venture, La Oracula's idea of sticking money in a bank CD for the investor visa is the correct first move.

With boots on EC ground, you could come to understand the EC communications landscape and the player-companies before devising a game plan of your own.

I have some more thoughts for you, but it has just come to my attention that this is the new-member introduction thread.  We really should be posting somewhere more appropriate such as the thread titled "Fielding Your Questions:  New Members Want to Know...."  The Home Office is usually strict about keeping this thread for intros only.

Ipso facto, I have posted my other comments at the Fielding thread so we don't cause an interruption of the Home Office crew's weekend fruit-shopping excursion in the Pamplemousses District.

The link to that thread is in blue, below.  When you get there, scroll over to the most recent posts, which are currently on page 2 of the thread....

cccmedia in Quito



:cool: No, my Spanish is near non-existent, no practice since school days and those were long ago.  Definitely something on which I have to work.  Fortunately, I can still order a cold beer and a cheeseburger.  The good news is that pocket translators are quite good these days for difficult moments.  I have an app on my phone that can carry on a vocal conversation in English and Spanish and vice versa.  Truly amazing, the technology these days.  Any problem with bringing my own phone?  It is internationally capable, GSM, etc.

I have been looking into retirement in Cuenca off and on for a couple of years and my last Social Security bump (2015) put me over the $800 minimum requirement.  I did not know until recently I could possibly qualify by simply having a bachelor's degree.  Anyway, I'm 70 now, single, and finding it near impossible to live as a human being on my meager income here in Florida USA.  Thus my looking at/into Cuenca, (the Shangri-La of the Western Hemisphere?). 

My research reveals some confusion about a possible deal-breaker, though...  I am an Amazon addict.  I read a great deal and order a lot of books (4,5,6 or more monthly) - among other things from and elsewhere online.  Regarding the "4x4" rule, I could in no way afford a $42 surcharge when ordering a used book online.  Is the 4x4 rule good or not for my purposes should I be in Cuenca and needing something within those 4x4 limits?

Thank you, BC


Hi BC. Welcome. I live in Vero Beach also single in 70's. Been looking at Cuenca for a 5 month visit. Would like to communicate sallysunshinevero@gmail.coml


Welcome, new members from Florida:   Sally Sunshine and BC45.

BC, congratulations on surpassing that magic $800 number.

I may have solved your Amazon problem.  However, due to intro-thread restrictions as explained above, I have moved the conversation to a new thread I created titled:  Help!  "I'm an Amazon addict"!

Just click on the following link and I'll see you over at the new thread.... … 58#2806412

cccmedia in Quito


BC45 wrote:

Pocket translators are quite good these days for difficult moments.  I have an app on my phone that can carry on a vocal conversation in English and Spanish and vice versa.  Truly amazing, the technology these days.  Any problem with bringing my own phone?  It is internationally capable....

As for bringing the phone into Ecuador, we can figure that out, too, on an appropriate thread.

In this case, that means the "Fielding Your Questions...New Members Want to Know" thread.

Just click on this link and you'll be whisked to that venue forthwith.  When you get there, scroll all the way down to the most recent postings.

cccmedia in Quito


Welcome, to the Ecuador Forum.
Not sure if you picked a city, check the Manta area.
If there is anything I can help you with, let me know.

Moderated by kenjee 9 years ago
Reason : Promotion of services and own websites not authorised on the forum.

Hola Frank,

Thanks for your reply.  I am focusing on Cuenca and hope to visit soon to breathe the aires, see if I like it as much up close as I seem to from afar..

cheers, BC


Hey everyone!
I'm from Los Angeles but am looking to relocate to Ecuador. I am planning a trip to the country to explore some mountain towns (4000-7000 ft elevation) with warm but temperate weather. My wife and I plan on buying a large piece of land and living a regenerative horticultural existence. We want to be near a small town and in an area with sufficient water resources. Coming from California we are not interested in very dry areas. So far I have been trying to get an understanding of the differences between the following towns:
Giron (and other towns in the Yanguilla Valley)

I am looking for property that is rural but not remote with pastoral landscapes to develop what we envision. Since our farm lives will be a little isolating we want to make sure we are in an area where we will be able to build quality relationships with locals and expats in town. Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide. Im looking forward to meeting some interesting people on this blog.


Waynecbyrd wrote:

I am planning a trip to the country to explore some mountain towns (4000-7000 ft elevation) with warm but temperate weather....We want to be near a small town and in an area with sufficient water resources.....I am looking for property that is rural but not remote with pastoral landscapes to develop what we envision.

Welcome to the Ecuador forum, Wayne.  Under forum rules, in order to give you some input we must vacate this introductions-thread and find a more appropriate venue.

For a discussion of one likely spot, I have posted about Vilcabamba at the Ecuador thread titled "Anybody Living in Vilcabamba or Loja...."  Just type Living in Vilcabamba into the searchbox atop this page and click on the search icon to the right of the box, to navigate to that thread.  When you get there, scroll down to the latest page-and-post.

cccmedia in Quito


Thanks CCCMedia


Hello All

Also in the initial stages of exploring Ecuador as a long term stay option.  I've spent my last 4 annual breaks exploring options in SE Asia but have finally come to the conclusion that the climate is not the best and the residency paperwork too onerous.  I hope a summer 2016 visit to Quito and Cuenca, along with a short Spanish course, will highlight what Ecuador has to offer. Thanks in advance for your answers to any questions I may ask as I continue exploring.


