
Seeking American families moving to the Australian Outback

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Hi! I'm seeking American families making a move to the Australian Outback over the next few months, with the intent to homestead and live a self-sufficient lifestyle, to intervew for a television documentary project about American families living abroad. I'm seeking families who will be doing without modern conveniences and want to exist closer to nature. We'd like to film and follow them as they make the move.

If you know anyone to refer to me, please give them the following email address: Or if you have any contacts who might know people I should be reaching out to, plesae let me know.

I'd also be interested in talking with American families already living this lifestyle in the Outback.

With thanks,


See also

Living in Australia: the expat guideAge restrictionHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in AustraliaDouble Taxation Treaty Relief FormThe best time to travel to Australia

Hello Barbara

I invite you to please place an advert in our Looking for testimonies in Australia section so as to better spread the word.

Kenjee Team


Hi Kenjee!  Thanks for your suggestion. So nice of you.   Barbara


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