

Last activity 31 December 2014 by ibilola

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Dubai is getting me really tired,sometimes you just want to have good platonic friends that could be forever without any illicit feelings but you end up finding,everyone looking for sex,whats happening to keeping the word friendship as it is,even if it will happen for any mutual feelings,if so meant,why is that,it has been cropped into another meaning and there is no patience to enjoy what this friendship can bring. Are all sex driven,well just a loud thought i am giving. cheers

Martin Fin

Well said!


Yea this is something i ask myself,i get to meet people and i just want to be friends but they cant take it that way,if it has to lead to anything of which it doesnt necessarily have to be, they get hurt and i hear after meeting is,i live here,would you love to have sex,its getting crazy so i walk alone,i do not want to mingle in the crowd of no fore-sight.....i ask myself whats happening to me calling out on a friend n be like lets go out,meet his girl friend if he does,have fun in the moment it brings,not saddle ourselves with what can not be or lay each other with needs we cant meet,but i guess its far fetched

Martin Fin

Two years ago I was in Riyadh and we had the same problem. So a group of us got together running on a Sunday and Tuesday evenings just for a bit of fun. We then went on to to do several races and we are all still friends now albeit spread around the world a bit! A load of them still in Riyadh attended a BBQ last night! So it can happen! 😊


hmmm,thanks....i appreciate

Martin Fin

Yes I know sport may not be the best thing here but remember there are no bars to meet at in Riyadh. There is a lot more to do here! Lol


Like. Lol

ibilola it is really people surprising that whenever we look for good friend from opposite sex the people take it the other way which some time feels insulting a friendship. just avoid those people and carry on


hello h r u dear ibilola,indian but now in sharjah,can u add me here just for some time we talk chat here ...


you have to know that majority of males in this country are from eastern countries and they have restrictions on male / female relationship , so once they move in an open society where contacts with opposite sex is wide open their desires control their mind
never mind , live your life and keep an electric shock device in your purse wink.png


I see nothing more so respectful than friendship, its the foundation for all truthful things. Sex things is just by the way,mutual things also by the way. Sometimes you just need a friend, but here,its what are you looking for,they need the casual fun, not everybody is stupid,not everyone is trained that way, living in a foreign land like Dubai,all expats are divorced, seperated,widowed, they have something to tell you to help the other partner fall for them,But its all lies,now some are truthful but all for pleasure they crave...For me, like I said earlier,friendship is important and in its first stance, I hate it to be twisted,other things will fall in place if it ought to But its best respected with no expectation as to very core word


finally, something good to read here. I think the best way to meet new people is to join some meet-up groups and attend the meeting. I came here last year and going through the same routine life. Then I joined toastmaster in Abu Dhabi and that really helped me to meet new people as well as to learn more about different culture. So I make good friends and in the same time improve my public speaking skills.
and Finding a good friend by posting here will not work for sure! 1/100 may find a good friend here!
have a nice day

thunder manuscript
Osmanic.acid wrote:

you have to know that majority of males in this country are from eastern countries and they have restrictions on male / female relationship , so once they move in an open society where contacts with opposite sex is wide open their desires control their mind
never mind , live your life and keep an electric shock device in your purse wink.png

Well dude, base on scientific, 3/4 normal man's brain are very interested to woman's body which is drive him to do sex activity. So it is not about eastern countries and restrictions on male/female relationship. Do you think man from western countries can hold their desire or their mind? I don't think so  tongue.png

thunder manuscript
ibilola wrote:

I see nothing more so respectful than friendship, its the foundation for all truthful things. Sex things is just by the way,mutual things also by the way. Sometimes you just need a friend, but here,its what are you looking for,they need the casual fun, not everybody is stupid,not everyone is trained that way, living in a foreign land like Dubai,all expats are divorced, seperated,widowed, they have something to tell you to help the other partner fall for them,But its all lies,now some are truthful but all for pleasure they crave...For me, like I said earlier,friendship is important and in its first stance, I hate it to be twisted,other things will fall in place if it ought to But its best respected with no expectation as to very core word

