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Russian biker lost in Iran.
Maxim Krylov also known as Maksim Krylov also known as Borkhes, 33 years old.
Maxim departed on 3rd May 2014 on his Honda Transalp 650 (License plate 1623 AO 50) from Moscow, Russia to Iran via Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. He joined two bikers (well known guys in Russian mototravellers community) and they passed a part of the way together. On 24th May Maxim SMSed, he was going to go to Qeshm island. He also SMSed from that island. The photo was taken on Hormuz island.
Maxim intended to come back to Russia via Armenia and Georgia. However, (he was aware ?), the mountain pass in Georgia was closed and the most possible way back is via Azerbaijan. The last SMS from Maxim «Soon. I'm gonna go up towards Shiraz, Isfahan, Tabriz».
1. Name as in passport: Maksim Krylov
2. Maxim did not pass Armenian border (Iran did not supply information yet).
3. Maxim did not enter Russia from Azerbaijan
4. There was a sand storm in Iran
5. Iran visa expired on 1st June.
6. Maxim did not cross Azerbaijan border.
MOST LIKELY, Maxim is still in Iran.
Please find his photoes here: … MOCH.html#
If anyone has any information, or travels in Iran/Azerbaijan, or knows people who travels there, please contact:
PM to HEKOT at advrider
If you travel in Iran, please show Maxim's photo in as many places, as you can: fuel stations, etc, especially along the road Bandar Abbas Shiraz Isfahan Tabriz. Phones in Russia:
+7 929 704 62 31 Maxim's father: Anatoly Krylov
+7 915 495 81 70 (direct or via viber/whatsapp ) or e-mail: Eugeny AKA korkin25, friend of Maxim.
Phone in Australia:
+61 4 1771 5611 Pavel AKA HEKOT, friend of Maxim
Above-mentioned wording in Farsi (for reposts)
As text
As picture
oh oh sorry to hear about this, please inform the Russian embassy in Iran or Iran embassy in Russia.
Thank you for advice. We have informed embassy.