Is it safe to live in Hungary for Arabs origin?

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I'm a French citizen of North African origin (Algeria) and live / work in UK for the last 20 years. I'm soon reaching my retirement age and wish to move to Hungary to live with my Hungarian wife because we presumed cost for foods, properties etc...could be cheaper than moving to France, Spain or Portugal. I did visit Hungary several times during the last few years on holidays and do like the country, history, culture etc...but to live it would be different and I wonder if this is the right option. My only concern is the rise of far-right and radicals in East Europe along with discrimination and racism against minorities such as Gypsies, Jews, etc....and due to my light dark skin and Arab origin I have the fear of being discriminated and this will spoil all my life.

I would appreciate anyone from minorities or foreigner who has lived in Hungary to address his comment and experience with many thanks in advance.

You shouldn't worry about your arab origins.I'd be more concerned about my commamd of the english language after twenty years of living in England.

It is risky in places, even to someone like me who is from the UK and half-Norwegian, and has a (fair) command of the Hungarian language, some Hungarians are excessively unfriendly to some strangers or even Hungarians from outside Budapest, at least they are in places on the Pest side of the Danube river (barring the 5, 6 and 9th Districts of Budapest), they do "accept" foreigners but only if money is involved sadly, if you are a student though they don't really seem to care, I've found just keeping myself-to-myself  works and just to do my job and keep with my family (I'm lucky as I'm married to a Hungarian lady)

Many thanks for your feedback and much appreciated. I like the way you say "just keeping myself-to-myself,works and just to do my job and keep with my family". Be frank, I also do the same here in the UK but here it is more safer and the majority of Brits are friendly and tolerant when meeting foreigners even with black skin. I wish you all the best and kind regards.

Feel proud that you have a second (or third or more) language, I know of some "British" who still have trouble with English, some of my own family are embarrassingly in that fold too.

Hi it is totally safe here for arabs or even other people from different origins

My Hungarian born and raised husband and I have retired in HU from the states.
We are pretty much open minded and liberal people.
We have lived and visited many places such as Hawaii, NY, Calif. Belize, S. Africa and traveled all over Euopre meeting with people from all over the world.
We lived in Las Vegas for over 15 years and worked with people from all over the world.
We are treated like circus freaks sometimes even in Budapest.
We act and dress many years younger then we are and are willing to express ourselves in public etc.
Doesn't really mix well with the basically overly conservative nature of MOST Hungarians no matter how liberal they think they are.
It is just something we except as being outsiders living in Budapest.
It can be a bit lonely at times as people our age (60's) are not usually open minded enough for us to hang with.
People much younger then us just don't relate to our experiences.
It is much cheaper to live in HU then in the UK or states so you have to balance your long term goals with your income and expectations.
We use HU more or less like a base to stay on other travels.
We MUST get away once a year at least of go a bit wacky.
It is true in some small villages even Hungarians from the city are treated like they have the plague so skin tone is not the no. one issue, it is a fear of strangers in general.
We experienced discrimination in a small village restaurant in a somewhat tourist area even though I was the only outsider in our group of 4. My husband and my Bro and Sis -in-laws are born Hungarians and locals.
Discrimination is sadly alive everywhere not just in HU.
My roots are eastern European, German and native American. My brothers are dark skinned men, took after our mother. They experience discrimination often in the US and are mistook as Mexicans, Arabs or whatever.
It has been a life long thing with them and something they have adapted to in their dealing with life.
Good luck HU can be an wonderful place to hang your hat if you don't take things too seriously. Always have some mad money stashed away for a quick exit if it get too insane there. You can always move back to the UK if you find it impossible in HU.
My best advice is to rent before buying in HU for at least a year and see how it works out for you.

