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Hi could  you tell me the best  supermarket in  riyadh to bu "western" food


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Living in Riyadh: the expat guideWhere to find Hair lock or dreadlock products ?Being a Non Muslim expat, how can I buy liquor in RiyadhMen's Business Suit in RiyadhQuery about Ehram Cloth for Umrah in duty free shops of RUH airport
Full Monty

Tamimi: This was the first supermarket chain to be established in Saudi Arabia in 1979, and the sole agent for Safeway products. There are currently 11 stores in Riyadh and the Eastern Provinces, with two more planned for Jeddah

Danube: This supermarket and hypermarket chain opened in the late 1980s and has more than 11 stores located throughout the country. It sells a wide range of electronic items ranging from TVs to cameras and smart phones.

Carrefour: This French hypermarket chain has a strong presence in Saudi Arabia and is good for domestic appliances, white goods, TVs, bed linen, towels, garden furniture and international food products, as well as local produce. There are five branches in Riyadh including at Granada Mall, Le Mall and Al Qasr Mall. In Jeddah, there is a branch at Sulaimania Mall. In Dammam and Al Khobar there are four branches, including one at Al Rashid Mall.

Panda: Another large hypermarket and supermarket chain, with branches throughout the country, Panda and Hyper Panda specialise in food and household items including white goods such as ovens, refrigerators, washing machines, as well as TVs and home entertainment systems.

Lulu Hypermarket: This well-known Indian chain has four large hypermarkets in Saudi Arabia: three in Riyadh and one in Al Khobar. As well as food and international products, there is a good range of domestic appliances, white goods, bedroom linen and towels. It also has online purchasing facilities.

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