What's the fastest way to get a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA certificate?
I have been offered a job but apparently need to get an English teaching certificate for the work visa. TEFL/TESOL/CELTA/DELTA are all ok. Is if feasible to do something online and get it in a week or two?
haha, yeah I've already seen a few sites that print diplomas and such. I once worked with an 18-year old Canadian in Taiwan who had a Bachelor of Forestry from the Metropolitian University of Toronto, with Metropolitan spelled wrong.
If you would like Teaching as a career then I suggest you spent some time and study CELTA or TESOL on campus. You can join and study here. Some institutions offer job after on completion of the course too.
Try 'LoveTefl' an English Company I believe it's in Leeds. Try this - info@lovetefl.com
You might just want to double check whether an online certificate will be adequate for your working visa.
I'd think about coming over on a tourist visa, doing your CELTA in Saigon and then once you're qualified think about jobs. If the school definitely wants you they should be willing to wait/wanting you to have classroom experience..
Many school just need a 'Certificate'. They are not going to hire long time and hesitate to make WP and TRC. Just a formality to ask for certificate. Employers who really want quality will check qualification and certificates carefully and will appoint Teachers with WP and TRC. That's why still many unqualified and fake certificate holders still teaching here with the help of 'white skin'.
charmavietnam wrote:Fastest way is buy some fake certificate
It would probably be the fast but, apart from it being immoral and probably illegal to use such toilet paper when applying for a visa, what about the poor kids you have to teach?
They get some dumpling, pretending to be a teacher, but with bugger all idea of how to run a classroom.
Using a fake also brings serious questions as to the moral nature of the applicant.
Someone need short cuts to get a job.
Teaching is not just a job as many other in my opinion. If a Teacher is not qualified to teach students what will be their future?
How many people think about that?
So many people want a 1 day or 1 week certificate to show up. So for them the best way is get a fake one.
Don't think I am encouraging it but I meant it as the saying: "If you are greedy for money just stole". Of course we know well that making money is not easy but need hard work. With greedy mind if you stole, surely you will be behind the bars one day
mas fred wrote:It would probably be the fast but, apart from it being immoral and probably illegal to use such toilet paper when applying for a visa, what about the poor kids you have to teach?
They get some dumpling, pretending to be a teacher, but with bugger all idea of how to run a classroom.
Using a fake also brings serious questions as to the moral nature of the applicant.
Just a quick reminder: Advice that can encourage members to do things illegally are prohibited on the forum
Interesting reading, I have been offered a job, teaching college students, with pay and accommodation and w/p, I don't have any certs'. It is legit' so what's going on with TEFL? as I was assured that training will be given on the job
mark stutley wrote:Interesting reading, I have been offered a job, teaching college students, with pay and accommodation and w/p, I don't have any certs'. It is legit' so what's going on with TEFL? as I was assured that training will be given on the job
Mark, if you don't have a Bachelor's Degree and/or a Teaching Certificate (TEFL, TESOL, etc), then the job offer isn't legit. They're probably hiring you as window dressing to make the school look good. By law, the school has to show that they hired you as their "expert" and locals cannot fulfill those roles. If you don't have a B.S. or teaching certificate, how will the school let the government know that you're an expert? The paperwork is what the school needs.
But don't sweat it. It's on the school so if they ever get raided, the fine is on them. Just enjoy the pay and accommodations. However, I would suspect you'll have problems obtaining the work permit so don't be surprised that you'll get the runaround from your employer on obtaining it.
Agree, you wont get a work permit without showing experience or a degree. Then again anything is possible here with some Uncle Ho's in an envelope.
They're coming down on teachers, as well. That's assuming that this members story is true, which it appears to be. He was denied when he applied for another visa...
Tea money doesn't work in Buon ma Thuot. I also got into this situation in Jan. Another problem i had was i started off with a 1 month tourist visa, then had i it extended in HCMC and they give me a business visa for 3 month. When they came to the school i didn't have a work visa, after exam of my PP/visa they saw the business visa. I told them that is the way it is done in HCMC. They say unless it is done at the Immigration office it is no good to have business visa for work or tourist purpose. I was fined 250.00 usd for visa issue, 500.00 usd for working without work permit. And my visa was cancel, and i had 10 days to leave the country.
https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … 57#1777458
Online certificates are typically good enough for the government. It's the schools that sometimes want to see that there was a practicum (observed/evaluated teaching). 120 Cert/ a 6 hour practicum is the norm.
