
Irish nurse dubai


Hi I am considering making the move to Dubai.  Has anyone got some advice from their own experience? Is nursing similar to the uk? I've seen a lot jobs offering accomodation as part of the contract, would this be for me alone or could my boyfriend stay with me? I know the way of life and culture is very different to that of the UK would myself and my boyfriend be able to live together as we are not married?  Also what is the cost of living compared to that of the UK?

Any information would be great

Laura :)

See also

Job offers in DubaiFinding a job in DubaiThe work culture in DubaiFind a job in Dubai from abroadSetting up a business in Dubai
Martin Fin


If you are staying in hospital accommodation your boyfriend could not stay with you or even visit you in your accommodation. You are likely to be in shared apartment within the hospital grounds.

As for the cost of living it is depending on what you are buying but between 30 and 50% more expensive than the UK for clothes. My esentials shopping basket just for me is between 500-600 AED a week. If you drink then you can expect to pay on average 35 AED per drink that does go down for happy hours and ladies nights so it's not all bad news.


Hi , I am a nurse here from the UK.
1. firstly, it is actually illegal for a non married couple to stay together. - although this law isn't actually 'strictly reinforced', so ofcourse you will hear loads of ppl bringing their boyfriends home etc. however, you don't have anyone else to blame if you get caught, no excuses by being a foreigner.
2. Accommodation . there are 2 choices - 1. your work will give you an allowance. im not sure about dubai rates, but for Abu Dhabi *(which is usually more expensive) for a nurse it is about 80-100k AED (please convert to euros) , however it really does depend from hospital to hospital and whether you are private or government. if they give you an allowance you can live wherever you like, do whatever you please. however bear in mind, that in this country. to rent a place you need to write 1-3 postdated cheques. you only get your bank cheque books once you get your EMIRATES ID sorted which can take a month. Its one month deposit and usually half a year's rent paid upfront. Plus you need to pay few hundred euros as deposit for water and electricity.
Alternatively they give you single or shared accommodation in a villa/compound. more strict.
3. Dubai is very expensive, just because its the expat lifestyle, only thing that is cheap is petrol. But there is everything here, loads of International Brands, international foods, as long as you are willing to pay.

4. you ask is nursing similar : YES very similar in many ways. they tend to follow the American model of nursing more, depending on which hospitals, but generally its all the same, nursing process, medications, routines. the greatest challenge is actually the difference in culture and language-needing to learn to respect the new patient group. often is it said the locals are very demanding and rude. they are not all like that, but there is a reason why some get a bad reputation.
I would say, go for it, but bear in mind usually the first 6 -9months you wont save much money, but sunshine is free everyday ^_^

best of luck



Just wondering did you ever go to nurse in Dubai?

Looking for any info on what its like to live / work over there?