Hi, Hungary hasn't escaped from the general trend in the Western world: escalated violence, escalated racism, escalated nationalism, and an escalation of all the other negative traits of humanity.
Nonetheless Hungary is a very nice place to live.
I'm originally from N.Y.C./U.S.A. but I haven't lived there for the last 40 years. Approx.20 something years in Sweden, 8~9 years in Denmark, and 4 years here (HU). I speak fluent Swedish and Danish and I'm still trying to learn Hungarian though it isn't an easy language.
I'm dark skinned and sometimes I'm mistaken for being a Gypsy (which isn't always bad :) ).
Being a conservative place also means that people are more polite and more helpful than in other super modern cities (like Stockholm for example).
I'm still working and I'll probably have to keep on working until the day I drop dead; I have no retirement fund to speak of - c'est la vie!
If I had a guaranteed income I'd definitely move to Budapest - it is a beautiful city, and it's looking better for each year that passes!
I wouldn't worry about aggressive problematic hooligan types that also exist on the streets; they are easy to spot and all you have to do is avoid them in exactly the same way that you would do back home.
That's my opinion after 4 years in Budapest (married to a wonderful Hungarian gal from Budapest!!)


First of all, Hungarians can be quite rude, blunt, tactless and off-putting completely indiscriminately, don't take that personally :-)

Then the general sentiment among common Hungarians is that gipsies steal, jews cheat, afrians are monkeys, foreigners explot, etc in general, EXCEPT for the ones they personally know who are OK and they are actually good friends... Sad, but mostly harmless.

And finally there is a very vocal minority who go out marching in uniforms to demonstrate their superiority.

Oh and don't forget: Budapest is a world-class city, very different from the rest of the country.

szocske wrote:

Budapest is a world-class city

Except of course for what it may be lacking, which may drag it down a bit in rank and lists of comparative indexes;)

szocske wrote:

....Then the general sentiment among common Hungarians is that gipsies steal, jews cheat, afrians are monkeys, foreigners explot, etc in general, EXCEPT for the ones they personally know who are OK and they are actually good friends... ....

I think that's absolutely correct and bizarre. 

It's also the same in Austria.  Austrians will tell you to your face they hate foreigners and they should all leave - but they don't mean you personally. 

Paranoia about foreigners seems to be universal in the EU at the moment (e.g. Euro anti-immigration lobby in the ascendant). 

Nearly everyone is a foreigner anyway, even in their "own" land, if you go back far enough.


fluffy2560 wrote:

Nearly everyone is a foreigner anyway, even in their "own" land, if you go back far enough.

Except Ethiopians:)

klsallee wrote:


fluffy2560 wrote:

Nearly everyone is a foreigner anyway, even in their "own" land, if you go back far enough.

Except Ethiopians:)

Been to Ethiopia several times and it's a really extraordinarily interesting place. Perhaps my most favourite country in Africa.  Of course, the oldest humans were nomads and therefore had no borders to worry about. I suppose humans will eventually even out and all look the same if globalisation, travel and migration continues. Not a bad thing. Or we'll split in two....

Human species split

Hi i saw ur question I'm Egyptian i've been living in Hungary for more than 2 years , it is safe as long as u don't do stupid stuff like going home with strangers....etc anyway lot's of ppl here they don't like foreigners in general it's not about Arab or whatever one more thing u have to learn the language :) That's my opinion very safe wish you a very nice life with your wife

hi dear brother
u are welcome in hungary and everything well if u keep yourself to no do the stupid things  so u are safe
i am algerian too and i live here and have no truble or distrub or problem with peopel here
allah ysahal inchae allah

We are drifting away from actual safety, but you might find it funny that "halal" is the word for "death" in Hungarian, so you really can't expect restaurants to print "death burger" or "death pizza" on their storefront :-)
Honestly, I have no idea how they advertise halal food instead.

Oh, and most people's complete knowledge about Islam comes from a 16th century war movie made in the sixties:

szocske wrote:

....Oh, and most people's complete knowledge about Islam comes from a 16th century war movie made in the sixties:

Wandering off topic even more, that movie reminds me of another movie disaster - John Wayne playing Ghengis Khan." target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc"> … Ht0Pb8rkXU

Having been to Mongolia several times, I can confirm this has to be one of the worst movies of all time and an utter misrepresentation of Mongolia. it's also a notorious one that killed quite a number of the people who worked on it as it was filmed on the site of a still "hot" nuclear test.  About 90 of the 200 people working on the movie died of cancer.