
I have $100,000 to invest. I need advice


I would like to run my own business, either buy an existing business or start a franchise. What would be the best option? How can I get the most leverage? Please respond with stories from your experience.

My wife hold Saudi passport and I have all the legal document ..

See also

Job offers in JeddahWorking in JeddahStarting a business in Saudi ArabiaWorking in Saudi ArabiaInternships in Saudi Arabia

if you dont have any experience in business,... I suggest invest through wealth management institutions available in many banks.

your choice: bonds, equities, balanced funds, tawadul (tadawul....? i get confused).... stocks.....


100,000USD is not enough to open any good business in KSA, you might end up with some small shops or trading business. Not so much for Franchise businesses. You might want to rethink the options and perhaps invest it wisely in some personal investment options.


stocks will be a good choice try to buy the stocks of companies that gives earnings twice a year or open a shop that sell malaysian products clothes, food or electronics. renting small shop in ordinary place at jeddah dont cost a lot its around 6,500$/year. good luck


Get a list of investors from Chamber of Commerce and find your investment & business oppourtunities.

Full Monty

I doubt anyone here would have advice for you. Having $100k in cash and a Saudi wife is not something most people here would have experienced, let alone wanting to start a business here.

Why not speak to your wife's friends about your position?


Summer season is stock of freon gas and sell it on 20-25% profit.
As have a distributor account with manufacturer with fixed rate already committed so we can provide you the goods.
Approx purchase price is 450-460 Per cylinder.
Retail price is 550-650 Per Cylinder.
Order quantity is 100 Cylinders minimum.
Origin of goods is USA.


Dear  If  you  are  looking  for  good  profitable  Business  u  can  call  me  For  good  idea



Thank you so much for all of you .. need more of your opinion and looking for a good idea


sadaft wrote:

Dear  If  you  are  looking  for  good  profitable  Business  u  can  call  me  For  good  idea


How I could call & contact you


Here  is  my  contact/        00966590958053



Play casino


I suggest if you want to start a business in restaurant for asian foods. I know a person who can cook a lot of good foods . He also got a knowledge in restaurant arrangement and this guy is a very talented and can also manage. With this type of business, 100k dollars is more than enough.. I just told you this, because this guy is looking for investor who can help him to pursue his dream.Maybe you can use just a partial of it and use it some other ways to other business or use it for opening other branches in case you will succeed from the beginning.. Just pm me if your interested...


With all the "would be" financial advisors in the forums one really needs to ask themselves a very important question...

If they're so smart, then why aren't THEY rich???

Think about it for a minute, are you really going to take investment advice from a bunch of strangers who aren't in the investment industry? Really?

If your answer is yes, post it here and I'll get back to you with a private message about Brazilian Emeralds right away!  :lol:

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team


why do u want advice regarding your money from strangers. its ur and wifes hard earned money. if u r intelligent enough to have that then hopefully u can figure out the rest.


If you have $100k, open a juice bar kiosk in a mall, or outside a mall.  They always make money, and require very little capital to start.


oil refinery project or recycle oil factory


majuclt wrote:

oil refinery project or recycle oil factory

for $100k?  an oil refinery in his backyard?


wjwoodward wrote:

If they're so smart, then why aren't THEY rich???

Smart people aren't necessarily rich @William. Two non-related; yet usually mingled things :-)


hello  every body,

I think we are all shooting in the dark. God has made all of us different. We all have different sets of skills, strengths and weaknesses. We all have a different "comfort zone" for dealing with risky propositions.

Please do not mind me saying that if you so naive and innocent that you are having to ask from total strangers where you should be investing your saudi wife's $ 100,000, then there is something wrong some where.

I think what you should do is to move to EU  or USA for a couple of years, invest in learning a language, do a bachalors or even an MBA in general management, you will know yourself how the the business model works and upon your return to KSA, whatever business you decide to step in, you will at least make your decisions professionally and intelligently. and more importantantly you will ENJOY whatever you will do.

At the end I will just want to request you to understand that making a lot of profit, a little profit of even no profit on your investment will not effect your life, what will effect your life is how peacefully and happily you have  spent all those years, so please do not spoil it. Moreover your saudi father in law has put in a lot of faith in you by marrying his daughter to a non-saudi, this is a very healthy and positive trend and this trend will only improve once you take care of your wife and your $ 100,000.


wjwoodward wrote:

With all the "would be" financial advisors in the forums one really needs to ask themselves a very important question...

If they're so smart, then why aren't THEY rich???

Think about it for a minute, are you really going to take investment advice from a bunch of strangers who aren't in the investment industry? Really?

If your answer is yes, post it here and I'll get back to you with a private message about Brazilian Emeralds right away!  :lol:

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team

Dear i liked your comment. However about would be advisor, and why they arent rich, if they have an amount of money to invest they could become rich//richer.  Other thing not all people have courage for business or investments. If so then everyone would be a businessman or a investor. No job seekers.


Hi dear
There's many of the ideas that amount with a few Here's some
- Restaurants or food
- Another idea for the Institute of Education, for example, English, computer and management, human development,      security and safety
I think that the field of education in Saudi Arabia wonderful investment

You just have to choose the right place and is planning to start work
And I wish you success.


wjwoodward wrote:

With all the "would be" financial advisors in the forums one really needs to ask themselves a very important question...

If they're so smart, then why aren't THEY rich???

Think about it for a minute, are you really going to take investment advice from a bunch of strangers who aren't in the investment industry? Really?

If your answer is yes, post it here and I'll get back to you with a private message about Brazilian Emeralds right away!  :lol:

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team

Well you are also doing the same Mr. businessman  :D  I am in my own business and my friends are in the business, all of us earning good but the Q is 100K is nothing for investment. As a sleeping partner you can invest but not as a full project investor.


A shop that sells quality grooming products for men. I am having a hard time finding products available in America here. For example, the only hair products for men I have seen in the stores are cheap hair gels. In America these are very, very cheap and damage your hair. Your products wouldn't be limited to hair products,  but other things such as shaving cream, body wash, lotions, cologne,  grooming products in general. The youth here are very much into western style. I believe if you can target that market, you'd make money. I would love to start a business like this,  but unfortunately lack the capital.


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