hi dear, how about to make a friend from same gender, female, like me?  wink.png well, in my opinion, man and woman not mean to have a friendship, man and woman are mean to be in love each other  wink.png hmmm from my own experiences man who make friend with me divide into three type:
1. they are interested in me but being refused by me and move on to another woman (confident mode: ON)  big_smile.png ,
2. they know i am interested with them but choose another woman and don't want lose their fan hahahahha, and
3. they know i have a good character but i just not their type and so the other way too (this last type usually truly friend because i can hang out with their girlfriend or wife even his little family) smile.png

but like i said to Osmanic.acid about man's brain, i think if man willing to make a friendship, it is because he had invest his time to find his soul mate/wife from his friendship as a safety candidate  tongue.png the rest? i guess just have fun (include sex) smile.png   PS: for all man who read this, peace dude!  cool.png


I think friendship can be made anywhere.... It just depends on the timing sometimes.... I dnt want us to limit or argue about eastern or no western, I only think he limited it, to that becos it could be in the circle of where he has traveled to or been. Be that as it may,it can't be put on only the men,if the women too respect their selves, I guess the men too will find opinion to adjusting. Friendship is so good n powerful, it just makes you know what you want more importantly in life than running in shadows. Friendship here is mistaken to me, I am well traveled and very educated,I have met so many people in my life but the few ones I have called my friends are forever,yet understanding its limit,friendship could lead you to anything but I love its depth n foundation of what it gives, it brings you truth even though you dnt want to hear it, love can as well but has its limit, I belong to the class of where I want to hear the truth,even if it will hurt me,I have only seen it in the class of friendship and that why I love it,it makes you opened and free, making one know one's personality in-out,if possible. When you listen to people on how they have overcome stuffs in marriage,they say well its all becos I married my friend or when some people are over shadowed with the truth,you got a friend who is so strong to believe you didn't. This is what I mean and much more


@thunder....I dnt believe a man and a woman can't be friends,My best friend is a guy,far away in canada now, its just exposure and trusting whom you dealing with. Dnt expect friendship to lead to anything and if it does,you both can talk about it and trash it especially when its not mutual, I mentioned this earlier, the most people who have held my back are friends.....when you are hurt in friendship you are expecting too much,its a opened game, dnt saddle it,when you do,you have misconceived it. If you are married and ur spouse can't manage the fact you have an opposite sex as a friend,I would advise you leave it cause Family can be everything as well. Sure why can't we be friends


I agree with you ibilola . friendship can be made anywhere . and  friendship exists between girls & boys but in some dirty minds that friendship turns into sex !  and what is really surprising me that many guys are using friendship to just reach their goal which is just having sex with the girl  then leave her to another & another one .


@alamina- we are humans and its noted that we all can't be the same just like some nationalities are considered weird, we still see good people in them. Friendship means to me, YOU ARE ME. It takes time to get to that stage,it sees storm, it sees calmness as well, its see hurt and forgiveness. A man using another for the purpose of sex isn't in friendship article,its just another topic entirely, even though at times friendship could fall you in love, but when its true,you have exercised a strength to militate again tomorrow's issue. I remember in my university days,I had a boyfriend, but I took him as a boyfriend only ,he took me as a friend more, he is one person after my Best friend that knows me too well even after 17years apart, that's why we are still friends  without any past feelings. what am I saying,true friendship has no other meaning,than YOU ARE ME AND I KNOW YOU with no mutual feeling except when you think it can work in LOVE. I have gotten far in life because of friends, in short am in Dubai today because of a 3years old friend I met online,recently we fought cause he looked in my face and told me what he felt about a stuff in me,I wept like I will die but after weeks,I remembered I have put him in this position as a friend too and he took it maturely for a change and I kept a Distance,when he told me,If I can't tell you this as my friend,then I dnt know what we are, Note he is married,am a great friend to the family and even parents in Paskitan,so no feelings, But the truth was that, that's what friendship is really all about to me, Its real and doesn't hide, its not only invested in marriage, its invested in some people worthy of it.


hey friend . this world is full of bad and good people regardless of their nationalities and religions  . and honestly i met both kind. but i still believe they are many good & honest people .


