
1,000,000 IS COMING TODAY ....

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John C.

No, it's not British Pounds, it's not even US$, it's .... the 1Mth forummer.  :):D:lol:

[large] gets its 1Mth member today.[/large]  :cool:

Right now it's at 999 376 members.

Please behave or Julien will send all of us home.  :o

John C.

... and right now it's 999 457 members ...  :D


Hello Sir,

can Julien will inform us who is that 1 millionth member for which we have been waiting fo far..........



Coming soon indeed ! :)



Looks like your worst fears are going to be realized... it appears that our one millionth member really is going to be on April Fools Day, Tuesday April 1...... yikes!


John C.

Right now it went up to 999 583 members.

John C.

wjwoodward wrote:


Looks like your worst fears are going to be realized... it appears that our one millionth member really is going to be on April Fools Day, Tuesday April 1...... yikes!


It is still 7:39PM here.

Even if the time crosses into April 1, it is still OK.
When two celebrations coincide it's even better ...  :top:

John C.

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John C.

Julien will surely wake up in the morning with 1,000,000 members.
He will have champagne instead of morning tea (or coffee?) and caviar for breakfast ...   :par:

Let's hope we get some new, post happy forummers! ...  :top:


You're probably right about the champagne and caviar.  :)

Wonder if he'll invite the one millionth member and any of US to breakfast to join in the festivities?  :/

John C.

wjwoodward wrote:

You're probably right about the champagne and caviar.  :)

Wonder if he'll invite the one millionth member and any of US to breakfast to join in the festivities?  :/

For us it will most likely be cyber-champagne, cyber-caviar, cyber-breakfast and cyber-festivities.
I already got used to cyber events ...  :D

The 1Mth forummer will get a free membership, while for the rest of us, expect a membership fee increase ...  :o

John C.

The stats at this very moment are

Last registered user jbx      Total number of registered users 999 620 

Sign ups slowed down at this hour.  The world is sleeping.
Expect the 1Mth forummer to register on April 1, before noon here in St. Lucia (5PM London time).   :par:

(Edited: London time)


Total number of registered users     999 691
Means.. he won't be a fool to join EB today.
May be tomorrow :lol:

John C.

It is 4:51AM here. 

Last registered user findingnewjob   Total number of registered users 999 797

Hey, 1Mth member, why does it take you so long to sign up here?  :o

C'mon, let's be done with it! ...  :cool:

John C.

Last registered user MALENATANGO  Total number of registered users 999 830 

And 200 users online.

Quite a jump from my last post.

Wow, the 1Mth forummer is finally coming.  :D


Hey John, it seems that you can not go to any work today until Mr/Ms 1M comes :D
What do you think... will it be a Male/Female? :/


A male indeed!!


rameesraja77 wrote:

A male indeed!!

How are you so sure? :unsure  Why that can not be a female? :(

John C.

Last registered user themax7   Total number of registered users 999 996 

It's almost here, the 1Mth forummer.  :top:

John C.

The one before 1M

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John C.

Hooorrray,  :D got its 1,000,001st member 1 minute ago.

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John C.


John C.

Who is the actual 1Mth?

I was at the 999,999th member and kept on refreshing the browser hoping to see the 1Mth one and I only got the 1,000,001st member.

Please reveal the 1Mth new forummer.  :par:


oh... is that not kgrant211? :/  Then we have to get the information from the Team?? :/


Hello everyone, thanks a lot for your support !

here is our 1,000,000th member :

John C.

Julien wrote:

Hello everyone, thanks a lot for your support !

here is our 1,000,000th member :

Julien,  :(

What other new web sites do you plan now?  :o

John C.



Julien wrote:

Hello everyone, thanks a lot for your support !

here is our 1,000,000th member :

Thanks for the info Julien!
I knew it was a 'she'!!! :proud

(Come on girls.....!!   Will celebrate this!!! :one  )


Don't celebrate with logos or cartoon pictures, come with original photos...............


Julien wrote:

Hello everyone, thanks a lot for your support !

here is our 1,000,000th member :

Wooohoooooo -  :top:

And this person probably does not even know she was the 1,000,000th member and that we are all talking about her.  :lol:

Congratulations EB!


You are right Farhaz but i also like to Thanks Sir John C who has make us to think on it very soon there will be I million members in this site.....


What will be John C's next topic :/

John C.

Farhaz wrote:

Wooohoooooo -  :top:

And this person probably does not even know she was the 1,000,000th member and that we are all talking about her.  :lol:

Congratulations EB!

Farhaz,  :o

You are late one day.  :o  Why? :mad:


mal wrote:

What will be John C's next topic :/

Guess when will be 2 million..... :lol:

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