>The number 1 most important thing I look for is that no one will ever break into my apartment and steal my laptop. I work freelance internet marketing and can't be without it even for a day.
There's a growing number of guarded areas in Phnom Penh (called "Borey Piphum Thmey" in Khmer). They're pretty safe. We're living in one of them as well, and I've not heard about a single incident of burglary ever. (Just outside the gates it does happen regularly though).
> The next most important thing is that the price of rent be low. Would it be possible to save on rent in a safe area if I get a room with no hot water? I prefer cold showers anyway. I also don't use cable or a tv.
Look out for a house type called "Pteah Leveng". It should cost no more than $400 per month. I've never heard of houses without hot water, though the water boilers tend to break frequently... TV is solely at the tenant's responsibility anyhow. Cable is not expensive, about $10 per month, but quality is horrid, so going for online movies instead is a good idea.
> The next most important thing is high speed internet.
No, the next most important thing is stable electricity, or how are you gonna go online without it? Locations to look for housing: near the EDC office where you go for electricity payments. That's the last area to shut down. Phnom Penh Thmey is also pretty stable.
Internet stability depends mainly on he provider. If you're willing to pay enough, you get a fast and stable line wherever you live.
> The last important thing I look for is that the food and water be safe to eat and drink without getting sick and no health hazards in general.
Install a micro filter to the house's main water supply, and you're safe on that. Don't buy street or market food unless a local tells you that it's safe. Plenty of supermarkets around where you can get imported food, though that's another matter of cost. If you don't want to spend money, you'll have to live with some risk of catching some bugs.
> I can't cook, so being able to buy cheap meals close by would be great too.
Again, find the local place you can trust, and you can get a bowl of rice and a glass of tea for under $1. If you prefer going to a clean restaurant to avoid the risk of stomach bugs, that's gonna be a bit costly.
> I don't care about night life and I don't drink. I like to meditate, watch movies online, love to eat out amazing food, and walk around (if its safe).
Plenty of amazing food out there, all styles of Asian cuisine, but more expensive than in the west for sure. The idea of walking around you should wave goodbye. No one walks around in Phnom Penh.