
Lookin' for pals!


Hey! My name is Christa and I moved to Beijing about four months with my boyfriend. We moved here from San Francisco. Right now I teach English at a Chinese Kindergarten. I don't meet many English speaking people at my job and I would really like to meet some other expats that are living in the area! Let me know if anyone wants to meet up with my boyfriend and I for a drink (we usually just go to Sanlitun but we are open to new places)!

See also

Living in Beijing: the expat guideViral hepatitis and Z visaNon alcohol beerAnybody in Beijing?Any business minded people here?

Hey! I'd love to meet up.  My husband and I just moved here from Monterey, CA! originally we are both from Florida though. I'd love to make some friends, I find it hard to meet people here too.

I will message you!


hey! im miguel from florida.  i just flew in last night. would you guys want to grab a drink together on friday night??? so far we have two ppl confirm.


hey Miguel! small world ... I am from Ft. Lauderdale.  My husband and I would but we are heading to Mongolia for a few nights. Maybe when we get back!!  He is from FL too, Orlando.


im from new smyrna beach and graduated from stetson in december 2009.  i just flew in last night and so far so good.  went pick up a local sim card today, so feel free to get in touch with me.


We meet regularly on Tuesday evenings.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't checked this blog in a while. I would love to meet up for a drink. Just let me know when you guys are meeting up and I will try to make it!


mizhu87 wrote:

im from new smyrna beach and graduated from stetson in december 2009.  i just flew in last night and so far so good.  went pick up a local sim card today, so feel free to get in touch with me.

Haha, i almost moved to Smyrna beach but ended up in cocoa beach but im originally from Miami Beach. JW


go to sanlitun, you ll a lot there