
Eden &Giulio: a chance to experience Ethiopia :)


This is Eden and Giulio.
Eden, BA+MA in Comuncation Science, Gender, Intercultural Diversity Mangement in ITaly. 30 years old.
I am Eritrean-Ethiopian by birth, live in Italy since 2006. Fiancè Giulio, 30,(italian, software developer for microsoft) he is looking forward to work study tigrigna and live with me in Etiopia. There is also0 Jambo our cat  :)
Planning to move to Ethiopia by the end of the year if possible to Ethiopia, for at least 2 years.
Why? For work eperience, life and family reconection, but  also ut would be opportunity study amharic-sidama-tigrigna culture and languages related to gender issues.
Addis Abeba is not necessarly our first choice.
So! We are looking for jobs related to our experties. Any sugestions you can give us we are grateful and obliged to you!
Thank you!

See also

Job offers in Addis AbabaLiving in Ethiopia: the expat guideStarting a consulting business in EthiopiaLooking for business partner in Ethiopia..Business trip - diesel generators
Daniel Girma

Hi their
My advice for you Eden and Giulio is you can get what you wish like culture, learning language ...etc, but It may be hard for you to live like before by working in an ordinary employment, because the payment may not be enough.
If you want to live in a comfortable situation, you should find a better payment jobs like NGO's or Giulio may still need to have a connection with Microsoft.
But if you don't care about the above things, I say Welcome.


Thank you  Daniel Ghirma, amesegn allew .) Yes, here we spend more or less 700 euro per month to have a law income life. With which we cover rent, bills, car expence and pizza treat :).. But i want to leave in ethiopia with a same law incomemin 700 euro. Giulio wants at least to be payed same salery as here 1300 euro. We do not want to live reach life  style. We keep a very law profile, normal people that is!
You say Microsoft has office in Ethiopia? Any idea which companies they work with? Thank you!