Thank you for your response Gravitas. Yes indeed. I have to agree with you for the political issues. Due to that, its related as well.. no not related.. I should use more accurately words. Affected and infected some of the Malaysian especially youngsters and middle age. A lot of bad behaviour been exposed to social media, blogs, website etc. Even the whole world are aware, impressed and envy with Malaysia because the only ever country that having mixed nationality Malay, Chinese, Indian and others and living harmonies under the same flag. Yes, I am proud and even all Malaysian who are really love this country are proud. But, for the sake of certain agenda in political issues by some of Malaysian, so the bad rumours and miss behaviour started to spread so aggressively. Seriously, it does affected some of us and mostly are Gen 'Y' and followed by Gen 'X'. Anyway, not all of us get the infection easily. What you had observed about the situation now and 4 years ago, lack of smiling people and tourist is true and I feel the same way. The high cost of leaving is part of the tensional as well. For your information, this situation is only observed in Capital City as KL. For other states such as North, South, East and West are still the same, people are more friendly and always give you a smile. 90% of the Tourist came to Malaysia do not want to stay longer in KL. They just stay for a day or two coz of KLCC Twin Tower, National Museum etc. Other than that, actually nothing for them as KL is not much different from where they came from. In fact our tourism agencies always advise them to go out door activities such as, camping, hiking, jungle tour.. and they love it.
Regarding the traffic, this is due to the on-going project construction of MRT Metro Rails which connecting KL to most of the small city in Selangor. Can u imagine the routes? Damn, jammed almost everywhere. Frankly speaking, we are suffer from the bad traffic for decades. Since the beginning of SMART TUNNEL, Flooded each time rains, Construction of LRT, Monorail, ERL, Komuter and now MRT.. feels like never ending story.
Anyway, we are still appreciate with the government that trying and implement more new highways, upgrades the existing highways, implement more public transports. For the sake of next coming generation. My generation have to sacrifice and adapt with those issues. To my sons and daughters, please take note okay hahaha 
P/s: I love Putrajaya. The only city that has most advanced technology & design with systematic and well planned for up to 100 Years ahead.
It was inspired by our Formal Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamed. The humble and brilliance person I ever met. His the man.