
Manoj Kuamr from Pakistan


Hello All

It is very nice to find such an informative platform. I hope this platform really gonna help me in finding suitable job in Singapore.

Just few highlights about me...
Education: MBA (finance) 2013
Field of Interest: Finance/Accounts
Experience: 2 years

I desperately want to get genuine advises from serious people who know about Singapore and its practices. So I would request all of you to add me or contact me regarding below question. Or suggest me any person whom should I contact. Please....

1. How is the job market there suiting to my above profile?
2. should I start applying for jobs from here (pakistan) or staying there?
3. And do employers hire expats? Really ?

Many members may consider my questions as too basic, but YES.. I need help...

See also

Job offers in SingaporeInternships in SingaporeFinding a job in SingaporeSetting up a business in SingaporeBecome a digital nomad in Singapore

Your questions are very vague, but I'll try to answer:
- Some finance companies are moving out of Singapore, so the job market isn't very good. Furthermore, there are so many MBAs that it has very little value now.
- Singapore companies rarely invite anybody for an interview who is not present in Singapore (and even then they will not pay for travel costs). So, if you are serious, you should come to Singapore for a few months for your job search.
- Foreigners (=expats) can only be hired if there are no similarly skilled locals who can do the job (and must be hired first, by law).