
Tutoring in jeddah


I'll work as a school teacher in Jeddah. I've been told that tutoring students after school can be quite lucrative. Any idea about the price ranges for after school tutoring? Is this a common practice among teachers? Do you tutor kids at school or do you go to their place?

See also

Study in Saudi ArabiaSchools for your kids (age 3-12)Study in RiyadhPrivate Arabic tutor in Jeddahbritish curriculum school with islamic studies

Hi Gustaf...yes tutorial work after school is a common practice among teachers here in jeddah, I have some friends doing tutorial after school, and they are paid 100sar per hr...they tutor kids at home at least 3times a week.


Depends on the clients, but the typical going rate for the section of society that quite often asks for private one-to-one tutoring is 200/hour.  When I started tutoring in 2004, the going rate was 150.  It has been 200 for many years now, and depending on age group and subject, I know some teachers who charge up to 300/hour (for A-levels and IB).  This is of course the upper and upper-middle class families whose children study in Western schools or Saudi private schools.

Just use your head.  Don't tutor children of your own school, and don't openly advertise your services.

As for location, I used to go to their houses the vast majority of time.  Before I had a car, they used to send a driver, usually in a luxury car :)


Thanks for your prompt and helpful replies. I'll work ay one of the many international schools in Jeddah.


is it not working part time or tutoring is forbidden in KSA.
just few days ago two teachers were tutoring in KSA, and were arrested.



Yes, it is illegal, that's why I said use your head and be careful.  Do it discreetly, and don't start teaching large groups in your place or going so big that you rent a new place just to do private tutoring! (Many people have done that)

If you go to the students' homes, no one can suspect anything.  But when students come to your place, neighbors will see it.


Trapezius wrote:

Yes, it is illegal, that's why I said use your head and be careful.  Do it discreetly, and don't start teaching large groups in your place or going so big that you rent a new place just to do private tutoring! (Many people have done that)

If you go to the students' homes, no one can suspect anything.  But when students come to your place, neighbors will see it.

I have to Tag Police here  :lol::lol:


Illegal? Oh, then nevermind. Thanks!


Illegal but tens of thousands of teachers do it.  As I said, just be discreet and it will be fine.  The money is definitely very good.  I would not have a lot of things (including 2 cars over the past 5 years, plus summer vacations with family in gorgeous exotic places every year, and more) if I did not tutor for the past 10 years :)


why in the world is tutoring illegal!!! lol, it is one of the mysteries of saudi!! i mean then send all these saudis out to the states to study and then MAKE TUTORING ILLEGAL!?


Hello my old friend rareshine!

You are not getting the point, it is not 'Tutoring' or 'Private Tuitioning' specifically which is illegal, it is the rule that any 'paid commercial activity' carried out by an expatriate should be properly channeled and regulated through a  sponsor and 'Department of Labour'  outlines to protect the interest of all the parties concerned,

The same illegality is true for any body caring out a part time activity without  the knowledge of his or her kafeel. :)


thank you, good sir. However, there shouldn't be a limit of hours for moral and ethical work, expatriates or otherwise.


Yeah, I won't mess around with that. I'll stick with the teaching job and a half time sports coaching job that I got offered.
Thanks everybody.


Half time coaching? Is it with the same company, just more hours?




I'm about to start a teaching job in Jeddah and interested in doing some tutoring on the side.

How would one go about finding potential students? Mainly word-of-mouth? I couldn't find much on the expatriates website!


your question was answered in the earlier posts

Zain /Azra

Can we gave tution for students in ksa