
Which to select between Canada & Malaysia?????

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amna tanveer

Hi friends!
I want you to help me to choose b/w Canada & Malaysia....Actually my husband has got two job offers from two different countries. the job in Canada is offering him basic salary of 10500 USD /month + benefits(5 years of contract) and the job offer Malaysia is offering 18000 USD /month + benefits(2 years contract). I know that salary offered by the Malaysian company is more attractive but I want to ask you which place is better for the future of my family.many people say that go to Canada its a better opportunity if you get nationality.I am confused which offer to accept?

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Maybe the difference between the offers has to do with the costs in the country?
Don't focus only on the money but also: which country such you the best or is more attractive to you.

Two totally different countries and culture,  not an easy task to choose from.

I advise you to browse to the both forums of these countries and ask questions.
And search online for more insight. Only then you can make a good choice.

Good luck!


amna tanveer wrote:

Hi friends!
I want you to help me to choose b/w Canada & Malaysia....Actually my husband has got two job offers from two different countries. the job in Canada is offering him basic salary of 10500 USD /month + benefits(5 years of contract) and the job offer Malaysia is offering 18000 USD /month + benefits(2 years contract). I know that salary offered by the Malaysian company is more attractive but I want to ask you which place is better for the future of my family.many people say that go to Canada its a better opportunity if you get nationality.I am confused which offer to accept?

Welcome to Expat-Blog..........
What your husband says about this........
Salary wise and uncertainty of jobs wise Canada is a better option...........7500 X 24 months=180000 usd plus in two years if in Malaysia but 36X10500 = 378000 usd more and sure for another three years if you are in Canada......choose whichever is suitable to you......
Moreover as Primadonna mentioned you lot of things , try to find out from that also.........



I guess Malaysia is better... You can go to Pakistan or KSA easily and frequently... and i guess this is a very important aspect before making a decision... especially when you're married and have kids :)


Well, even though the base salary is less the fact that the contract being offered is 5 years the stability is much better.

I'd personally go with the offer in Canada. The country is one of the best in the world to live in and you'll all be extremely happy there. For example, Vancouver has been voted the best city in the world to live in; for several years running.

Public services are of the highest quality and education in Canada has a worldwide reputation for excellence. You're going to live in complete safety, you can go out and do things even in the middle of the night without having to worry about being the victim of crime.

Canada's public healthcare system is a model for the whole world, everyone has access to world class health services, hospitals and everyone has their own family physician. You don't have to wait for months just to get a 5 minute consultation with a physician like people do here in Brazil.

Go for Canada!!!

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


CANADA !  :heart:


hii dear , i have been to malaysia many time its beautiful place to live and its not that much expensive so u will save a lot of money if ur husband company well give him house and other benefit ,but if there is chance to be canadian citizen while ur husband working there soo don't think and go for it ,  best of luck .sam

Anita S Sharma

If you look for  future definitely Canada is better place.There is long waiting list for work visa. You are lucky to get five year contract with which you can get P R means better future for kids too.


You might think you know what cold is, but you don't.  :|
When you have experienced one Canadian winter,
only then will you know what COLD means.  :o
In winter it's blue monkey all round.  :)


Hi Amna! :)
I have been to Malaysia, so my vote will go to Malaysia.
Such a beautiful and peaceful country my God!


Most of the people vote for Canada................


El_Jost wrote:

You might think you know what cold is, but you don't.  :|
When you have experienced one Canadian winter,
only then will you know what COLD means.  :o
In winter it's blue monkey all round.  :)

I think Canadian winter is above -50 degree.......... :)


If you want cold try Mongolia. we were working in -65C at times.


aryavrat wrote:

I think Canadian winter is above -50 degree.......... :)

Is that C or F?
PS Not that there is a big difference at -50  :cool:


Given that Canada is the second largest country on the face of the Earth, climate can vary greatly depending on where you live and the season. For example Southern Ontario is as far south as Northern California and in summer it can get extremely hot. However in the winter it gets well below 0º C. Vancouver, BC doesn't get hot in the summer, it's in the low 20s at it's hottest and in winter, while it can dip below zero, it's not common and won't stay that way long. Winnipeg, Manitoba has extremes of temperature it can get very hot in the summer and brutally cold in the winter.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Team


While both are good salaries and afford a nice lifestyle, the bigger pay in Malaysia (a cheaper country in every respect) will allow you to live like a KING!
However, money should never be the main driver for such a decision. Career prospects, culture and quality of life are more important. But since these are personal preferences, you have to decide yourself.


El_Jost wrote:
aryavrat wrote:

I think Canadian winter is above -50 degree.......... :)

Is that C or F?
PS Not that there is a big difference at -50  :cool:

Yes you are right there will be big difference........


Once it gets to -45C ir does not seem to get much colder except for the wind chill factor.

Off topic so getting back to the subject matter.

Where you want to choose to live and work depends on not just salary. You need to consider lifestyle, schooling, general cost of living, medical facilities, ease of visas. 
As beppi said, quality of life is important and to achieve this you have to be happy with your choice as you will be there for a long time.



1 - Religious requirements. If you're from Saudi, you might very well be Muslim. It's very easy to find halal food in Malaysia, a lot harder in Canada.

2 - The weather. Canada can get very cold and, if you're from a hot country, you may well have problems adapting.

3  - I understand Canada is a friendly country, easily accepting foreigners but, in my humble opinion, Malaysia would provide a wider cultural experience - Again, in my opinion, an absolute must for any kid's education.

Of course, my opinions may not suit you, as you may feel Canada offers the better experience because it's a western country.


Pot, I forgot languages.
Malaysia has a long list of languages to learn and cultures to experience.
English is widely spoken so, even if you have no clue about the local tongues, you can get around easily.
I understand most in Canada speak English but there is a lot in French in some areas.


Your point of view too is good..........

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