
question about wife visa



Is it possible for a non-saudi muslim to bring his wife on dependent visa in the kingdom even though the ex-wife whom he divorced months ago is still in his kafeel?


See also

Iqama visa in Saudi ArabiaVisas in Saudi ArabiaIqama expiring in a week - can I travel to Bahrain over weekend?IQAMA renewal after the 90-Day probi periodExit & Re-entry Visa but One Way Ticket

mitchtcenidoza wrote:


Is it possible for a non-saudi muslim to bring his wife on dependent visa in the kingdom even though the ex-wife whom he divorced months ago is still in his kafeel?


Yes it's possible ..

JaS khan

Can I asked a question my husband try to apply vist visa before umra season but was refused their told him that umra season has started I would like to know how soon after hajj season should we apply soon any idea?


I have the same problem..visit visa van only be applied after Haj...
.but permanent visa van be applied at anytime .


JaS khan wrote:

Can I asked a question my husband try to apply vist visa before umra season but was refused their told him that umra season has started I would like to know how soon after hajj season should we apply soon any idea?

Try to apply again in November .. their will be no prob after hajj hopefully ..



sarahrafaqat wrote:

I have the same problem..visit visa van only be applied after Haj...
.but permanent visa van be applied at anytime .

Yea xactly you can apply for permanent visa at any time ..  :top:


Thanks so much. :)


ex-wife whom he divorced months ago is still in his kafeel?

I take it that you mean his ex-wife is still registered as his wife? Then the answer to your question is no, he will not be allowed a visa for a 2nd wife and strangely enough it would be considered adultery as he is not a Moslem and therefore cannot have more than 1 wife.

He needs to submit divorce papers and get her off his records.


He is a Muslim. And before he married his wife he's already divorce with the other so I don't think there's no permission needed.

JaS khan

Thanks 😊


mitchtcenidoza wrote:

He is a Muslim. And before he married his wife he's already divorce with the other so I don't think there's no permission needed.


let me clarify some thing from you.

where did he divorced his first wife? philippines? or sudan?
if his first wife was registered here in saudi arabia, a divorce paper must be submitted to  the ministry to update his data.
after a change in his old data, he can apply for a new visa for his new wife.


mannyd wrote:
mitchtcenidoza wrote:

He is a Muslim. And before he married his wife he's already divorce with the other so I don't think there's no permission needed.


let me clarify some thing from you.

where did he divorced his first wife? philippines? or sudan?
if his first wife was registered here in saudi arabia, a divorce paper must be submitted to  the ministry to update his data.
after a change in his old data, he can apply for a new visa for his new wife.

This is the only correct reply  :one

If ministry records are not updated and the first wife doesn't go out of his sponsorship, the second visa will NOT be issued.

The only way out then will be to get a letter from Governor's Office.


He married in Saudi in muslim rites and divorced in saudi as well.


I gave just arrived in Sakaka to work and will like my husband to join me, how do I go about this?



you can apply online for a visit visa..or permanent but you have to be in a gud job with a gud salary .
And have all correct documents in hand.



I have all of those things pertaining to job... What documentation do I require and you say I can do thus online? Can he get a spouse visa?

JaS khan

Hi All my husband try all last year for vist visa but he was turn down the 3rd time he try their told him you need to try after hajj season is over god I am just fed up even my husband in a good position and he works for their goverment it's really funny :( just upsetting for me.


Hello Nunja … AltZ8WSxt4

Check out this site it gives you know how..
Hope it helps.




Don't give up,,,,for a visit visa yes its true you can only apply after Haj season.
I am living in SA my husband in KSA and he is working on a permanent visa for me
which can be applied at any time. ..I understand this is frustrating I am also over my tethers
but remember it CAN be done. ..just need to be veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy patient :)

GoodLuck Dear!


Thank you for all of your advise.. I will keep you posted.
I got my work to ensure my title was on the "list" today!

JaS khan

Thanks dear am very paitent :) well it's not long till he apply again :) thanks again for ur advice :)