
New in Mozambique

Daniel Chinovava

Hi everyone
I am planning to relocate to Mozambique in the coming few months. I a Zimbabwean based in SA. Can anyone in know pliz tell more about life in Mozambique. I want to learn much about the country before I make my final move.

Pliz let me know about the languages, people,economy,job prospects and the labour market. I would also like to know about immigration laws and permits. Anyone who moved to Mozambique from another country pliz tell me about your experiences and what you  wished you had been told before coming to Mozambique. Pliz contact me on Daniel chino vacant

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I moved to Maputo 4 years ago. The weather is lovey. The accommodation is expensive in town and I guess thats where you want to leave, because the traffic is extreme and exhausting when commuting.

Its easy to get around...i love walking, so I walk almost everywhere in town unless I'm late. Some streets are very smelly, you would think you are entering a public toilet in a bad condition.

The people a great, always willing to help foreigners. The vendors will up the price if they see you are not form here.

The Portuguese is the language, sometimes you will be frustrated when you want to communicate something important...depends on your moves, there is a large English speaking community too,even though its not always perfect but you can communicate.I move in the Showbiz and arts so, most of the artists can communicate in English. I guess with the NGOs as well.

Getting your papers can be a nightmare.
Corruption is the order of the day! Beware of Police!!!!! Beware of Police!!! Always carry your passport and always be on the right side of the traffic laws!!!
The food is amazing. The parties a great. The art scene is vibey! Festivals, shows, exhibitions through out the year. No money no girlfriend...Always give yourself time to reflect. Pause. Maputo can drain you like every hectic city. Meditate and eat well. Vegetables are all over the city.All over.

Raphael Masvaya

Hi Daniel,

You need to get the job first so that you get a work permit. You will come to Mozambique on business or work visa. You will then process work permit once you start working.
The country is very peaceful I am sure you will like Mozambique.