True alamina,I agree

thunder manuscript
alamina wrote:

hey friend . this world is full of bad and good people regardless of their nationalities and religions  . and honestly i met both kind. but i still believe they are many good & honest people .

hi girl, indeed! you are very true alamina smile.png


lol thats true dear may be it is because the live here is diffrnt frome back home


According to the dictionary friendship is a feeling and behaviour that exist between people, but what these feelings are and what this behaviour is everyone should decide for himself. I consider that friendship is a gift from the God. that's why I highly appreciate it. I think it is hard to find a close friend because people are unique creatures of nature, all of them have their own habits, opinions and judgments which differ from others.

It makes sense to say that friendship can be compared to a tree. Its seed should find good soil and under favourable conditions it will grow into a tree. As the years go by the tree stands firmer and firmer on the ground and if it is strong enough it will survive all the storms and winds, but to help it we should take care of it and love it.

In my opinion lucky are the people who have real friends. As for me I'm happy to have lots of friends, some of them are close, some are less, but all of them make my life interesting and enjoyable and I can't imagine my life without them, because friendship means very much for me. Being friends means making allowances for the other person's faults, being tolerant to each other moods. The most important thing about friends for me is being able to share secrets, to tell each other your problems and share your worries, to help each other out.

As I've said before a real friend is the gift from the God. In my opinion an ideal friend should posses such qualities as honesty, sincerity, faith, tolerance and respect in attitude to you. A friend is a person who can help you in no time, lend you a hand, whom you can wake up in the middle of the night just to say you feel worried or who is eager to do everything for you waiting nothing in return, who supports you in all your beginnings and who will never betray you. To my mind really close and devoted friend can be not only the same sex as you. It doesn't matter your best friend is a girl or a boy. I think that her or his soul, character and attitude to you are considerably more important. I disagree with people who say that boys are better friends than girls. Such people think that a boy-friend can never spread false stories about you or tell your secrets to the entire world, but to my mind it depends on his moral qualities,I actually believe in friendship between fellows and girls, that's why I have equal amount of boys and girls among my close friends.

But in my opinion it isn't an easy thing to be a true friend and before somebody can name you his best friend you should prove your friendship. To my mind everyone can have only one or two true friends, because a friend to all is a friend to none. I believe that faithful friend can brighten your life and make it more interesting, vivid and enjoyable. You are interested in your friend with all his positive and negative traits of personality and your friend in his turn can understand and forgive you everything. You shouldn't tell a lie to your friend, there mustn't be hypocrisy in your speech and even in thoughts. Before telling your friend something, before doing anything you should think a lot and guess what kind influence it will render on him and on his life. So I think that it is difficult to be a real friend, but to my mind all of us try to achieve the ideal of a true friend.

I'm sure you will agree that nowadays there are various ways of acquaintance. Some people make friends when they are in guests or on weddings, others prefer to find friends with the help of newspapers or the Internet. Somebody can get acquainted with his future friend when he even doesn't expect it, for example, when he simply walks in a park or goes anywhere by public transport. 

You would quite agree with me that meeting people for the first time,we could tend to be judgmental,only a broad minded person most at times,knows that first time impression might not really meaning judging people but of cause an attraction greatly as well. To my mind thoughts, opinions and habits of your friend can influence you a lot, but they should not destroy your own personality, they shouldn't influence you if you don't want it.

I believe that friendship should be sincere and. In my opinion your friend should be attentive to you, he or she should be reliable, honest and he or she should trust you, because, I think, trust probably the most important feeling that exists between friends, but it never appears by itself, it is the result of a long friendship.

Cropped and Edited from the Internet


I dnt think so,I guess the same is complained globally, its not limited to here, but of cors,maybe higher than home,its been to be judged by individuals in each zone, well I guess


lets be serious dear,it is worse hear bcs women are nt allowed to enteract freely with men,so as a result the list opportunity they get,testosterons are all over the place


Friendship is based on two pillars. Respect & Truth. If we speak truth from day one, and we have respect for the opponent, it is far less likely that we misconceive the relationship.


Not all but most of them are like this only, i dont know why....well its depend on our self only.....i just came to UAE before 1 month .
lets see what kind of people are here.


