
FGTS withdrawal


Do you know if it is possible to withdraw money from your FGTS before the end of your contract/while still working? Do special conditions have to exist for this to be possible? Thank you

See also

Job offers in BrazilThe Brazilian labour marketFinding a job in BrazilInvest in BrazilWorking in Curitiba

Hello JoSãoPaulo1,

You'd need to speak to somebody at the Caixa Econômica Federal bank to get an answer to that. It's really a very specific question and one that you will not likely get answered by any of our members.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


Thank you. They have some good information on their website.

Manjunath Savanur


I am foreigner for SP,Brazil. I left Brazil 1 year ago, May I apply for FGTS withdraw. If yes, How can I do the same ?


07/03/24I am foreigner for SP,Brazil. I left Brazil 1 year ago, May I apply for FGTS withdraw. If yes, How can I do the same ?        -@Manjunath Savanur

Good morning, Manjunath.  I will do some additional research, but as far as I know the information that James provided above is still valid, that you'll need to contact the Caixa Econômica Federal.  You can reach them through the site below, but chances are that you will need to do it through a VPN that gives you a Brazilian IP address: … fault.aspx

Withdrawals from abroad are covered here: … fault.aspx

Here is the phone number for contacting Caixa from abroad:

Atendimento aos clientes no exterior

☎ 55 (61) 3533 2000 - Atendimento em português

O atendimento ocorre 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana.

A ligação pode ser feita a cobrar. Consulte a forma de ligação a cobrar do país de onde fará a chamada.

*ETA* My further inquiries indicate that James's original advice still applies:  you need to contact Caixa.