Private Messages

Funny to read that so many new members in EB only complain that they have problems sending pm. No intro, not reading about the rules here before registering hence not sharing informations with other users.

The admin/mods should not change anything at all with the system they had implemented in fact they should even make the rules more tight (my point of view).

How about one can send one pm after proper introduction has been made, another pm can be send after the person open a new thread.....the more new members following the guideline and being active here the more option they will get to use the pm options.

Well bless my soul... finally a message about private messages that doesn't just make my blood boil. After how many years, and how many thousands of messages about private messages??? The very first one that I agree with.


:D well, just telling how I see it.

Indeed so many threads about it already (now I started another one) but so far I can see people only complain about it as newcomer.

And there are so many new members in the forum, posting 2-3 times and disappearing again.

Exactly, and once we've been here for a while and see that the Anti-SPAM system really does keep our mailboxes from being filled with pure garbage nobody complains about having to post to the forums anymore!  :lol:

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