
Any experiences with the RMIT in Ho-Chi-Minh city?

Last activity 18 November 2015 by Jenniferpham2014

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Hello everyone! I'm starting to study Design in Vietnam in October at the RMIT if everything works out.
Is there anyone who studies there and maybe also Design and can give me some advices and tell me stuff about the life there and also in Ho-Chi-Minh city?
I have been to Vietnam once, four years ago and i am still fascinated by this beautiful country:)
kind regards


Yes , my friend was a drunk RMIT MBA teacher whose contract said "You can't come to school , smelling of alcohol !!


Hi. Are you going to be studying interior design or clothing design?


Hey! I'm going to study actually neither of it: just design! Do you know anything about it?


I don't know what 'design' is. I was thinking either interior design or a fashion designer.

My ex girlfriend is Indonesian (Sumatra). She is very good at interior design and had a very good eye for details; very good in Math, geometry, and spatial relationships. Her family is very artistic too.

What type of design work is it that you are talking about?


here it is: smile.png
like media design acutally


Well, congrats!   I went to the website of RMIT and looked it over. I am happy for you. You sound excited and I hope everything works positive for you.

Talking about and explaining HCM can be difficult. For me, its one of those places you actually have to be at to truly experience your thoughts; likes, dislikes, needs, wants, goals, how you like to place those things in your life around you ( how you like to "design" your personal space and the attachments that are important to you ).

I can say this though; there's never a dull day here. One day I will see something that blows me away in either amazement or curiosity. One day I will witness a very rude and selfish act but, another day I will experience a very kind and thoughtful mannerism; an essence of class and style from someone. There's not much of anything here that's 'cookie cutter' out on the streets.


Hi ,
RMIT campus in south HCM is a very nice place for studying big_smile.png
I've been there from 2006-2009 big_smile.png -  I studied Multimedia Design not interior design ..
Have a good time - [Moderated: post in the housing section pls]

Cheer ,



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- Good at English, love furniture
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