Here we come Gibraltar !

Hi everyone!

My partner & I are wanting to move to Gibraltar. We both have good jobs here in the UK but we just love being on rock.  So much that we visit there at least 3 times a year.

I work in I.T. Support, management & development and my partner claire works for a medical software company. 

With our savings I think we could live (in la linea) easily for over 12months as I'm thinking it would be easier to find a job in Gibraltar if we was local.

We're there this September for national day & Christmas, then making the move (jan/feb)  I've noticed a few members have written to go knocking on doors with CVs and we'd like to know if there is anywhere online with a list of these companies to see?

Anyway we hope to see you in Casemates soon.

Peter & Claire

Does this help?



Its amusing that the GIB Govt severely penalize people for taking tobacco out of the country yet encourage Gambling. I am sure my lewd bar chain may have custom yet.

Thanks grumpy, thats really helpful.

We're going to really polish up these CVs for the big push.