
Renting a motorcycle or a scooter in Barca


I will be going to Barcelona in couple of weeks by now and one of the things am interested in is how and where can I find a motorcycle or a scooter to rent it for about a month. That's how long is going to take to have my own shiped it there. So, meanwhile I will need to find a solution. 
I looked on the internet,but I figured that a first hand advice will be better.


See also

Driving in SpainBuying Spanish car for AccidentsSelling a carWant to know more about the forumlease of car


i am not the most indicated person to give you such advice, coz am not actually living in Barcelona, but i was there last year, in september with some friends, bikers  and from the hotel we  got an address of a website, gps-guided-tour. Was a vespa rental tourist agency that put us, at our disposal, right there at the hotel, some pretty good vespas, If i remember corectly, some nice LX50. with a gps sistem integrated that served us as a guide for all the cool places, such as bars and pubs.  Weren't fast bikes, over 250cc, but we were pleased.with them. We got to see a lot of places.
As a plus, once we ended our stay, the guys from the agency, camed to pick them up right from the hotel, so...we had no headaches. :P

if you like something more powerful, with more "horses",  can't help there :P


Hi, there is a company here called COOLTRA that might be able to help ... they are based in Barceloneta.


I'm not sure if they will let you rent out a scooter for a month but it's worth a try.