
Dance Classes


Looking for free or cheap dance classes in Odense or Nyborg. Preferably contemporary, hiphop, girly hiphop or jazz.

See also

Things to do in DenmarkSports in CopenhagenLeisure activities in CopenhagenGastronomy in CopenhagenThings to do in Copenhagen alone, with friends or with family

Are you also looking for dance teachers? I am an experienced dancer/teacher/performer from the United States looking for teaching opportunities in Denmark/Copenhagen :)


Well I don't think I can afford private lessons, but if you were to start a class I'd be interested. All I seem to find are classes from 80kr per class, which isnt affordable. Im hoping to find a monthly price like 200/250, with one class a week or so.


Okay.... so you are a student looking for classes..... I understand now... well maybe you can do me a favor.... i will move to Copenhagen at the end of October and will be looking for dance studios / gym's to teach in.... do you know the names of the dance studios around in CPH? Let's connect through facebook / instagram as well.... let me know your experience in dance training , etc... If all goes well in CPH with teaching... maybe I can use you as an assistant.. But I would need to know your experience/background, etc...   

G ;-)


Oh I don't have background in dancing. I've done aerobics and yoga, but dancing has been a passion for me... it just never happened because of the cost or no-one believing I could do it. Maybe I'm too old to begin :P

I'm based in Odense so I have no idea about CPH studios, sorry! I can definitely have a search online for you and offer any other advice that may help you settle in Denmark :)