I earned an online cert. with this school and I have no complaints. Norwood English
The Trinity TESOL is a great certification to hold. There are no providers here in Vietnam, but it's widely known that the certificate is the equivalent of a CELTA. That would separate you from the flocks of CELTA-lings, as it did for a friend of mine.
If you choose to attend a CELTA course, I'd recommend Language Link, or ILA.
As far as TESOL/TEFL's are concerned, they're all a bit shady.
mas fred wrote:charmavietnam wrote:Fastest way is buy some fake certificate
It would probably be the fast but, apart from it being immoral and probably illegal to use such toilet paper when applying for a visa, what about the poor kids you have to teach?
They get some dumpling, pretending to be a teacher, but with bugger all idea of how to run a classroom.
Using a fake also brings serious questions as to the moral nature of the applicant.
This is Vietnam friend. Moral, ethics and values are in a constant state of flux. A few years ago "life experience" degrees were perfectly acceptable. They are perfectly legal in some American states, like Florida, and can be certified as such. Other states, like Oregon, reserve the right to arrest anyone that even presents that type of degree, much less issues them!
These days, however, they won't be accepted, especially since there's a been a major sweep through the Ministry of Education,; the sole purpose being a hunt for bogus degrees and the officials that were holding them. They were shown the door, with most accepting their fate in a quite and humble manner. One guy chose to go the other route, it seems, and punched his boss in the face for the bosses role in his dismissal. Sometimes the truth really does hurt...the one who reveals it!
It is a rare person that with no experience, no degree and many years away from the classroom environment could become an adequate teacher. I have heard of many that claim they have this ability. I myself have not seen one in action.
Back to the original question, for a TESOL/CELTA certificate there really are no short cuts. A qualified teacher could easily do a online course and be expected to do well in a classroom. Others need to take a course with a practicum. Just my 10,000 dong worth....
Who are you to want a 2 week worthless online certificate to teach. You need a proper full on TESOL course or go back home !!! It's 4-6 weeks. You need to add to Vietnam and not scam students that are spending hard earned money to pay you to give them a good education, for what? so you can drink cheap beer and chase women? Your Insulting to the Vietnamese Culture GO AWAY we don't need your kind here.
Well said, well said. The English teacher in the school can't tell a difference between a white skin that speaks English as their second language or first language. As long as they cannot understand, they blame it on "accent". Hahaha I am not surprise to see natives that were farmers, security officer, divers, etc. in their own native countries. I hired a bunch of these guys only to be rejected from their own Embassies that their degrees cannot be authenticated - too bad guys !!!
Teachdexter, you mean to say you are employing teachers,I think you better brush up on your writing skills.
thanks for the heads up THD &, TM, I asked a VN friend, what she thought of the guy and the offer and it seems she was spot on, He is supposed to be a professor of English yet needed his daughter to interpret at the interview mmmmm?, won't be shedding too many tears here. Just as an aside, it's good to see some of the more informed members back
no1eyeno wrote:Who are you to want a 2 week worthless online certificate to teach. You need a proper full on TESOL course or go back home to your mommy!!! It's 4-6 weeks. You need to add to Vietnam and not scam students that are spending hard earned money to pay your Lilly white A$$ to give them a good education, for what? so you can drink cheap beer and chase women? Your Insulting to the Vietnamese Culture GO AWAY we don't need your kind here.
I think that the professor who runs this online program would take exception to his program being deemed worthless.
How about a free university degree?
The Univeristy of the People
They don't just hand you a degree; you actually have to work for it.
There's a revolution taking place in the way that students can earn that degree that once would have been out of reach. Imagine a world where you can earn the degree and join the workforce without a huge student loan to pay off. The problem is the accrediation of the degrees and the negative stigma that self-accredidation carries.
A big part of the TESOL providers are self-accredited, BTW. Just because a course carries a hefty price tag doesn't mean it's any better, or worse, than the others. The practicum, once again, is a big plus, but the provider may be evaluating and accrediting itself. Most will set up another company to do the self-evaluations; employing a well-known, or soon to be well-known assessor to put a stamp on everything. That's why the CELTA and the Trinity TESOL are held in a higher regard.
It's all hype, IMHO, because there are vast differences in the way that the providers provide their training. The Cambridge assessor that I dealt with was a liar and I feel like I was cheated by both Cambridge and Apollo. They would beg to differ, of course, but I've lost the desire to debate the subject with them any further. My advice is to kick the tires a little, if you're sinking a lot of money into a course. Don't take anyone's word at face value, especially mine!