Here is a Message I got, she wants to be Anonymous, sorry I posted late

Lola if I get to have a male friend as my Buddy,and honestly I have no one understanding me like he does and he hasn't had the Best in relationships too,if I take a bold step forward, to go in Deeper Stuff,do you think I have misconceived it and what happens if I scare him with this feelings. Thanks

Sorry guys,she needs so much guide-lines,your views appreciated


Yes its so annoying


@tilly...Hmmm, Friendship isn't really love,its a Faith to it though, well that's what I think, sometimes I also think we try to guard the Heart but it wouldn't let go.. Well on this, I as a person like to keep to the Game, but I dnt claim all knowing but at times getting into that stuff relationship with a Buddy might soil wat could have been best in its tide ... On the Scaring of the Buddy, as a friend of years,you should know a little about his objective signs......That's my Quota


but guys u need to keep on trying to find good friends if not then who cares.... it all depends how ur friendship turns up...whatever i have come across in dubai is friend is only needed when they need someone to pay their bills in bars and restuarants...


i think many guys r sexually deprived being they left familys back at home or others are not married at all so they try to capitalize on the freedom that they have.actually we lack moral virtues thats where the world has reached today,where sex is being upheld in every aspect of our lives when u look around u its evident every where.

so some think its literally Friends with benefit


So women are asking questions about how men think when it comes to friendship? There are a lot of dirty minded women out there as well and I can say that some women can handle their own when it comes to thinking dirty like a man in most situations. there are a lot of women out there that use men just as bad as men do, I believe women are better at it then most men by a long shot. I would like to ask the women something since we are all sharing on each others faults as a sex. Why is it that women are willing to over look things about men based on money. Also why is it that its ok for women to lie to a man and its called hard to get and men are dogs for doing the same thing. Also why is on the man to do all the work in a relationship to prove to the women he is worth her time and a woman just has to sit there and smile laugh at his jokes and judge every little phone call or text message he gets on his phone.


this is true, your first comment depend on scientific research. and it is also physical need.


Lol,I laughed so hard at shawn's comment. True but all sexes can have dirty mind, But not all. Well on this converse,what I meant was that why do u get to make friendship from your heart only fetched on platonic platform,and the opposite sex tends to misconceive it for something else. Sometimes we just like friendship based on no Heart terms,but even if it will lead to anything, it should be an attraction mutually and not when one party makes it so clear that,just a good friend,will no emotions is more important. Now everybody lies,just that one feels stupid to be betrayed by people we love or desire to love. On the issue of money loving,Not all women are like this,its same for some men too,they will never date a lady who hasn't got money,or a job,or on their terms of what should be. so its a personality n mentality stuff. On the issue of a woman getting all the love and attention when you trying to woo her,which is off this topic,I would give a reply,its quite respectful to get such attention from a man,to get called,cos I believe when a true n good woman finally dates that man,she is more protective of it,women are like tag shawn,we got prices,we want to see love,its like business,for me to show interest,you should be willing to give it what it takes,unnecessarily getting the man worked up or not being truthful is what's bad and stupid. Now on true intent of what the man desires,that's the foundation,joking and laughing at his jokes especially when women can be shy when getting to meet out. And if a woman is comfortable to ask a man,then let her do,we all got choice.


I read your comments, you must understand science n nature, friends are not born friends are made.

Sex is part of life & natures, but I do agree with you, approach n attempts men make is wrong.....

For a women no men Is prefect, because women likes fake men not real man lol

In nature male is behind female same in human world

Its better to ignore if your interested with them

lotus Star Light

thats misunderstanding happen all the time

even here if I said I want to make friends...a lots jump and think I want a boyfriend!!!

I find it weird...if I mention or said any thing that I am intrested in relationship or these things then Ok...but if just said I want friendship then no, its wrong to assume that!!!!


Ha ha that sums up you get Hi for your post....really weird...


You have made a really good point there. It's not just here in UAE, it's social networks generally. It's so annoying how people have now turned the internet to the easiest place to get laid. It is also so sad to see some people open their mouths to say a male and female just can't be friends without having something else going on between them... Well that's their headache sha...


@1969.....weird in wat sense. There is sense in what she has said. Its wrong to be mislead to smtin an individual hasn't assumed.

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