
How we can do, to have a bigger chance to get a visa for my filipina?


I'm a Swiss man and living in Zurich (Switzerland). I try to meet Filipinos for communicate together. I have a girlfriend living in Mindanao. She likes to live in Switzerland with me together in my house. We have many questions how we can do, to have a bigger chance to get a tourist visa for her.
Does somebody have experience to give us? She is married and the annulment is going soon.  Will be our chance bigger as if she is still married or single or fiancé or married with me to get the visa for Switzerland?
Thanks for replies.

See also

Work permits for SwitzerlandGeneral visa requirements for SwitzerlandD visa (National visa) for US citizensSwitzerland Spouse VisaProcessing time of D Visa (Non-EU spouse of EU)

buxy wrote:

I'm a Swiss man and living in Zurich (Switzerland). I try to meet Filipinos for communicate together. I have a girlfriend living in Mindanao. She likes to live in Switzerland with me together in my house. We have many questions how we can do, to have a bigger chance to get a tourist visa for her.
Does somebody have experience to give us? She is married and the annulment is going soon.  Will be our chance bigger as if she is still married or single or fiancé or married with me to get the visa for Switzerland?
Thanks for replies.

Hi Buxy and welcome to the forum. For better chances of a reply you should post this in the Philippines section of the Asian forum. If you also read soem of the posts on that site you will get an idea of what is required too. Good luck.


Hello Stumpy,
thanks for your reply. I'm a newby without experiance using Forums. I would be happy if you send me the link to the Forum side you mean.
Thank you very much.


On the top of the page there in the green section on the right hand side click on the word forum then scroll down until you find the asia section the click on Philippines.


Why don't you just go to your Kreissbüro or the Migrationsamt and ask them? They will have accurate, up to date information.


I think big-fact-hunt's idea is the way to go, except that in Switzerland make your first port of call the Fremdenpolizei. They will most probably be able to answer most of your questions but if they don't know I am sure they will be able to point you in the right direction.


actually, if she wants a visa … isphl.html but she'll probably have to go for an appointment to the embassy in Manila


Hallo, I am a filipina. It is easier to get a Schengen or visit visa when you are providing all the requirements ask from the Swiss Embassy in Manila. It would not take so long for her to be here but the thing is, she is still married it might be a little bit complicated. Schengen is only good for 3months stay. So, theres no way she can live it here longer more than that. She can apply for a Fiancee visa unless her marriage is already annuled. I suggest, she would call the embassy in Manila if she can possibly come here although her annulment still under process and what else does she need to show them or requirements that she really has good intention to come here and nothing else.

C :-)


Hello @Buxy easy, if it's just tourist visa it should not be a problem. If it's a long stay visa in this case with a purpose of 'marriage' in Switzerland (since Swiss embassy does not cater fiance' visa) then annulment case has to be closed and approved first. Piece of advice, if you haven't seen each other in person yet don't jump to meeting away from her home, go the extra mile and and make that effort to fly and meet her here as that might be an issue at the embassy. Another thing, if she's the one flying it's natural she applies for everything herself with your aid of course. Unless she can pay for all the expenses then you have to write an invitation letter stating the nature of her travel, are you going to sponsor for it, how and when. It's very likely that you have to show documents showing your capability to cover for her travel and stay. Remember, it's not easy and it's very expensive. It's easier and way cheaper if you're going to fly over here first. Based from experience.


Hello @wildfire., thanks for your replay, with positive thougts, that's not a big poblem to get a tourist visa for my girlfriend  i hope very much it will work ok. she lives in Mindanao Philippines. after 7 monts having internet contact i was thre 2 months ago for one month to visit her. since i was there we bouth are sure, we like to be together in future. her annulment is started. it will take 6 months time until it's done and she will be free. we dont like to wait so long time til we'll see us again. our idea is, she comes first time to switzrland as tourist to see the way of life here in switzerland and if she really like to stay here for long time we will try to get the stay permit for her. our plan is a marriage, at least.
do i understand right, the switzerland embassy don't give fiance visa anymore, yet?
i know the finance side. ist very expensive to invite her for come to switzerland, but it's a must for our future together.
i know i have to write an invitaton. the letter is on work.

because i can read so many text in different  internet forums about this topic, positive and negative Statements i'm completly unsure how we can do to have the biggest chance in our Situation. .