As you can imagine permanent residency in any nation is never easy to obtain, it is usually only done through marriage, stable relationship, having family in the country who are either citizens or permanent residents, through investment in starting up a business or as in some nations through retirement.
Citizenship is even more difficult since it is purely at the discretion of the country's immigration authorities and NOT a right. In most countries you must also have been a permanent resident for a specific number of years before you can even apply. You must in most cases also have a clear criminal record, be in good health, speak the local language enough to carry on a conversation (in some countries you must pass a fluency test). … ASCAR.html
In many cases you should also be aware of the Nationality Law in your country of origin as well, your country may not recognize multiple citizenship and in some countries you actually will lose your citizenship by virtue of obtaining citizenship (voluntarily) in some other nation.
Naturalization, is NEVER a subject to be taken lightly. Moving to another country and culture also should never be taken lightly... it is NOT like moving across town to a new neighborhood, despite the fact that some people seem to treat it that way.
There are so very many aspects that must first be considered, not the least of which are local customs and traditions, religious freedom, human rights, differences in both criminal and civil law, government bureaucracy, taxes and tax implications, employment opportunities, education, heathcare, public security, etc., etc., etc.
William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team