
Find a job in Romania


You are an expat living in Romania? Please share your experience!

What is the best way to find a job in Romania?

The Internet? Please tell us which are the most useful / effective websites for job seekers in Romania.

Recruitment agencies? Have you got their contact?

Newspapers? Which ones?


Thanks in advance for your participation

See also

Working in RomaniaInternships in RomaniaStarting a business in RomaniaWorking in Romania as a digital nomadWorking in Brasov

The best job offer websites are and You can switch to English language in both websites.
You can also find job offers on forums (especially local ones).
Most newspapers have a job offer section. So they are another source of information.


I confirm that.

My past 3 jobs I got from, but I believe is the largest...
Register on these websites and you should find plenty of jobs. It's free too (they tax the employer).

You can also find jobs in the local newspaper, but they are usually for less qualified positions. Usually.

Good luck.



I would recommend checking, it is recruitment website that specialises in finding and recruiting native, fluent and multilingual speakers of English. This website is ideal for both expats and their spouses who may be looking for employment in Romania.
Employers using this website are usually international organisations, international schools on the lookout for English language teachers and multinationals too.

Thanks and Good luck!


hey i am planning to move to romania , but i still have to look for a job , i worked in a bank and now in the real estate business, but am not a high school graduate so can i find jobs in romania ? :)


I'm not sure banks hire that don't have a Uni diploma...
But hey... you can try :)


Hi, I am new in Bucharest, and looking for a job.  I am Spanish speaker and know English.  Is it easy?.  I want recommendations and suggestions, thanks!


Hello there !

Good Day ! Just wanna more about Romania, My husband and I are moving by January in Sibiu for his 2 years contract on a autootive company, and I dont want to just stay at home all day, Im planning to work,,;) but may i know how the minimum wage and their policy strikes..:P Thanks in advance..:)

Mary Mocanu

I am currently using for job hunting. It seems to work pretty well although I have yet to land a job.


Try LinkedIn for a good job in Romania. Every head-hunting agency is looking for expat managers on that website. is also an aternative to Also, visit


Hello to you all native English and German speakers. In case you need a job... take a look at this:

Berlitz Bucharest is looking for English (British/American) and German native speakers who are interested in working as language instructors. (part/full time)
General requirements for the position:
- Native fluency
- Excellent communication skills
- Flexibility and ability to travel in and around Bucharest
- No pedagogical... skills required

We offer:
- Full training to apply the unique Berlitz Method
- Attractive salary
- Flexible schedule

Berlitz is one of the most prestigious language schools, with more than 500 centers throughout the world, successfully operating for more than 130 years. Please send your resume and cover letter to

Gabriela Sarapatin


Nous avons des positions disponibles de Conseiller Clients, dans le cadre du développement de nos projets de Bucarest.

L'activité se déroule entièrement en français et vos responsabilités concernent le support commercial et le traitement des demandes des clients français. La communication avec les clients se déroule par mail et par téléphone.

Vous allez développer vos compétences pendant une formation spécialisée qui sera rémunérée.

Choisir de faire partie de l’équipe Webhelp vous assure les suivants bénéfices :

-    un salaire fixe motivant ;
-    des primes mensuelles de performance ;
-    des tickets restaurant ;
-    formation initiale et continue ;
-    emplacement central (Calea Victoriei) ;
-    ambiance de travail très agréable ;
-    possibilité d’évolution professionnelle après 6 mois d’activité dans la compagnie.

Si cette offre correspond à vos attentes et à vos projets professionnels, nous vous invitons à nous le communiquer en répondant à cet email.  Ensuite, vous allez participer à un processus de sélection.

Si vous êtes intéressé de ce poste, je vous invite à m'envoyer le CV sur l'adresse:

A très bientôt,

L'équipe Webhelp Romania


Gabriela, merci de poster dans la rubrique classifieds / petites annonces en français (voir les drapeaux en haut à droite)

Ani Badea


I am recruiting for Customer Care Representative positions with French fluently.

It's a project-based job for the month of June, available for Bucarest, Romania.

If you are interested in this job, please contact us at


zia naveed

hey i am planning to move to romania , but i still have to look for a job , i worked in bike maknic, but am not a high school graduate so can i find jobs in romania ?

zia naveed

bike makanic


Hello zia naveed and welcome to! :)

To note that this thread is old (2010).
I suggest you to post an advert in the Jobs in Romania section. It might help.

Thank you,

paul jason taylor

I am an English Project Manager with extensive experience in power systems and controls. I have recently purchased a flat in Romania with my Fiance, and would be grateful if you could review the attached CV with regards to any oppertunities you have, which would be open to an English speaking person. I am happy to re-locate, if you have any vacancies. If you could forward this email to the relevant person, I would be very grateful. Many thanks for your time.



In Cluj...Sykes is allways looking for native speakers
Get in touch if need something

paul jason taylor

Hi Hugo,

I've sent Sykes an email - what other recommendations do you have to find work in Rom ?




Hi Paul,

Feel free to post an advert in the Jobs in Romania section, this can help. :)

Thank you,


Patricia Isabel

Hello everyone,
I came to romania to be a volunteer and now i am looking for a job here. Anyone knows some portuguese companies or that need portuguese/english speakers? Especially in Constanta or Bucurest.
I would really appreciate if anyone can give me some help ;)


Ola Patricia

Aqui por Cul Precisamos imenso de Nativos Portugueses.
Em Alternativa tambem te posso ver coisas para Bucareste
Hugo Cervantes

Patricia Isabel

Obrigada pela resposta,
Eu neste momento estaria mais interessada em algo em Bucareste ou em Constanta.
Mas vou enviar o cv entao.


Hi Hugo and Patricia - would you mind keep it in English on the English Forum please :)


Hi Portuguese people, how are u? Batdude if u could help as well I would be very pleased. I've been in Timisoara during 1 year and I would love to go back to Romania... Best regards, João Cotta


hello sir i need any job in roman please help me
i am ujjwal rai i am from india but now i am working in saudi arabiya in al majal al arebiya company date of join this company 18-Nov-2013 Expiry Date 18-nov-2015.

thank you sir i hope you give me good news i am waiting for your reply .
ujjwal rai


Hello everyone,

@ rujjwal and nsevidal,

Please note that this thread has for object : What is the best way to find a job in Romania?

It means that if you have useful informations about how to get a jobs in Romania, you are free to share these infos on this discussion thread  ;)

For jobs applications you must run through the Jobs in Romania section of the website which is the only appropriate section for such posts and create your detailed cv.

Bhavna  :)