Greetings from Singapore!

Hey people!

I'm looking online for more information about moving to Cambodia.. It's quite a big decision and a huge step to take. I was then teaching in Phnom Penh for 5 weeks last year and now I'm looking at opportunities to go back and teach for longer term. I've tried sending resumes from Singapore, but so far replies are few or none. Through a friend's friend, I was told that it would be easier to be in Cambodia itself first and then look for a teaching job there.

I've taught in Singapore for 1.5 years after I graduated, went over to Cambodia for 5 weeks and have been busy with working with a dive center here. Now, I'm ready to embark on a new journey!

I have a few questions though..

1. How much does it cost to live in Phnom Penh a month?
2. How are expats usually paid?

Footprints School are hiring staff now as new school year strts in Septeber are many others  Bong Thom website has many as does phnom penh post on line. We pay 350 per month rent in a safe and huge 2 floor apartment and i opened a bank acc but some get cash
Bong Thom also has rental prices and availability
good luck Ive had 5 interviews in last 2 weeks and Zaman are hiring primary teachers now so take a look on line