I come from a communist country where Teachers are held at great respect. Anyway, our standard of English is improving, and our native-land trained Teachers are sometimes, even better in all aspects of the English language than Westerners. A Teacher is the one that teaches everyone how to be a Lawyer, Doctor, Engineer, IT expert and also Businessman. It does carry big responsibility.
Cindysar wrote:I come from a communist country where Teachers are held at great respect. Anyway, our standard of English is improve, and our native-land trained Teachers are sometimes, even better in all aspects of English language than Westerners ones. A Teacher is the one that teaches everyone how to be a Lawyer, Doctor, Engineer, IT expert and also Businessman. It carry big responsibility s.
Yes I agree with you that native trained English teachers are probably more qualified than TESL, etc, teachers, ( how can someone with , i.e, a Degree in Urban Planning, possibly been anywhere near as Qualified as a local with a Degree in English? ), but NATIVE English speakers, ( You know , the ones where English is the FIRST language in their own country ), they target pronounciation more than grammar, etc, I've met very few non Native English speakers without an accent, and this is not what most students want. ( with the exceptions of some Southern US States apparently ).
I think you are quite fixed in your ideas about China's abilities today. Have you heard how our news reporters speak when they report the news? Any fallacies about their pronunciation? Just as if like 'natives' , right? So what is the big deal about accent? Everything can be taught (in language labs) and imitated to a high degree of perfection! It's these kinds of Teachers that we now have- to bring the Middle Kingdom to a higher degree of superiority.
In turn, in US or UK, you also have your regional accents to deal with, I,e. Northerners vs Southerners , they speak and pronounce miles apart, too! Right?
Cindysar wrote:I think you are quite fixed in your ideas about China's abilities today. ?
China? The Middle Kingdom? You know you're in the Vietnam forum, right?
Or is this another example of Chinese Expansionism?
Cindysar wrote:I think you are quite fixed in your ideas about China's abilities today. Have you heard how our news reporters speak when they report the news? Any fallacies about their pronunciation? Just as if like 'natives' , right? So what is the big deal about accent? Everything can be taught (in language labs) and imitated to a high degree of perfection! It's these kinds of Teachers that we now have- to bring the Middle Kingdom to a higher degree of superiority.
In turn, in US or UK, you also have your regional accents to deal with, I,e. Northerners vs Southerners , they speak and pronounce miles apart, too! Right?
You obviously have had little to do with teaching in VN, you practically need to be a speech therapist to teach most VNs. ( I doubt if you will find a ' language lab ' here ), Sounds like you come from Nth Korean????
I did mention the Southern, almost undecipherable US accents, thank god for subtitles on Discovery .
Guess we are back on the white face subject again then? ( I see Chinese imitating that as well ).
No, she is a Mass Communication student from China
(Profile says so)
bluenz wrote:Sounds like you come from Nth Korean????
charmavietnam wrote:No, she is a Mass Communication student from China
(Profile says so)bluenz wrote:Sounds like you come from Nth Korean????
I was taking the piss, don't you know me by now? ( Mass Propaganda Communication student more likely ).?
colinoscapee wrote:Cindy knows all, I would love her to meet a drunk Scottsman
Some I've met don't need to be drunk, ( you are talking about understanding them , are you not?, if you weren't , then it would probably take 2 Scotchmen )
Finally, someone we all can hate. Way to go Cindy!
The only problem is that "flaming" a Chinese propaganda major only makes you want to flame another, shortly thereafter...
I have the final say - Say you are passionate about Teaching, and carry the accountability responsibly BEFORE you profess to be a Teacher!!
Cindysar wrote:I have the final say - Say you are passionate about Teaching, and carry the accountability responsibly BEFORE you profess to be a Teacher!!
I'll bet you don't get the final say. I hope it's not this definition of ' profess '..
verb: profess; 3rd person present: professes; past tense: professed; past participle: professed; gerund or present participle: professing
claim openly but often falsely that one has (a quality or feeling).
He he, 'profess' changed to 'claim' ? Spare me, spare me, oh, all you experts in native English - bet your children may have to learn MANDARIN in some years to come, just as they are doing in some countries in Europe.
http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/fea … -1-6289330

Cindysar wrote:He he, 'profess' changed to 'claim' ? Spare me, spare me, oh, all you experts in native English - bet your children may have to learn MANDARIN in some years to come, just as they are doing in some countries in Europe.
No to Mandarin, ( isn't that a small citrus fruit? ), we will all be be converting to Islam in ' some years to come' , as amazingly fast as Chinese breed, ( and try to take over the world ), the Muslims are doing it a lot faster, and at very little cost to them, ( and we all know how much Muslims like the Chinese, oops, got that round the wrong way . ).
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