Hi my husband and I are from Portland Oregon and are in the stage of planning to sell the house and business and as much of the stuff that we have collected over the last 38years and moving to cotacahi early in 2017 to make it our home we have a vast back ground in horticulture and love wild birds we too will be looking for new friends and being part of the country and I have friend who is a retired eye doctor that makes up kits that are filled with reading glasses to be given to people in need that is something I would like to help with.Ginger


I was born and raised in North America.  My husband is Ecuadorean and wants to move back there.  I have visited twice and enjoyed traveling all over the country.  It is a great place to visit.

However, it is a mystery to me why anyone would want to live there permanently, other than the cost of living.  I would be happy to live simply and don't require a lot of material goods and services.  Also, I think the cultural offerings are different than what can be found in the U.S. and would miss that very much.

The crime is of concern to me.  My husband has family there, and everyone tries to minimize this problem.  However, my husband is on high alert when we are traveling, and all members of his family live in gated houses/condominiums.  They have had multiple personal attacks.  I would not feel safe walking without my husband or someone else to accompany me which hampers my freedom.

Would appreciate any comments, since the move back there means so much to my husband.


equinimity wrote:

I was born and raised in North America.  My husband is Ecuadorean and wants to move back there....

However, it is a mystery to me why anyone would want to live there permanently....

The crime is of concern to me.  My husband has family there, and everyone tries to minimize this problem.  However, my husband is on high alert when we are traveling, and all members of his family live in gated houses/condominiums.  They have had multiple personal attacks.  I would not feel safe walking without my husband or someone else to accompany me which hampers my freedom.

Would appreciate any comments, since the move back there means so much to my husband.

Welcome to the Ecuador forum, equinimity.

We're cutting you some 'slack' since you're new to the forum, especially since your situation is compelling.

However, a re-direct of your post here is in order since this venue is for intro's only... and the Home Office has so much on their plates these days that we can't really be provoking them with civil disobedience.

Anyway, readers, equinimity put up a similar post on the thread titled "Fielding Your Questions ... New Members Want to Know," a totally appropriate thread to offer her guidance and support.  When you get there, a good place to start might be Report #82.... … 87&p=3

cccmedia in Quito


equinimity wrote:

I was born and raised in North America.  My husband is Ecuadorean and wants to move back there....

However, it is a mystery to me why anyone would want to live there permanently....

The crime is of concern to me.  My husband has family there, and everyone tries to minimize this problem.  However, my husband is on high alert when we are traveling, and all members of his family live in gated houses/condominiums.  They have had multiple personal attacks.  I would not feel safe walking without my husband or someone else to accompany me which hampers my freedom.

Would appreciate any comments, since the move back there means so much to my husband.

Welcome to the Ecuador forum, equinimity.

We're cutting you some 'slack' since you're new to the forum, especially since your situation is compelling.

However, a re-direct of your post here is in order since this venue is for intro's only... and the Home Office has so much on their plates these days that we can't really be provoking them with civil disobedience.

Anyway, readers, equinimity put up a similar post on the thread titled "Fielding Your Questions ... New Members Want to Know," a totally appropriate thread to offer her your guidance and support.  When you get there, a good place to start might be Report 82.  Jesse has some relevant comments in Report 81, as well. … 89&p=3

cccmedia in Quito


Hi. Been in Ecuador now for just over 6 months. Planning on staying awhile. Have a partner and young child. Like touring around recording videos but also have a base in Gualaquiza helping plant fruit forests :D

I tend to be interested in the slightly more obscure aspects of life so a forum like this is invaluable


HI! I am Martha 59 & coming to Cuenca Ecuador for 35 days Nov 15, to see if it really is were I will move to when my youngest finishes college in 2 yrs. Exited & hoping some one can throw in some coments/info on Cuenca as  home.  Thanks


Visit the Cuenca forum and Nards's Unofficial Cuenca page...

    ... by typing Cuenca forum into the Search box atop this page, and then click on the search icon to the right of the box.

cccmedia in Quito

Gregg Boyer

Frank-hello and good day. My name is Gregg and I am living in Florida. Presently I am a semi retired farmer by trade. If you could help me in any way learning and understanding more about Ecuador I would feel blessed. For no logical reason the town of Loja has struck my fancy, however I am totally open. If there is a potential for farm related work or small investment I would consider those options. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for everything. Gregg


Hi, I'm a South African, Visual Arts and English Teacher. Immigrated to Ecuador, lock stock and barrel in December 2013. I checked out your Forum before leaving South Africa, posed some questions, to which you kindly replied but to which I didn't respond, my apologies. I just got so bogged down with THE DECISION, tying up all loose ends in South Africa and THE MOVE that I disappeared off the radar.

In hind sight, things might have been a little easier if I had kept contact with you all on this Forum.....tsk...tsk....!! Anyway, I lived in Quito and then moved to Ibarra for work. My original plan of living in Otavalo or Cuenca or Loja, hasn't materialised yet..... but it might.....I'm working on it.

Thank you guys for being willing to share information, it certainly helps to receive and understand the information in English!!

PS: Why can I not drop a smiley face in here??



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