
Hotels to stay in at Santo Domingo


Can anyone recommend hotels in Santo Domingo to stay in while I look for an apartment in that same city? Nothing too expensive but decent.

See also

Real estate listingsBuying property in the Dominican RepublicLiving and accommodation on the South Coast of the Dominican RepublicLiving and accommodation in the up and coming Southwest of the Dominican RepublicAccommodation in Santiago de los Caballeros

There are a few.  Which part of the city do you want? I'd recommend an apartahotel style as they have little kitchens.


I am not sure yet, Planner. You recommended for me to look for an apartment in the University area, so a hotel in a place which will be an easy commute to that area  would be good to start with. (Hopefully will not be too far from the beach...oh, I shouldn't be too picky :D.)


I might be wrong, but from what I have been told, Santo Domingo the capital has no beaches, the nearest town with a beach is Boca Chica, so if you plan to stay in the city, you will have to make your way over to Boca Chica for sand and surf.

Bob K

Massagewiz is correct no beaches as such in Santo Domingo and Boca Chica is a pit.  You will have to travel to areas  a bit further east for decent beaches.

Bob K


Thank you everyone. I am still learning about the municipalities in the Santo Domingo Province using Google maps, lol. Hopefully I'll become as knowledgeable as you guys very soon.