
Anyone living in Bømlo or Stord area



I am from the UK and I have been living in Norway for 12 years. I am missing home a lot and wanted to find if there was other expats in this part of Norway.

See also

Living in Norway: the expat guideHow to travel to Norway ?Moving to Norway from MauritiusHow to use DUF number for tracking my visa status on my own?How to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in Norway


I'm also missing home a lot and I live on Stord with my boyfriend, dog and a newborn kitten who I rescued and am hand rearing! I've only been in Norway for a year and a half but am finding it hard. I think I will have to give up the job I love and trained very hard for because I can't speak the language yet. I'm also missing the busy social life and great support network I had back home in London!
What part of the UK are you from and what have you been doing in Norway?



Hi Nicki,

So glad there is someone English on this small island.  :)
I had to give up up on my job, I wanted to be a nurse but language was a big problem. Now I am a cake baker and a stay at home mum with 3 kids.
My Other half is also English but has a job with Siemens and finds it hard to make friends.
Is your boyfriend English?

I come from Great Yarmouth in Norfolk.
Whereabouts from the Uk are you from?


Hi Becky,

It's nice to know we're not the only ones!

That's such a shame you had to give up on nursing, do you speak much Norwegian now? Maybe it's something you can try again one day if you still want to? Cake baking sounds nice though :) I like to bake too but I don't get too much time for it at the moment!

I qualified as a Veterinary Nurse in England and that's all i've ever done, I was lucky enough to get a job in Haugesund as maternity cover but the contract is coming to an end and the nurse I'm covering is coming back so now I have no idea what i'm going to do. Other clinics won't give me a job because of the language and because they are much smaller clinics. It's also frustrating because I worked in referral and emergency clinics back home and the standard and way of working here is very different! I feel like I have no opportunity to learn and progress in my career now even If I did manage to get a permanent job here.

My boyfriend is Norwegian and from Stord, I met him back home in London (Northwood) when he was working for NATO but his contract there came to an end and he decided he wanted to move back to Norway. He's now a student so all the pressure is on me to find work and earn the money for us for the next year and half! Can't wait for him to finish his course already!
Why did you decide to move to this part of Norway if you're both English?
Have you met any other English expats on the island?




I speak a bit but I never quite fit in, some Norwegians are nice but others can be a little scared to talk to you.
I might give nursing a try again later but right now cake baking is doing well I have many orders coming in and it keeps me at home with the kids.

I really hope they give you a shot at what you love doing, I have heard a lot of this happening to people and it is quite hard to find a job you like in a small island. I am sure if you were in Oslo It would be very easy to find a job.

My mum moved here when I was 16 she met a Norwegian and loved Norway, I decided to stay in England and finish college then I had my first baby, my mum said how lovely Norway was and i thought why not give it a go and I have been here ever since. But i do miss England and we are thinking about moving back in a few years.

I have just started to talk to another English lady on Facebook, she is in Stord :-) I have a few friends here but they are all international ladies from Mexico, Brazil and USA. My other half has a English friend called Dave and he lives close by.

Are you on Facebook?
Do you have any hobbys?

Stord friend


I live in Bergen. This summer, I will be at Stord. I like English People very much. I have always been interested in British pronunciation, history, culture and all other Things related to UK. I will be very happy to speak to you and Your other English friends in Stord area. I will work in Stord hospital in july. I appreciate if you or Your other English friends have time for meeting me, and help med With British accent. I have the basic skills and need some practice. I can pay, buy a gift or invite you all for dinner. It is just Nice to talk to you People.

Kind regards, friend from stord.



There are actually a few of us English people on Stord now!
Where are you from originally? What's your name?
It's always nice to have someone to speak English with :)


Stord friend

Hello again,

thanks for reply. I am an researcher and physician and Haukeland Unviersity hospital.
I could Call you or write you my details if you give me Your e-mail or mobile number. It is more convenient to Write e-mail. Thanks.