
Learn new language in KSA


Hi everyone,
I'm an Italian guy who spent 5 months in KSA, khobar area.
This 5 months were horribly painful for me because I am usually very active in my life and I have so many hobbies so I never get bored at all.
Here in KSA things are different... There is not that much I can do and especially weekends are full of boredom.. Going to the mall is not really a valuable activity for me which means there isn't really that much I can do.
After 5 months I got back to my country for 1 month and half and now I'm back again for at least other 6-8 months which is A LOT for me and I'm really suffering boredom and loneliness.

So I decided I have to take advantage from this awful situation. First of all I am going to a gym (which I never did before lol ) but as a serious occupation I would like to study and learn a new language.
In the specific, I would love to learn Turkish language because my dream is to eventually move permanently to Istanbul which I know very well and love so much.
I'm making self training with online courses but I feel the need to have some real sessions in classroom or with someone who speaks Turkish well.
Do you have any advice? I can move around the area with my car so is not supposed to be strictly in khobar.

Thanks in advance

See also

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I'll be glad to help you speaking Arabic if you want


Hello Acciopagliaccio

Welcome to :)

I suggest you place an advert in our section Language classes in Khobar so as to find a teacher to teach you turkish.

Kenjee Team


Hello Accio,

What you described as a 'boredom' is some thing we have all faced when we were bachelors in Saudi  , after getting married the life revolves around buying Pampers and groceries and listening from your wife what you are doing wrong. :lol:

I suggest you must cherish this oppertunity and 'rediscover' your self. You got started correctly by planning your fitness and sports, next steps are developing healthy reading habits, taking some 'distant learning , on line courses , studying religion and history, and learning a new language.

I also speak highly of people of Turkey, during my few visit to Istanbul, I found  them very loving , respecting and sincere ( I thought that was because I am a muslim and a Pakistani, but so happy to note that  this is their culture).

I do not know much about learning Turkish, but I can definitely be of guidance if you are interested in learning and practicing Arabic.

Have a wonderful time in  KSA.

lorenzo d'arabia

there is a small italian community in Khobar, we organize some activities, contact me whenever you would like.