
Moving back to Latvia after living in UK for 9 years

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I was origionally born and raised in Latvia, but moved to UK when I was 13 years old. I have educated (GCSE's, A-Levels, Bachelor Degree in Business Management & Finance) and worked in the UK in different sectors such as sales, recruitment, consultancy and customer service. I also worked for companies of different sizes both FTSE 250 and SME's including market leader in recruitment industry - Hays plc. I am fluent in English and Russian.

I am now planning to relocate back to Latvia. Any suggestions for job opportunities? I do not speak Latvian.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards


See also

Job offers in LatviaLiving in Latvia: the expat guideFind a job in LatviaPossibilities to grab a beauty jobWant a job in Latvia for stay there. Thank u 🙏

Hello Anastasija and welcome to :)

You may drop in an advert in the required field you are seeking employment in our section >> Jobs in Latvia.

Kenjee Team



High end companies could value your assets (I assume your education and experience are solid) and disregard your lack of Latvian language skills.
This is a top job search site, look for both - ads in English and Russian:
You could also contact "russian" banks like,

Hope that helps, and if you come back for a permanent stay, I wish you to respect, learn and use Latvian language.


I am also practising consultancy! Please call for exchange of ideas skype andycra Bite 22l78242, Tele2 248l2472
Anybody knows where can I offer 40m2 appartment for rent in Riga? Furnitured, 170e per month!


Hello there , I am thinking of opening a business in Latvia . I won't know anything for sure till the end of Jan but if your still looking , let me know . Good luck .


Try a site called SS.LV , should help


Dear Anistasija,
I am from the US but do have a house in Riga, and travel back and fourth quite frequently.My partner , who is Russian, and stays in Riga for about 6 months of the year doesn't speak Latvian very well , but does speak Russian and English, and finds that if she speaks English to the Latvian people, shops, etc etc....she gets much farther along, !!!  Anyway, perhaps you need to learn Latvian, Good luck....I hope all goes well.

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