
Visa question


Hey all.

I have a little problem, I recently made a permanent move to Germany with my wife (who is german), we have been married for 4 years and together for 10.

In February, this year she ended things.
I'm not really sure why and have had almost no contact with her since.

I still wish to stay in Germany and pursue my dreams here but I'm unsure as to what my options are regarding my visa (I am currently in possession of a family visa) .

I'm trying to figure out how to find the information I'm after without "alarm bells" ringing at the foreign department.

Is there anyone here who has been in a similar situation?

Any advise would be appreciated.

I would like to state that I don't want to do anything illegal and wish to do this legitimately. I have employment here and am not in any need of government assistance i.e. I am not a burden on the German economy...does this count?

Thanks again.

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for GermanyWork visas for GermanyBecoming an ExpatResident VisaA new digital portal to apply for a German visa.

Are you currently still married? What's the status? Is your wife seeking a divorce? All of that should influence things, I would think.



I am German. MAy be I could help you :-)

If you were 4 years married, you can get the German nationality easily. Do you have kids?

Did you wife end the marriage relationship or already went to lawyer for divorce? this very important. Normally if your wife haven't yet annouced that you live in seperated flat. That would be great for getting the nationality. Otherwise you have to arrange it with your wife peacefully and may she postpone it.
In Germany you need one year to be seperated and after that you  will be sked, if you still wnat th divorce and will be processing in case of agreement.

If you have kids, I think you can stay in Germany without any problem. try to speak to your wife and may be to immigrant office. If you need any help, please don't hesitate to  write me ! I will be glad to do it :-)


Hi  everyone,  hope  all  are  well

This  is  lee, i got  6  months  job  seekers  visa  for  Germany, so  that  some  Question,  could  you  please  any  one  can  help  me

1. Am  a  MBA  graduate  with  4years  experience in Management  Level,  can  i  get  job  easily

2.  once  i  get  job  can  i extend my  visa  without  exit  from  Germany ?

3. How  can  i  find Accomadations  there ?

4. For  getting  job German  is Necessary

Hope  your  understandings

thanks  is  advance


Hi Lee,

rencyjoshwa wrote:

1. Am  a  MBA  graduate  with  4years  experience in Management  Level,  can  i  get  job  easily

This depends on your industry and prior work experience, which you didn't mention.

rencyjoshwa wrote:

2.  once  i  get  job  can  i extend my  visa  without  exit  from  Germany ?

Yes, that should be possible. But ask at your local Ausländeramt.

rencyjoshwa wrote:

3. How  can  i  find Accomadations  there ?

There are online classified sites, local newspapers, bills posted at local supermarkets, etc.
Please note that in many cities, demand for accommodation (especially cheap ones) outstrips supply and German landlords can be very picky - mainly because it's very difficult to get rid of a "bad" tenant, so they prefer to take no risks.

rencyjoshwa wrote:

4. For  getting  job German  is Necessary

Whether German language skills are necessary depends on your job and employer. But not speaking German might create problems in daily life and severly limits your possibilities for a social life.