Possible ways to extend my Job seeker Visa through student or work

I think we are talking about 2 separate things. I stand by what I wrote about the time frame for actively searching and interviewing for jobs. This assumes one doesn't have an offer yet and has to keep looking. If one has done an interview and is still in consideration then it is a very different situation. Of course one would stay on longer if it's a matter of things getting processed. I have to admit a lack of personal experience but have some doubt a company would leave someone hanging for months on a JSV while they further vet them and make a decision.  This would be unbearable for the potential employee who could take another job in the meantime. Not something wanted if they truly consider the person a valuable potential hire.  Maybe I am rationalizing this too much but it doesn't make much sense to me.
I think we are talking about 2 separate things. I stand by what I wrote about the time frame for actively searching and interviewing for jobs. This assumes one doesn't have an offer yet and has to keep looking. If one has done an interview and is still in consideration then it is a very different situation. Of course one would stay on longer if it's a matter of things getting processed.

I have to admit a lack of personal experience but have some doubt a company would leave someone hanging for months on a JSV while they further vet them and make a decision.  This would be unbearable for the potential employee who could take another job in the meantime. Not something wanted if they truly consider the person a valuable potential hire.  And the employers likely to be hiring such skilled foreigner workers know the situation. They have to take a different strategy than having someone wait 5 months like they might for a local hire. Maybe I am rationalizing this too much but it doesn't make much sense to me; German employers might be thorough but they are not stupid.  But what this might mean is that since they know they need to make a relatively quick decision on a JSV hire, they will error on the safe side. Rather than further look into a potential employee they are not sure of, they will only take ones that are clearly desired.

And I am specifically suggesting that one doesn't wait until arrival to start an application process. One should research and target companies while at home. Contact them to see if there is any interest or job openings. If there is initial interest then one can arrange an interview in a time frame when one would be in the country. And if done on a JSV then one will not later have to take time for an employer to arrange a work visa, this step is already included in getting the JSV.